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beaten是什么意思 beaten的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-06 03:19:58
  • 227

beaten是什么意思 beaten的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The team was beaten in the final game of the season.


2. The meat was tender because it had been beaten before cooking.





例句:Lee Sedol was beaten. (李世石落败了。)


例句:They are just so beatable, and that's why they get beaten. (他们这么经打, 这就是他们挨打的原因。)


例句:You were just beaten and thrown in a cell... (You were just beaten and thrown in a cell)


例句:- He got beaten with a rock. (翻译:-被石头砸的 -快把他撤回来 {\3cH202020} - He got beaten with a rock.)


beaten一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在sea beaten([网络] 海浪冲击)、storm beaten(adj. 被暴风雨损坏的(风吹雨打的;饱经风霜的))、the beaten path(走惯了的道路;常规,老一套)等常见短语中出现较多。

sea beaten[网络] 海浪冲击
storm beatenadj. 被暴风雨损坏的(风吹雨打的;饱经风霜的)
the beaten path走惯了的道路;常规,老一套
the beaten track老一套
weather beatenadj. 风雨剥蚀的
free beaten stock游离状浆料
light beaten stock轻度打浆浆料
weather beaten sailor[网络] 有航海经验的海员


1. You were just beaten and thrown in a cell... (翻译:You were just beaten and thrown in a cell)

2. - He got beaten with a rock. (翻译:-被石头砸的 -快把他撤回来 {\3cH202020} - He got beaten with a rock.)

3. The rescuers were beaten back by strong winds and currents. (翻译:救助者被强风和水流击退了。)

4. He went down to the street and he got beaten up. (翻译:走到街上 被人打了 {\3cH202020}He went down to the street and he got beaten up.)

5. Mangkoo, Jongtae, Youngchil, they all got beaten up. (翻译:Mangkoo, Jongtae, Youngchil, 他们全都被打。)

6. At best, you exist as pariah, to be spat on and beaten. (翻译:你最好的结果是像个虫子一样遭到唾弃和痛打)

7. The theater's been trashed, people beaten... (翻译:这戏院子也砸了 人也快打死了,还要抓人呀?)

8. The metal had been beaten flat. (翻译:那块金属被锤薄了。)

9. - Journalists are getting beaten up. (翻译:许多记者都被袭击了 {\3cH202020}Journalists are getting beaten up.)

10. I expect to be beaten being your girlfriend (翻译:做你女朋友早就准备挨打了 I expect to be beaten being your girIfriend)

11. And then this morning one of the teachers there was was beaten badly by the... (翻译:然后今天早上 该校一位老师... ...遭那名车祸嫌疑犯痛殴)

12. The attacker was beaten off. (翻译:进攻者被击退了。)

13. Your German friend has just beaten up another girl. (翻译:你的德国朋友刚刚动手打了一个女孩 Your German friend has just beaten up another girl.)

14. Nobody in my crew was still beaten by a least that nothing. (翻译:三两下就被这种阿猫阿狗 打败的 不配当我的手下)

15. Was he beaten to death 'cause his name was maynard? (翻译:是因为他叫Maynard 所以被打死的吗?)

1. 词释:beaten是动词beat的过去分词形式,表示被打败、被揭露等含义。也可用作形容词,表示被打败的、受过伤的。

2. 用法示例:

- The team was beaten by their opponents in the final match. (这个队在决赛中被对手打败了。)

- After being beaten at his game, he stormed out of the room. (在他的游戏中被打败后,他愤怒地离开了房间。)

3. 派生词:beaten还可用于构成多个合成词,如beaten-up(残破的、毁损的)、beaten-down(心灰意冷的、垂头丧气的)等。

4. 同义词:defeated、overpowered、conquered等。

5. 反义词:victorious、unbeaten、triumphant等。


1. Despite his best efforts, he was beaten by a more skilled opponent.(尽管他尽了最大的努力,但仍被一位技术更高超的对手击败了。)

2. She felt beaten and defeated after the long battle for custody of her children.(为争取孩子的监护权而长期战斗后,她感到被打败和失败。)

3. The old car was beaten-up and barely ran anymore.(这辆老车已经残破不堪,几乎无法继续运行。)

4. After being beaten-down by constant criticism, he no longer had the confidence to pursue his dreams.(在持续的批评下被打击后,他不再有信心追求自己的梦想。)

5. Despite being defeated in the battle, the soldiers found solace in the fact that they fought bravely.(尽管在战斗中被打败了,但士兵们从自己勇敢战斗的事实中找到了安慰。)

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