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puff是什么意思 puff的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-26 14:50:09
  • 188

puff是什么意思 puff的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He blew a puff of smoke into the air.(他吹了一口烟,将烟吹到空气中。)

2. The train made a loud puff as it pulled away from the station.(火车离站时发出了响亮的喷气声。)

3. The little girl puffed out her cheeks and tried to blow up a balloon.(小女孩嘟起嘴巴,试图吹起一个气球。)

4. The chef puffed up the soufflé in the oven.(厨师在烤箱里把蛋奶酥膨胀起来。)




例句:Now they stretched themselves out on their elbows and began to puff, charily, and with slender confidence. (31他们用胳膊肘支着,侧身躺着开始抽烟,抽得小心翼翼,信心并非十足。)


例句:No, not if you're going to huff and puff. I'd rather do it on my own. (不 如果觉得是在强迫你 我更愿意自己来做)


例句:♪ Smoke like the Prairie Puff Man, have I had enough! (烟雾像男人 草,做了什么,我受够了!)


例句:Hey, I need this job, and once this Joe guy takes one look at these puff pastries, he might cut me some slack when he sees my other "not so puff" pastries. (翻译:嘿 我需要这份工作 Hey, I need this job, 一旦这个叫Joe的家伙看见这对膨松的大馒头 and once this Joe guy takes one look at these puff pastries, 也许他就会手下留情 he might cut me some slack when he sees)


puff一般作为名词、动词使用,如在puff puff(na. 噗噗;〈儿〉火车头\n[网络] 一阵阵地吹)、not of puff(〈口〉气喘吁吁)、puff at(抽(旱)烟;蔑视)等常见短语中出现较多。

puff puffna. 噗噗;〈儿〉火车头\n[网络] 一阵阵地吹
not of puff〈口〉气喘吁吁
puff at抽(旱)烟;蔑视
puff on[网络] 抽
DNA puff【分子生物学】 DNA膨胀,DNA泡
first puff扑气
flare puff耀斑喷焰
furnace puff膛爆燃
give a puff吹气,吹捧,吹嘘,夸赞
huff and puff忙得喘不过气来,犹豫不定


1. ♪ Smoke like the Prairie Puff Man, have I had enough! (翻译:烟雾像男人 草,做了什么,我受够了!)

2. Hey, I need this job, and once this Joe guy takes one look at these puff pastries, he might cut me some slack when he sees my other "not so puff" pastries. (翻译:嘿 我需要这份工作 Hey, I need this job, 一旦这个叫Joe的家伙看见这对膨松的大馒头 and once this Joe guy takes one look at these puff pastries, 也许他就会手下留情 he might cut me some slack when he sees)

3. Ignition of a Magic 2 missile necessarily and instantly creates a puff of smoke. (翻译:启用幻象空对空2号 一定会立刻造成烟雾)

4. Like their name indicates, they can puff themselves up with water when they feel threatened. (翻译:如它们的名字所示 当它们感到受到威胁 它们可以用水把自己吹涨)

5. The doctor may use the otoscope to blow a little puff of air in your ear. Why? (翻译:医生可能会使用耳镜向你耳朵中吹一小股气,为什么呢? )

6. Suddenly there was a loud bang and a puff of smoke. (翻译:突然一声巨响,喷出一股黑烟。)

7. When the children blew out with a puff, the seeds of the dandelions fluttered away as if they had wings. (翻译:孩子们噗的一吹,蒲公英就像长了翅膀一样飘走了。)

8. A puff of blue smoke came out and then a big jinnee. (翻译:一股蓝烟冒出来,随即又冒出来一个巨大的魔仆。)

9. The magician vanished in a puff of smoke. (翻译:魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了。)

10. When my thesis is done, women all over India will puff up their chests... (翻译:我论文完成后,全印度的女人... ...就能挺起她们的膛...)

11. Not a puff piece, something funny, with teeth, like Snipe would have done. (翻译:不是吹嘘的那种 是好笑的 尖锐的 像Snipe那种)

12. What is presented to the public as acritical evaluation is really an elaborate puff for him and his magazine. (翻译:公众所看到的评论界的好评实践上是对他和他的杂志的一种吹捧。)

13. A puff on a cigarette, a marijuana cigarette, or a pipe containing hashish or another mind - altering Substance. (翻译:烟斗吸食香烟,烟或抽含有等剂或其它致癌物质的烟斗)

14. Whip-Master Cool and the Puff Brigade. Stuff Me with Puff. Sir Puff-A-Lot's Whipped Foam. (翻译:Mencobalah认为10 自己的心态,看,)

15. But if you're nice and mind your manners, I might give you a puff. (翻译:但是如果你们很乖又很有规矩 我可能会给你们哈一根)



1. 词义: puff可以作为动词或名词,作动词时意为“喷出、喘气、骄傲地吹牛”,作名词时意为“一口气、喷出物、饼干”等。

2. 词性: puff作为动词时为及物动词;作名词时为可数名词。

3. 词组搭配:puff pastry(酥皮)、puff up(膨胀、吹嘘)、puff piece(软性新闻报道)。

4. 短语:take a puff(抽一口)、puff out(喷出)、puff away(吹嘘、消磨时间)、puff and pant(喘气、气喘吁吁)。

5. 发音拼写:puff的发音为/pʌf/,拼写为p,u,f,f。


1. The steam engine began to puff as it moved through the countryside.(蒸汽机在穿过乡村时开始。)

2. She took a puff on her cigarette before continuing the conversation.(她在继续谈话之前抽了一口烟。)

3. The puff pastry on this pie is flaky and delicious.(这个馅饼上的酥皮松脆可口。)

4. He tends to puff up his accomplishments to make himself seem more impressive.(他倾向于吹嘘自己的成就,以使自己显得更有印象力。)

5. After running up the stairs, he was puffing and panting.(爬完楼梯后,他喘着气。)

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