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hanting是什么意思 hanting的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-08 05:45:19
  • 223

hanting是什么意思 hanting的中文翻译、读音、例句

hanting的中文翻译是 "唱调",读音为“hän tǐng”,其中 hän 的音调为第一声,tǐng 的音调为第三声。以下是例句:

1. 她用动人的嗓音唱出了这首动听的hanting。

Translation: She sang this beautiful hanting with her moving voice.

2. 这首hanting非常古老,经过了几个世纪的发展和传承。

Translation: This hanting is very ancient, and has gone through several centuries of development and inheritance.




例句:Hanting's strategy, he says, is to offer essential business-related services while cutting banquet, bar and restaurant facilities. (季琦表示,汉庭酒店的策略是在削减宴会、酒吧和餐饮设施的同时,提供基本的商务类服务。)


例句:Hanting's strategy is to lease existing buildings, then invest about $1m in renovations to meet its format. (汉庭酒店的策略是,租赁现有建筑,然后投资约100万美元进行翻修,以达到其统一的样式。)


例句:The name " Hanting " is came from the dream of Hanting Hotels' founder---Ji Qi. (“汉庭”名字的由来,源自汉庭酒店连锁创始人季琦先生的理想。)


1. The name " Hanting " is came from the dream of Hanting Hotels' founder---Ji Qi. (翻译:“汉庭”名字的由来,源自汉庭酒店连锁创始人季琦先生的理想。)

2. But other chains may still thrive through market segmentation, said Wang at Hanting Hotels. (翻译:但其他连锁仍能获益于市场分化而分得一杯羹。)

3. The postcode of Hanting District, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China is 261100. (翻译:中国山东省潍坊市寒亭区的邮政编码是261100。)

4. Ji now aims for an overseas listing of Hanting Hotels, which he set up in 2005. (翻译:他在2005年又创立了汉庭连锁旅馆,希望不久在海外上市。)

5. Wang Haijun, said that this year in Hanting the goal of 100 new stores in the North District in which make up a large share. (翻译:军表示,今年在汉庭100家新店的目标中,北方区在其中占了很大的份额。)

6. Yesterday, Hanting Hotels in Beijing announced the establishment of the North Branch. (翻译:昨天,汉庭酒店集团在京宣布成立北方分公司。)

1. 词的意思:汉庭,是一家连锁酒店品牌的名称,属于华住酒店集团旗下。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:用于描述汉庭酒店,常见于酒店名字、宣传广告、酒店外立面等。

4. 词组搭配:汉庭连锁酒店、汉庭商务酒店、汉庭酒店集团等。

5. 相关短语:连锁酒店、商务酒店、酒店集团、住宿、旅游等。

6. 发音拼写:[hàn tíng],声调为第一声。

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