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obligation是什么意思 obligation的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-22 06:31:04
  • 254

obligation是什么意思 obligation的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. It is our obligation to take care of the environment. (我们有义务保护环境。)

2. Parents have a moral obligation to provide for their children. (父母有责任照顾孩子。)

3. He felt an obligation to help his neighbor in need. (他觉得有责任帮助需要帮助的邻居。)

4. The company has an obligation to ensure the safety of its employees. (公司有责任确保员工的安全。)

5. As a citizen, it is my obligation to vote in elections. (作为公民,我有义务参加选举投票。)




例句:Constitution of Extra Legal Delictum Omissis--Analysis of Commission Obligation from Prior Act and Moral Obligation (超法规不作为犯的构成--对先行行为和道德要求形成的作为义务的分析)


例句:Wayne Industries feels an obligation to remain committed to socially responsible programs. ({\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}韦恩企业觉得有义务 Wayne Industries feels an obligation {\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}要保持对社会公益事业的付出和投入 to remain committed to socially responsible programs. {\fn微软雅黑\fs16\2cHFFFFFF\3cH4D0000}现在主要的例子就是 A prime example would be)


例句:A child can prefer... but a prince has an obligation to serve the people. (普通的孩子可以选择... 但王子却要为服务.)


例句:This is to free these boys weight obligation fell on them. (翻译:必须要把这两个小子 从可怕的承诺中解脱出来 先把他们关起来)


obligation一般作为名词使用,如在no obligation(无义务)、direct obligation([经] 直接债务, 直接义务)、economic obligation(经济债)等常见短语中出现较多。

no obligation无义务
direct obligation[经] 直接债务, 直接义务
economic obligation经济债
divisible obligation[法] 可分债务
document of obligation[经] 债权证书
documental obligation[法] 证券债务
discharge obligation履行义务
discharge of obligation债的消灭
discharged obligation[法] 已清偿的债务


1. A child can prefer... but a prince has an obligation to serve the people. (翻译:普通的孩子可以选择... 但王子却要为服务.)

2. This is to free these boys weight obligation fell on them. (翻译:必须要把这两个小子 从可怕的承诺中解脱出来 先把他们关起来)

3. He is not gonna let go of this. They feel they have a moral obligation. (翻译:他不会放过这件事 他们觉得他们有自己的道德准则)

4. And, with that, comes the third point, which is obligation -- and an obligation to that availability. (翻译:并且随之也带来的第三个问题 就是一个对文化可用性的责任或义务。)

5. True, except that they repudiate the obligation and do nothing. (翻译:没错,但他们拒绝承担义务 视而不见,充耳不闻)

6. I'm just saying, as journalists, we have an obligation to this story. (翻译:我的意思是 身为记者,我们对此报导有责任)

7. Nachvertragliche Pflicht" is the central embodiment of the expansion of contractual obligation." (翻译:后合同义务是合同义务扩张的集中体现。)

8. Having an obligation to act as a parent (翻译:- The notion of the state 当子女需要特殊照顾时 having an obligation to act as a parent)

9. All units and individuals shall have the obligation of economizing on water. (翻译:单位和个人有节约用水的义务。)

10. You see, children, your first obligation is education. (翻译:你要明白, 孩子, 你的首要任务是读书.)

11. Safety guarantee obligation; Main componant; Legal substance; Obligation appointment; Reasons of free from obligation; (翻译:安全保障义务;主要内容;法律性质;归责原则;免责事由;)

12. Semi-instinctive feeling caused by the obligation to keep the taboo. (翻译:部分本能反应是由于维持禁忌的责任所造成的)

13. Hereinto, related to the theory of reliance obligation, the most severely problem is that we can't obtain the notion of obligation from the reliance; (翻译:其中,对于信赖义务理论而言,最为严重的问题在于无法顺利的由信赖引发出义务观念; )

14. She had a moral obligation to the theater. (翻译:...确认,解释,否认这些话 他对戏院有道德义务)

15. At present, the origin of obligation of feasance in the crime of nonfeasance tends to extend in China. (翻译:目前我国不作为犯罪的作为义务范围有扩大的趋势,重大道德义务应当成为我国不作为犯罪作为义务的来源。)




1. 意释:Obligation是指一种法律、道义或社会义务或责任,必须履行或完成。它通常是指根据某种道德或合约原则,个人或机构有必要或负责任的行为。

2. 情景运用:Obligation通常用于描述书面或口头合约、法律协议或其他类型的正式协议,表明双方都有必要或有义务遵守的条款和规定。

3. 形式变换: Obligation这个词可以是名词、形容词和动词。作为名词时,它的意思是“责任”、“义务”;作为形容词时,它的意思是“有义务的”、“必须履行的”;而在动词形式中,oblige的意思是“强迫”、“迫使”。

4. 相关搭配: Obligation常常和其他单词搭配在一起使用,常常出现的词组包括:moral/ethical/legal obligation(道德/伦理/法律义务)、fulfill/fulfil an obligation (履行义务)、assume an obligation(承担义务)、meet/fulfill/ discharge an obligation(履行义务)等等。


1. It's my obligation to tell you the truth about what happened.


2. The company has obligations to its shareholders.


3. He felt a sense of obligation to help his neighbor.


4. The obligation of the contract has been fulfilled.


5. As a citizen, it is your obligation to vote in the election.


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