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resignation是什么意思 resignation的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-05 06:12:00
  • 177

resignation是什么意思 resignation的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. His resignation came as a surprise to everyone.(他的辞职对所有人来说都是个意外。)

2. I have no alternative but to submit my resignation.(我别无选择,只能提交辞呈。)

3. She accepted the situation with resignation.(她顺从地接受了这种局面。)




例句:My resignation was totally unconnected with recent events. (我的辞职与最近的事件毫不相干。)


例句:He announced his resignation to a roomful of reporters. (他向满屋子的记者宣布他辞职了。)


例句:The clamour for her resignation grew louder. (民众要求她辞职的呼声越来越高。)


例句:We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation. (翻译:我们大家都推测过她辞职的原因。)


resignation一般作为名词使用,如在notice of resignation([法] 辞职通知)、resignation on bloc([法] 全体辞职)、resignation solution(以放弃为解决途径)等常见短语中出现较多。

notice of resignation[法] 辞职通知
resignation on bloc[法] 全体辞职
resignation solution以放弃为解决途径
written resignation辞程
resignation from office[法] 辞职


1. The clamour for her resignation grew louder. (翻译:民众要求她辞职的呼声越来越高。)

2. We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation. (翻译:我们大家都推测过她辞职的原因。)

3. If my resignation from the Waafs is accepted and I can join you. (翻译:如果我给空军写的辞职信得到批准 我就可以和你团聚了)

4. His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia. (翻译:他辞职后,索菲亚大街小巷一片欢腾。)

5. I'll delay your resignation, so come back soon. (翻译:我暂时不会受理你的辞职信 快点回心转意吧)

6. He acceded to demands for his resignation. (翻译:他同意要他辞职的要求。)

7. Goodevening. President Nixon reportedly will announce his resignation tonight... (翻译:晚上好,据报道,总统将宣布辞职今晚。)

8. The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation. (翻译:他那不光彩历史的揭露导致了他的辞职。)

9. He sighed with profound resignation. (翻译:他极度无奈地叹气。)

10. Upon hearing of the resignation, he returned immediately to Brazil through the longest route: (翻译:一听闻辞职的消息,他立即返回巴西 Upon hearing of the resignation, he returned immediately to Brazil 经由最长的路线: through the longest route:)

11. I come to offer my resignation for my post as chancellor. (翻译:我是来递交官一职的辞呈 I come to offer my resignation for my post as Chancellor.)

12. Novoseltsev has left a letter of resignation. (翻译:纳瓦歇里柴夫, 他留下一封辞职报告 你真的要走吗?)

13. The reason for his resignation is that his health is not optimal for teaching. (翻译:是他自己因为身体衰老不能胜任工作 才提出退职申请的)

14. Twenty minutes later, I tendered my resignation. (翻译:20分钟后,我提出了自己的辞呈。)

15. The resignation of the president with the exchange to be negotiated by the new president. (翻译:总统辞职 然后新的总统 重新就交换人质问题进行谈判)




1. 定义


2. 用法

'Resignation'是一个名词,常用于正式场合,如商务信函或官方文件等场合。此外,作为动词时,'resign'表示辞职,例如,'She resigned from her job last week.'(她上周辞职了)。

3. 同义词

'Resignation'的同义词包括'quitting','leaving','stepping down'等等。这些词语都有离开职位或位置的含义。

4. 派生词


5. 实际应用


- The CEO announced his resignation at a press conference. (CEO在新闻发布会上宣布辞职。)

- After months of struggling with the company's new policies, Jane sent in her resignation letter. (经过数月与公司新政策的斗争,Jane递交了辞职信。)

- His resignation came as no surprise, given his recent change in attitude toward the company. (他的辞职并不足为奇,因为他最近对公司的态度发生了变化。)

- The priest's resignation from the church sparked controversy among his parishioners. (牧师从教会辞职引发了会众的争议。)

- It is often difficult to know the reasons behind someone's resignation, as they may remain private.(通常很难知道某人辞职的原因,因为这可能是私人的。)

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