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orwell是什么意思 orwell的中文翻译、读音、例句

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  • 2024-03-26 04:57:07
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orwell是什么意思 orwell的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:ào wēi ěr


1. 奥威尔是20世纪英国最有影响力的作家之一。

Translation: Orwell was one of the most influential writers in 20th century Britain.

2. 他的小说《1984》是一部反乌托邦文学经典。

Translation: His novel "1984" is a classic of dystopian literature.

3. 奥威尔的思想深刻、富有洞察力,对后世也产生了深远影响。

Translation: Orwell's ideas are profound and insightful, and have had a profound impact on later generations.




例句:Writers can learn much from Orwell. (作家们可以从奥威尔身上学到很多。)


例句:By now Orwell had left Jura and checked into a TB sanitorium high in the Cotswolds. (奥威尔离开了朱拉岛,住进了位于科茨沃尔德上的肺结核疗所。)


例句:GEORGE ORWELL wrote of the Ministry of Truth (in his novel, "1984" ) that it was " startlingly different from any other object in sight" . (乔治。奥维尔在他的小说《1984》里记述的,它在任何一个其它角度观看都会惊人地不同。)


例句:This is the point at which every right-thinking person in Britain scrambles for his Orwell. (翻译:在这一点上,每个思维正常的英国人都会快速翻看他手头的奥威尔的著作。)


orwell一般作为名词使用,如在Orwell(奥威尔 )、George Orwell(n. 乔治·奥威尔(英国小说家))、Orwell Bight([地名] 奥韦尔湾 ( 南极洲 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

George Orwelln. 乔治·奥威尔(英国小说家)
Orwell Bight[地名] 奥韦尔湾 ( 南极洲 )


1. GEORGE ORWELL wrote of the Ministry of Truth (in his novel, "1984" ) that it was " startlingly different from any other object in sight" . (翻译:乔治。奥维尔在他的小说《1984》里记述的,它在任何一个其它角度观看都会惊人地不同。)

2. This is the point at which every right-thinking person in Britain scrambles for his Orwell. (翻译:在这一点上,每个思维正常的英国人都会快速翻看他手头的奥威尔的著作。)

3. Animal Farm was one of Orwell's finest works, full of wit and fantasy and admirably written. (翻译:动物农庄是奥威尔最好的作品,充满了智慧和反讽。)

4. It only took three generations to make North Korea into George Orwell's "1984." (翻译:只花了三代人的时间 就让变成了 乔治·奥威尔的《1984年》。)

5. In late October 1947, oppressed with "wretched health", Orwell recognised that his novel was still "a most dreadful mess and about two-thirds of it will have to be retyped entirely". (翻译:1947年十月下旬,烦于“糟透的病况”,奥威尔承认他的小说依然陷于“最艰难的困境以及还有三分之二的内容需要完全重新打过”。)

6. He said, Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. (翻译:奥威尔害怕我们的文化成为“受制文化”。)

7. Orwell had fought in the Spanish civil war; his disillusion with that cause is chronicled in "Homage to Catalonia" . (翻译:奥威尔曾参加西班牙内战;他对这一战事的醒悟历程被记载于《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》一书。)

8. Orwell praised Waugh publicly for his moral courage. (翻译:奥威尔曾公开赞扬沃夫的道德勇气。)

9. The typing of the fair copy of "The Last Man in Europe" became another dimension of Orwell's battle with his book. (翻译:修改“最后一个欧洲人”成为奥威尔与新书第二阶段的斗争。)

10. The kind of mines that inspired Orwell, Zola and Sinclair can still be found the globe over, from Appalachia to the coalfields of China. (翻译:激发欧威尔、左拉和辛克莱动笔的那种矿场,仍然可在全球各地发现,从阿帕拉契山脉到中国煤田屡见不鲜。)

11. I mean, you may or may not realize some references to orwell, and kafka in the first act... (翻译:我的意思是,你可能 或可能不会实现 一些参考奥威尔, 卡夫卡在第一幕...)

12. This reminds me of the novel "1984" by George Orwell, where the only apparently trustable person was an informer. (翻译:这令我想起乔治・奥威尔写的小说“1984” 小说里仅有的明显可以信任的人 是一位告密者 )

13. Orwell, a gentle, unworldly sort of man, arrived with just a camp bed, a table, a couple of chairs and a few pots and pans. (翻译:奥威尔,属于温和而脱俗的那类人,搬来时只有一张行军床、一张桌子、一些椅子和一些炊事用具。)

14. Orwell used Calor gas to cook and to heat water. Storm lanterns burned paraffin. (翻译:奥威尔用液化气烧水和煮食,靠石蜡燃点防风灯,到了晚上就烧煤。)

15. A global police state as sinister as anything George Orwell ever wrote about. (翻译:一个全球的管辖国家和George Orwell写的东西一样有害。)




1. 单词意义: Orwell 是指英国作家乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)的姓氏,该名字通常与奥威尔的作品和思想相关联。

2. 缩写词意义:Orwell也可以是指Orwellian,指的是奥威尔所描绘的反乌托邦世界观,特别是描述集权统治和监控的体制。

3. 用途:Orwell常用于描述有关奥威尔和他的作品的讨论,也经常用来描述和反乌托邦、权力、自由、监视、这些主题有关的话题。

4. 文化影响:Orwell作品的影响非常广泛,尤其是他的两部小说《1984》和《动物农场》。这些作品探讨了权力、自由、等主题,其影响跨越了不同的文化和语言。

5. 转义用法:由于Orwell的作品对于现实世界的和社会情境具有高度的启示性,因此Orwell或Orwellian经常被用来描述某些或社会现象的特征和趋势。


1. The dystopian society in 1984 is often referred to as Orwellian, as it depicts a world dominated by an authoritarian government that controls every aspect of citizens' lives.(《1984》中的反乌托邦社会经常被称为奥威尔式的,因为它描绘了一个由威权统治,控制公民生活的世界。)

2. The concept of doublethink in 1984 is a classic example of Orwell's critique of totalitarianism.(1984中的双重思想概念是奥威尔对极权主义的经典批评。)

3. The recent government surveillance policies have been described as Orwellian by some critics, as they violate citizens' privacy and of speech.(一些批评者认为,最近的监视政策是奥威尔式的,因为它们侵犯了公民的隐私和。)

4. The novel Animal Farm is a satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution, and its themes of power, corruption, and propaganda are still relevant today.(小说《动物农场》是对俄国的讽刺寓言,其探讨权力、和宣传的主题在今天仍然具有现实意义。)

5. The term "Big Brother" has become a cultural shorthand for government surveillance and intrusion into citizens' lives, thanks in large part to Orwell's novel 1984.(术语“大哥”已经成为监视和侵犯公民生活的文化简称,很大程度上要归功于奥威尔的小说《1984》。)

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