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campaigner是什么意思 campaigner的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:26:58
  • 198

campaigner是什么意思 campaigner的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She has been a tireless campaigner for women's rights. (她一直是女权主义的不懈活动家。)

2. As a campaigner against animal cruelty, she has devoted her life to the cause. (作为反对动物的活动家,她一生都致力于这个事业。)

3. The famous actor is also a campaigner for environmental protection. (这位著名的演员同时也是环保事业的活动家。)




例句:But as a campaigner and investigator, I have a different view, 我有不同的看法, 因为我见过当一个想法汇聚了力量之后 会发生什么。)


例句:And like Obama, Reagan was a good speechmaker and campaigner. (和一样,里根也是一个很好的演讲家和社会活动家。)


例句:I was very, very fortunate a couple of years later to have met Zackie Achmat, the founder of Treatment Action Campaign, an incredible campaigner and activist. (几年之后,我非常有幸地 见到了扎基·阿克莫, 他是Treatment Action运动的发起者, 他是一位了不起的社运人士及活跃分子。)


例句:He actually is quite a skilful campaigner. (翻译:他实际上是个老练的活动家。)


campaigner一般作为名词使用,如在old campaigner(老,宿将;阅历丰富的人)、peace campaigner(和平拥护者)等常见短语中出现较多。

old campaigner老,宿将;阅历丰富的人
peace campaigner和平拥护者


1. I was very, very fortunate a couple of years later to have met Zackie Achmat, the founder of Treatment Action Campaign, an incredible campaigner and activist. (翻译:几年之后,我非常有幸地 见到了扎基·阿克莫, 他是Treatment Action运动的发起者, 他是一位了不起的社运人士及活跃分子。)

2. He actually is quite a skilful campaigner. (翻译:他实际上是个老练的活动家。)

3. "Efficiency isn't enough, " says Richard Dyer, aviation campaigner for Friends of the Earth. "To go on raising emissions isn't acceptable. " (翻译:地球之友的航空工业宣讲员理查德·戴尔表示:“仅仅提高效率是远远不够的,而继续增加排放是不能接受的。”)

4. A Colombian peace campaigner and former senator, Piedad Cordoba, has left the country after receiving death threats. (翻译:一名哥伦比亚和平活动家,前参议员Piedad Cordoba收到死亡威胁之后已经离开国家。)

5. She was the latest human-rights campaigner of international renown to be gunned down in Putin's Russia. (翻译:她是最新一位在的俄罗斯死于枪杀的富有国际名望的斗士。)

6. Down the road, a Democratic campaigner, declining to be named, found it hard to hide his despondency. (翻译:而在这条路的尽头,一位不愿透露名字的党竞选活动参与人士却难掩沮丧之情。)

7. Lord Northcliffe and the Daily Mail of 1911 would not approve, says Real Bread campaigner Chris Young. (翻译:真正的面包活动家克里斯·杨说,克里夫勋爵和1911年得每日邮报并不赞成这种观点。)

8. You're an educator, farmer, healer, creator, campaigner, wisdom-keeper. (翻译:你是一个教育家,农民,治疗师, 创造者,运动家,智慧守护者。)

9. Harold Pinter is a contemporary British dramatist, poet and political campaigner and winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 2005. (翻译:哈罗德·品特是当代英国剧作家、诗人、活动家,2005年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。)

10. When was the last time you heard an anti-nuclear campaigner drawing attention to this daily carnage? (翻译:你什么时候听说过那些反核主义者提到过这些日常惨剧? )

11. Colombian peace campaigner and former senator, Piedad Cordoba, has left the country after receiving death threats. (翻译:一名哥伦比亚和平活动家,前参议员Piedad Cordoba收到死亡威胁之后已经离开国家。)

12. Mr Webb is an indifferent campaigner. (翻译:韦伯是一位平庸的竞选者。)

13. Until Ms. Ko died of breast cancer in 2004, she was Mr. Kim's de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons. (翻译:直到Ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是事实上的,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。)

14. And its proponents have spanned the spectrum from the left to the right, from the civil rights campaigner, Martin Luther King, to the economist Milton Friedman. (翻译:它的支持者遍布左翼和右翼, 包括运动者Martin Luther King, 及经济学家Milton Friedman。)

15. And like Obama, Reagan was a good speechmaker and campaigner. (翻译:和一样,里根也是一个很好的演讲家和社会活动家。)


1. 定义:campaigner 是一个名词,指为某个特定目的而进行活动或者争取某种权益的人。

2. 同义词:activist、advocate、supporter、promoter、champion

3. 反义词:opponent、detractor、critic、skeptic、dissenter

4. 用法:campaigner 通常是指那些为了某个目标而发起行动的人,比如社会运动的参与者、活动的支持者或者环保组织的志愿者等等。也可以用作动词形式 campaign,意为“进行活动”或“争取权益”。

5. 形态学:campaigner 可以作为名词的主语或宾语,也可以作为形容词用于修饰名词,比如 campaigner for environmental protection(环保运动的支持者)。

以下是 5 个中英例句:

1. She is a campaigner for women's rights and has been actively involved in promoting gender equality.(她是妇女权利的倡导者,一直积极参与推进性别平等。)

2. The campaigner's efforts to raise public awareness of climate change have yielded positive results.(这位环保运动的支持者通过宣传气候变化问题,取得了积极成果。)

3. As a campaigner for animal welfare, he has been working tirelessly to raise funds for animal shelters.(作为动物福利的倡导者,他一直不知疲倦地为动物收容所筹集资金。)

4. The famous actress has recently become a campaigner against cyberbullying after being a victim of online abuse.(这位著名的女演员最近成为了网络欺凌的反对者,因为她自己也曾遭受过网上的谩骂。)

5. Many celebrities have joined the campaign to raise awareness of mental health issues, with some even becoming vocal campaigners for mental health reform.(许多名人加入了提高精神健康意识的运动,有些甚至成为了声音响亮的精神健康改革倡导者。)

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