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untouched是什么意思 untouched的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:05
  • 177

untouched是什么意思 untouched的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The room had been untouched for years.


2. The natural beauty of the area is still untouched.


3. The cake sat on the table untouched.





例句:It's bursting with life, truly amazing, completely untouched. (保罗从蝴蝶鱼身边经过 他喂养过珊瑚...)


例句:Still, several hangars remained untouched, and it was possible that some of them held planes which were operational. (可是有几个机库仍然屹立无恙,里面可能还有可以作战的飞机。)


例句:You know, by letting the untouched parts talk, I allow reality to take over. (要知道,通过让 不变的部分谈话,我 让事实来接管。)


例句:Many parts of town are largely untouched by rescue crews, standing as testaments to the waves' destructive power. (翻译:救援人员无法进入许多地方,这些地方也见证了海啸的巨大力。)


untouched一般作为形容词使用,如在untouched edge(未切边)等常见短语中出现较多。

untouched edge未切边


1. You know, by letting the untouched parts talk, I allow reality to take over. (翻译:要知道,通过让 不变的部分谈话,我 让事实来接管。)

2. Many parts of town are largely untouched by rescue crews, standing as testaments to the waves' destructive power. (翻译:救援人员无法进入许多地方,这些地方也见证了海啸的巨大力。)

3. Despite its glamorous reputation, Lake Como is still relatively untouched and has a rural charm about it. (翻译:尽管科摩湖名声在外,但相对来说,它没有受到太多外在影响,依旧保持着一份乡村的宁静。)

4. The pirates with my usual luck, left our boat and chattels untouched! (翻译:我通常都很幸运,海盗们并没有我们! )

5. Yet a prize is as likely to be within sight of a popular trail or highway as hidden in an untouched grove. (翻译:但是无论是在经常通过的小径或高速公路上,或者是未走过的小树林都同样可能发现一个“赏赐”。)

6. We were untouched by selfishness, and other ugly vices which spoil one's character. (翻译:我们没有被贪心 和其他的恶习所宠坏 我们是真正的人物)

7. Are they still left untouched at the end of the night? (翻译:仍然是打烊都没人点吗? Are they still left untouched at the end of the night?)

8. There's only one reason they'd want to keep her untouched... (翻译:只有唯一的理由 他们想保持她的童女身...)

9. He's a real Dorian Gray, apparently untouched by the ageing process. (翻译:他像是不受衰老过程的影响,青春永驻。)

10. ... leavingtherest of the building untouched. (翻译:让这里随时可变成焚化炉 可是却不延烧大楼其他部份)

11. Synopsis: The untouched Suining county of Hunan province is an ordinary but magical place. (翻译:剧情简介:鲜为人知的湖南绥宁县是一个普通却充满魔幻的地方。)

12. They're important because they speak to parts of children's being which are otherwise untouched. (翻译:艺术之所以重要,是因为它表述着 孩子们的天性与本质 )

13. Right in the centre of this landscape sits a remarkable volcano, virtually untouched by the outside world. (翻译:这一神奇景观的中心,有一座不寻常的火山 几乎是从未踏足过的地方)

14. Untouched by modernity, these song have been rendered beautifully by Sur Sudha in their instruments. (翻译:这些歌曲,是现代多未曾触及的,已经由SurSudha用他们的乐器完美呈现。)

15. Even in this untouched magnificence, death becomes a mandate of survival. (翻译:即使在这个人迹罕至的宝地,死亡,变成了活下去必须做的事。)

1. 词义和定义:Untouched是形容词,意为“未被触及的”、“未处理的”、“未受影响的”。在不同的语境中,它可以有不同的含义和定义。

2. 用法和语境:Untouched可以用于描述物理对象、自然环境、精神状态等。它可以作为形容词、动词的过去分词,还可以用于一些常见的短语和习语中。

3. 同义词和反义词:Untouched的常见反义词是“touched”、“affected”;常见同义词包括“unaffected”、“unspoiled”、“pristine”、“virgin”。

4. 实际运用和例句:

- The forest has remained untouched for centuries. (这片森林已经数百年未被开发)

- The untouched food on the table suggests that no one has eaten here for a while. (桌上的未动的食物表明这里有一段时间没有人吃过)

- She still misses her ex-boyfriend, but tries to keep her emotions untouched. (她仍然想念前男友,但努力使自己的情感不受影响)

- The painting is a masterpiece that has remained untouched by time. (这幅画是一件经典杰作,历经岁月仍然保持完好无损)

- The government has promised to leave the untouched areas of the national park undisturbed. (承诺保护国家公园未被开发的区域不受干扰)

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