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warnings是什么意思 warnings的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:26:46
  • 258

warnings是什么意思 warnings的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The warnings about the dangers of smoking are well-known. (关于吸烟危害的警告是众所周知的。)

2. The government issued a warning to residents to prepare for an impending storm. (向居民发出预警,要求他们做好迎接即将到来的风暴的准备。)

3. The warnings on the medicine bottle advised against taking the medication on an empty stomach. (药瓶上的警告建议不要空腹服药。)




例句:Despite dire warnings by the SS, the old people pilfer the planks of what is left for firewood. (顾不得党卫军严酷的警告 老年人们将剩下的厚木板盗走 用来生火取暖)


例句:This giant ship, all these people in the middle of the ocean, this iceberg, the warnings. (这艘巨船 大洋中的所有这些人 冰山 警告)


例句:Then came Nouriel Roubini's warnings in 2006, (然后是Nouriel Roubini在2006年的警告)


例句:Two of the warnings faulted the company for its emergency response and pipeline corrosion training. (翻译:其中有两项提醒是针对公司的紧急反应和管道破损培训。)


warnings一般作为名词使用,如在early warnings(n. 预警\n[网络] 早期警告)、health warnings([网络] 中健康警示语)、Miranda warnings([网络] 米兰达警告;米兰达警语;米兰达规则)等常见短语中出现较多。

early warningsn. 预警\n[网络] 早期警告
health warnings[网络] 中健康警示语
Miranda warnings[网络] 米兰达警告;米兰达警语;米兰达规则
profit warnings[网络] 利润警告
profits warnings盈利预警
strategic warningsstrategic warning\n【军事】战略性警报
tactical warningstactical warning\n【军事】战术(性)警报
travel warnings[网络] 现存旅游警告;旅行警告;旅游预警
trigger warnings触发警报


1. Then came Nouriel Roubini's warnings in 2006, (翻译:然后是Nouriel Roubini在2006年的警告)

2. Two of the warnings faulted the company for its emergency response and pipeline corrosion training. (翻译:其中有两项提醒是针对公司的紧急反应和管道破损培训。)

3. His warnings on climate change proved farsighted, too. (翻译:事实证明,他对于气候变化的预警也很有远见。)

4. Now we've had 50 years of warnings. (翻译:在过去的五十年中 我们不停地收到警示。)

5. I already have 3 warnings. One more, it's a fine. (翻译:我已经被警告了三次了 再来一次就要罚款了)

6. There are warnings of bloodletting, purges and a battle for the soul of the party between the religious right and moderates. (翻译:对于肃清思想和在和适中问题上党派灵魂的战斗,这无疑对共和党是一次“大放血”。)

7. What types of warnings would warrant a mention in Nancy Lieder's newsletter? (翻译:南茜的新闻简报里有什么类型的警告值得一提呢?)

8. The FDA's warnings are the latest attempt by a government to nauseate and petrify its citizenry. (翻译:该局的警告是美国为使其民众对香烟产生厌恶和恐惧所做的最新尝试。)

9. But when the warnings are accurate and based on sound science, then we as human beings, whatever country we live in, have to find a way to make sure that the warnings are heard and responded to. (翻译:我们作为人类,不论来自何国... 都应该尽力确保... 这些警号被人听到和回应)

10. The warnings come after the spells. (翻译:就在咒语的后面 The warnings come after the spells.)

11. OK! these are the warnings, anyway autobots are good to capitives. (翻译:好啦!注意事项就是这些,总之汽车人是很优待俘虏的! )

12. There had been warnings that hurricanes would get stronger. (翻译:它来袭前多天已有警告指... 它会吹倒防洪堤)

13. Despite the warnings, Endris routinely surfed in such waters. (翻译:尽管有这样的警告,Endris还是照常在这些水域里冲浪。)

14. That is an actual fundamental misapprehension of the warnings that Orwell issued in "1984." (翻译:这其实是对奥威尔在《1984》里提出的警告 从根本上的误解 )

15. His warnings were dissuasive of our further actions. (翻译:他的警告使得我们没有采取进一步行动。)




1. 定义和含义:warnings指的是警告或者警示,提示人们注意某种危险、风险或者异常状态,防止可能的危害或者损失。通常警告是基于某种风险、危机或者而发出的,目的是提醒人们预防和应对可能的风险。

2. 警告的类型:warning可以分为多种类型,例如天气警告、健康警告、消费者警告、安全警告等等。不同类型的警告都有不同的背景和目的,但是它们的共同点是都是为了提醒人们注意避免潜在的风险或者危险。

3. 警告的形式:warning可以采取不同的形式,例如文字警告、符号警告、声音警告、图像警告等等。选择适当的警告形式可以帮助人们快速、准确地理解和反应。

4. 警告的应用范围:warning可以应用于各个领域,例如天气预警、医学警告、产品安全警告、交通警告等等。通过有效地警告可以帮助人们在各个领域中防范潜在的危险,保障自身安全。


1. Texting while driving is extremely dangerous. That's why there are warning signs on the road reminding drivers to avoid texting while driving.

2. Air pollution can have serious health impacts, especially for children and elderly people. That's why there are public health warnings and advisories when air quality is poor.

3. Some electronic products may emit harmful radiation that can cause health problems. That's why there are warnings and guidelines for the safe use of electronic devices.

4. Before you take any medication, it's important to read the warnings and side effects carefully to ensure that you are not allergic or experience any adverse reactions.

5. When you travel to a foreign country, it's important to pay attention to the local warnings and advisories about safety and security, especially in high-risk areas.

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