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affections是什么意思 affections的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:00
  • 199

affections是什么意思 affections的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He showed no affections towards her, but deep down inside he cared about her.


2. Her affections for him had faded over time and she knew it was time to move on.


3. Parents often have strong affections for their children and will do anything to protect them.





例句:Sure, the object of his affections may have been eccentric, but not his love (当然,他爱的对象可能有点怪 但爱情本身不奇怪)


例句:The motions of his spirit are as dull as night and his affections are as dark as Erebus. (他精神的运动如同黑夜般沉闷 而他的感情则如 黑暗界般漆黑一团)


例句:And when these affections become common knowledge, well, that is an awkward situation indeed, especially in a prominent family. (可如果这份爱众人皆知 才确实是件不合适的事 尤其是,在如此显赫的家族)


例句:This type of money is hard to come by and can be very fickle in its affections. (翻译:这种钱是来之不易的,并因为情感而非常易变。)


affections一般作为名词使用,如在doctrine of affections(情意说)、mutual affections(相互的情感)等常见短语中出现较多。

doctrine of affections情意说
mutual affections相互的情感


1. And when these affections become common knowledge, well, that is an awkward situation indeed, especially in a prominent family. (翻译:可如果这份爱众人皆知 才确实是件不合适的事 尤其是,在如此显赫的家族)

2. This type of money is hard to come by and can be very fickle in its affections. (翻译:这种钱是来之不易的,并因为情感而非常易变。)

3. I wished to introduce her to your affections discreetly. (翻译:我只是想用一种合适的方法 把她介绍给您,并喜欢您喜欢她 是啊!)

4. Affections of manner and speech are mere frippery. (翻译:态度和语言的做作只是矫饰而已。)

5. Anne had two men trying to win her affections. (翻译:安妮有两个男人追求。)

6. My affections and wishes are unchanged. (翻译:若你的感情和跟去年 4月时一样,就干脆告诉我)

7. He was undeserving of her affections. (翻译:他不配得到她的爱。)

8. And the quiet, bald-headed suitor has stolen the bride's affections. (翻译:那沉默的光头追求者... 偷走了新娘子的爱)

9. He believes she's given a handkerchief to another officer as a sign of her affections. (翻译:他认为她把一块手帕给了另一名军官 以表爱慕)

10. There is none of the affections, which has been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy. (翻译:世人历来注意到,所有情感中最令人神魂颠倒着莫过于爱情和嫉妒。)

11. "and extend to her, as well as to your entire family... my fond greetings and affections. (翻译:福泽恩及至她和你的 整个家族 我真诚的问候和友谊 弗雷德里卡斯.)

12. Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the girl's affections. (翻译:主人,也许我说得不对 但这种方法是 不能打动一个女孩的芳心的)

13. Sarah,whatever you may think your only competition for my affections is our little girl. (翻译:莎拉,不管你怎么想 你唯一的对手是我们的女儿)

14. The Kand xi emperor and Nan Huai ren's affections were deep, like family members and friends. (翻译:康熙帝与南怀仁之间感情深厚,如同家人朋友。)

15. I never intended to encourage the affections of two... (翻译:按你的说法 我从没想过鼓励两位... I never intended to encourage the affections of two...)




- tender affections:深情款款的感情

- romantic affections:浪漫的感情

- familial affections:家庭的亲情




1. He had a deep affection for his mother.(他对母亲有深深的感情。)

2. The couple's affection for each other was obvious.(这对夫妇相互间的感情显而易见。)

3. She always expressed her affection for her students.(她总是表达对学生的情感。)

4. I have a great affection for classical music.(我对古典音乐非常钟爱。)

5. Pets can bring a lot of affection into people's lives.(宠物可以给人们的生活带来很多情感。)

6. The book describes the author's deep affections for nature.(这本书描述了作者对自然的深情。)

7. His death was a great loss for those who knew him and felt affection for him.(他的去世对那些认识他并有感情的人来说是一大损失。)

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