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jk是什么意思 jk的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:00
  • 410

jk是什么意思 jk的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:j-k (英文字母读音)


1. 我只是在跟你开玩笑,别当真,我说的都是'jk'。

2. 对于那些'jk'的话,我不会太在意。

3. 他常常对我调侃,说些'jk'的话让我好笑。




例句:Trivia: in JK Rowling's early drafts, Draco's surname was "Spungen" or "Spinks". (花絮:在罗琳早期的草稿中,Draco的姓是Spungen或spinks。)


例句:Securing the necessary stability to allow JK to apply his Plan of Goals and to increase industrialization, (确保必要的稳定性去允许儒塞利诺・库比契克 Securing the necessary stability to allow JK to apply his Plan of Goals 专注于他的目标计划并提高产业化, and to increase industrialization,)


例句:Well-respected by the Armed Forces, he had conquered the admiration of civilians on November 1 1st, 1955, when, as ministry of defense, he guaranteed the inauguration of JK and Jango. (备受武装推崇的他 Well -respected by the Armed Forces, 在1955年11月11日赢得了平民的赞美, he had conquered the admiration of civilians on November 1 1st, 1955,)


例句:JK: I haven't spent much time with you, but I know that you still love me, and you probably still pray for me and think about me. (翻译:JK:我们相处的时间不多, 但是我知道你依然爱我。而且你可能依然在为我祈祷 而且想念我。)


jk一般作为名词使用,如在jk bistable(JK双稳态)、JK flip flop(K触发器)、jk m/s flipflop(JK主从正反器)等常见短语中出现较多。

jk bistableJK双稳态
JK flip flopK触发器
jk m/s flipflopJK主从正反器


1. Well-respected by the Armed Forces, he had conquered the admiration of civilians on November 1 1st, 1955, when, as ministry of defense, he guaranteed the inauguration of JK and Jango. (翻译:备受武装推崇的他 Well -respected by the Armed Forces, 在1955年11月11日赢得了平民的赞美, he had conquered the admiration of civilians on November 1 1st, 1955,)

2. JK: I haven't spent much time with you, but I know that you still love me, and you probably still pray for me and think about me. (翻译:JK:我们相处的时间不多, 但是我知道你依然爱我。而且你可能依然在为我祈祷 而且想念我。)

3. JK left office feeling certain he would come back. (翻译:儒塞利诺・库比契克去职时感到他一定会回来。JK left office feeling certain he would come back.)

4. JK: So after all that time, this hill, this idea was still there, and we started to make sketches, models, and we figured something out. (翻译:Jeroen Koolhaas:在那么长时间之后, 这个山,这个想法还在, 我们开始画草稿, 模型,然后我们明白了一些东西。)

5. MOVING BLUE FIAT JK 642 21 (翻译:克格勃命令立即消灭哈里科夫 他的汽车牌照642JK21)

6. Charles Dicken, Lewis Carol and JK Rowling created children's stories that resonate across the world's cultures and across time. (翻译:查尔斯狄更斯,刘易斯卡罗尔和JK罗琳创造的儿童故事,共鸣,在世界各地的文化和跨时间。)

7. The invention further provides a bactericide for controlling dothiorella gregaria, which is obtained by inoculating the JK-SH007 in a culture medium to be fermented and cultured. (翻译:本发明还提供了一种防治杨树 溃疡病杀菌剂,即将JK-SH007接种于培养基中发酵培养所得。)

8. But JK Rowling did at least win top marks for teaching the children of the world the joy of reading with her Harry Potter sagas. (翻译:起码在让世上的孩子了解阅读的乐趣这方面,罗琳和她的哈里?波特系列传奇做得非常不错。)

9. A cordial JK, after being unseated, followed the same lPM ritual, walking the same path that many other Brazilians would follow. (翻译:和蔼的儒塞利诺·库比契克,被剥夺权利后, 每天下午一点遵循同样的仪式, A cordial JK, after being unseated, followed the same lPM ritual, 沿同一条路步行,许多其他巴西人将跟随着。walking the same path that many other Brazilians would follow.)

10. Three of JK rollings, Hery Poter books, were among the top ten in grades nine through twelve. (翻译:罗琳的三本哈利•波特在九至十二年级都在十大最受欢迎的书中。)

11. JK: So, encouraged by this success, we went back to Rio for a second project, and we stumbled upon this street. (翻译:Jeroen Koolhaas:被成功所鼓舞, 我们冲着第二个项目又回到了里约热内卢。我们不知不觉来到了这条路上, )

12. The 5 years of the JK administration rocked Brazil. (翻译:儒塞利诺・库比契克行政的5年震撼巴西。The 5 years of the JK administration rocked Brazil.)

13. The elections for state governor turned JK into the heart of the civil resistance. (翻译:州长选举使儒塞利诺·库比契克变成公民抵抗的心脏。The elections for state governor turned JK into the heart of the civiI resistance.)

词义:'jk'是一种网络语言的缩写,表示“just kidding”(开玩笑)的意思。




发音拼写:'jk'的发音为 [dʒeɪkeɪ]。


1. I think you're really smart...jk, you're the smartest person I know.


2. You looked genuinely angry just now...jk, you had me fooled!


3. I'm going to give you a million dollars...jk, I wish I had a million dollars to give you!


4. You're so funny...jk, you're not really that funny.


5. You're the best singer I've ever heard...jk, you're terrible!


6. I can't believe you fell for that...jk, I knew you would fall for it!


7. You're my best friend...jk, you're my only friend!


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