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muddle是什么意思 muddle的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-03 13:06:52
  • 193

muddle是什么意思 muddle的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The sudden news muddled his mind.


I seem to have muddled up the dates.


3. The confusing instructions caused a muddle in the assembly line.





例句:To get a glimpse of the muddle likely to ensue, the province's politicians and parents need only look across the Irish Sea. (想到可能引起的混乱,北爱尔兰的官员和家长们只需隔着爱尔兰海观望一下对岸的情况便大可放心。)


例句:It turns out that Matisse was not in a muddle. (结果是,马蒂斯并不是一团糟。)


例句:Practically perfect people never permit sentiment to muddle their thinking. (近乎完美的人从不允许在他们的思想中掺杂个人感情)


例句:I know neither of us is in the habit, but I trust we'll muddle through. (翻译:我知道我们两人都没这习惯 相信可以装装样子的)


muddle一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in a muddle(杂乱无章,一蹋糊涂)、muddle on(混日子, 得过且过)、muddle ... up(muddle up (或 together)\n混在一起,混淆:\nYou're muddling up the different kinds of letters.\n你把各种不同类型的信件都混在一起了。\n弄乱:\nDon't muddle things up.\n不要把事情搞乱。\n弄糊涂;使不知所措:\ni felt muddled up when i came to the new class.\n当我来到新的班上时,我感到茫然不知所措。)等常见短语中出现较多。

in a muddle杂乱无章,一蹋糊涂
muddle on混日子, 得过且过
muddle ... upmuddle up (或 together)\n混在一起,混淆:\nYou're muddling up the different kinds of letters.\n你把各种不同类型的信件都混在一起了。\n弄乱:\nDon't muddle things up.\n不要把事情搞乱。\n弄糊涂;使不知所措:\ni felt muddled up when i came to the new class.\n当我来到新的班上时,我感到茫然不知所措。
muddle about(使)糊涂
muddle along混日子, 得过且过
muddle away挥霍,虚度
muddle headn. 头脑不清的人;糊涂虫
muddle headed迷离马虎
muddle headednessna. 糊涂\n[网络] 痛斥浆糊脑袋


1. Practically perfect people never permit sentiment to muddle their thinking. (翻译:近乎完美的人从不允许在他们的思想中掺杂个人感情)

2. I know neither of us is in the habit, but I trust we'll muddle through. (翻译:我知道我们两人都没这习惯 相信可以装装样子的)

3. There followed a long period of confusion and muddle. (翻译:接下来是很长一段时间的困惑和混乱。)

4. There is already a bit of a muddle, since several states have taken much bolder and more experimental steps than the federal government. (翻译:与联邦相比,一些州业已采取更加大胆、更具实验性的环保措施,因此引发些许混乱。)

5. We have an even number so, Hal, you'll muddle through today with Heston and we'll reconstitute the teams tomorrow. (翻译:我们缺一个人 哈尔 你今天和海斯顿先做临时搭挡吧 我们明天重组辩论队)

6. One gets in quite a muddle over them. (翻译:One gets in quite a muddle over them.)

7. Muddle 4 fresh raspberries, 1 1/4 oz chilled TIO PEPE XERES and 3/4 oz Monin Raspberry Syrup. (翻译:混合4个新鲜树莓,11/4盎司冰鲜干雪利酒和3/4盎司小红莓糖浆。)

8. The financial crisis tends to corroborate its ability to muddle through a global recession. (翻译:金融危机似乎也证明印度有能力熬过全球性的经济衰退。)

9. Kelly: Groan! You are such a muddle-head Bobby. But you are so sweet for wanting to be such a romantic guy for your mom. (翻译:凯莉:天哪!你真是个,鲍比。可你又那么可爱,这么想给妈带来浪漫。)

10. With no clear global lead, countries muddle along. Mr Orem's institute in Kampala spends most of its money on drugs. (翻译:由于没有明显的全球,与Orem那所位于坎帕拉的研究所有打交道的国家将大多数资金投资到药物上。)

11. The Wall Street Journal's editorial page called it a "bipartisan strategic muddle ginned up for domestic political purposes" . (翻译:《华尔街日报》的评论版文章称该报告是“服务于国内企图的两党战略乱象”。)

12. Zimmerman has no diagnosis for the condition that turned his world into a muddle of sound more than 10 years ago. (翻译:齐默尔曼没有超过10年前,他的世界变成一个声音蒙混过关的条件诊断。)

13. Mr. Hubert Page is working in the morning and has come over and asked us for a bed so I've told him he can muddle in with you for one night. (翻译:裴休伯先生今早在这干活 他刚才来问我要张睡觉的床 我就让他和你凑合过一夜)

14. In reality, no recruitment agency wants to handle that sort of business, so you are going to muddle by, understaffed. (翻译:现实中,没有招聘机构愿意碰这类业务 因此,你只能在人手不足时勉强应付。)

15. The third option is to muddle through, shedding a few duds and tolerating the rest. (翻译:第三种选择是得过且过,裁掉几个庸才,容忍其他的。)



1. 词性和词义


2. 用法和语境

'muddle'通常用于形容混乱的情况、处理不当或者错综复杂的问题。例如,在工作中,“muddle”可能表示工作出现了问题,进度落后,需要好好规划和管理。在日常生活中,一些人可能会“muddle through”某些不知道如何应对的局面,尝试做最好的事情。

3. 同义词

'muddle'的同义词包括:confuse, jumble, mix up, mess up, bungle。

4. 反义词

'muddle'的反义词包括:organize, clarify, simplify, enlighten, untangle。

5. 搭配和短语


- muddle through:勉强应对,东拼西凑地应对

- muddle-headed:头脑混乱的,糊涂的

- make a muddle of:搞糊涂,弄乱


1. The new manager muddled the office's organizational structure, and ody knew who was responsible for what. (新经理把办公室的组织结构搞乱了,没人知道谁负责什么。)

2. The teacher tried to explain the concept, but she muddled up the explanation and left the students even more confused. (老师试图解释这个概念,但她的解释弄糊涂了,让学生更加困惑了。)

3. I always muddle through the cooking process, but somehow the food always turns out fine. (我总是边做边想,但是食物总是出奇迹地好吃。)

4. The government's muddle-headed policies have caused more harm than good, and people are beginning to lose faith in them. (的糊涂政策给国家带来了更多的伤害而非好处,人们开始对他们失去信心。)

5. If you don't organize your paperwork properly, you'll just make a muddle of everything when you need to find something. (如果你不正确地组织你的文件,当你需要找到某些东西时,你只会把一切搞糊涂。)

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