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scaling是什么意思 scaling的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:57
  • 197

scaling是什么意思 scaling的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The scaling of the image was not done proportionally, it look distorted.(这张图片的缩放比例不对,导致它看起来变形了。)

2. The map has a small scale, which means that the area it covers is large.(这张地图的比例尺很小,意味着它覆盖的区域很大。)

3. The old building's walls were covered in scaling paint, which made it look very old and worn.(老建筑的墙壁上覆盖着剥落的油漆,让它看起来非常陈旧破旧。)




例句:And the idea is that we are scaling this model across the country. (我们想要将此基金模型 扩大至全国范围使用。)


例句:But I am scaling back the news and giving it to The Ugly Truth. (不过我要缩短新闻时间 挪来播《挖挖哇》)


例句:So in baking we call it scaling -- weighing out the ingredients. (在烘培中我们称之为称量:准备一定量的原料。)


例句:But he had no experience whatsoever in computer coding or scaling large internet companies. (翻译:但他没有任何经验,计算机编码 大型互联网公司或缩放。)


scaling一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dimensional scaling(un. 因次关系\n[网络] 量纲关系)、duplex scaling(双鸣)、Feigenbaum scaling(费根鲍姆标度律)等常见短语中出现较多。

dimensional scalingun. 因次关系\n[网络] 量纲关系
duplex scaling双鸣
Feigenbaum scaling费根鲍姆标度律
Feynman scaling费恩曼标度无关 性
fish scaling[化] 片落; 剥落; 剥离; (搪瓷)起鳞
flame scaling锌镀层火焰加固处理
frequency scaling[计] 频率定标
frost scaling霜冻剥落
geometric scaling几何比例缩小或放大


1. So in baking we call it scaling -- weighing out the ingredients. (翻译:在烘培中我们称之为称量:准备一定量的原料。)

2. But he had no experience whatsoever in computer coding or scaling large internet companies. (翻译:但他没有任何经验,计算机编码 大型互联网公司或缩放。)

3. Absolutely I want to be a fragile little human scaling some big architectural monolith. (翻译:当然,我想当一个脆弱的人类 对衬出建筑的庞大)

4. Tinea capitis is manifested by pustular eruptions of the scalp, with scaling and bald patches. (翻译:头癣是补丁表现为脓疱爆发的秃头头皮,具有缩放和。)

5. Times epsilon as the scaling factor. (翻译:乘以ε作为比例系数。)

6. This is the psoriasis and other diseases, erythema scaling differential points. (翻译:这是牛皮癣和其他红斑鳞屑疾病鉴别的要点。)

7. And they said scaling, which is the build-up of minerals inside of pipes. (翻译:他们回答:水垢,也就是矿物质在水沉积。)

8. So these guys are right on target for a practical use of scaling technology. (翻译:所以,这些当地人把分形很好地应用在了实际中。)

9. AIM: To observe the effect of hybrid subgingival scaling (combining ultrasonic scaling with hand scaling) by SEM. (翻译:目的:超声龈下刮治结合手工刮治,用扫描电镜的方法观察效果。)

10. As we stared scaling it up we looked at what is the problem to come up to the U.S.? (翻译:正当我们开始扩大这个方案 我们研究了美国所面临的问题。)

11. Scaling up the discussion at the size of the planet, we see the same thing. (翻译:把我们这个讨论扩大到地球的层面, 我们也看到了同样的情况。)

12. Spicer emphasizes the importance of scaling up TB/HIV collaborative activities. (翻译:他还强调指出了扩大结核病/病领域合作规模的重要性。)

13. And they said scaling, which is the build-up of minerals inside of pipes. (翻译:他们回答:水垢,也就是矿物质在水沉积。)

14. Scaling: Conventional wisdom says reduce cost by producing many. (翻译:生产规模: 按惯例,我们会 大量生产产品来降低每件产品的成本。)

15. And I measured out the lengths of straw, put it on a log-log plot, got the scaling exponent, and it almost exactly matches the scaling exponent for the relationship between wind speed and height in the wind engineering handbook. (翻译:于是我测量了篱笆麦秆的长度, 把数据放到重对数坐标中,得到了一个标度指数, 这个标度指数几乎跟风力工程手册中 风速与高度的标度指数完全匹配。)



1. 涵义


2. 应用领域


3. 相关技术


4. 优势



1. We need to scale the image to fit the screen. (我们需要将图像缩放以适应屏幕。)

2. This website is designed to be responsive, scaling to fit screens of all sizes. (这个网站是为响应式设计而设计的,可以自适应各种尺寸的屏幕。)

3. Scaling up our operation will require more investment. (扩大我们的业务将需要更多的投资。)

4. Our network architecture needs to support scaling to meet the increasing traffic. (我们的网络架构需要支持对流量增长的扩展。)

5. The cloud platform we are using allows easy scaling of our resources. (我们使用的云平台允许我们轻松扩展我们的资源。)

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