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bragi是什么意思 英文名bragi[布拉吉]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:57
  • 196

bragi是什么意思 英文名bragi[布拉吉]的翻译、发音、来源




1. Bragi是北欧神话中智慧和诗歌的神。

2. 布拉吉的妻子是伊迪尼,她是音乐和诗歌的女神。

3. 在北欧传统中,Bragi是一个受人尊敬的神,因为他被认为是一位文学、诗歌和音乐的灵感之神。




例句:When talking about your achievements, be confident but don't exaggerate, brag or lie. (在谈到你的成就时,要自信,但不要夸大、吹牛或撒谎。)


例句:Blowing Wachewski's car up and then calling Caplan to brag about it. (炸了Wachewski的车... ...然后打电话跟Kaplan吹嘘?)


例句:Not to brag or anything, but I just gave Florence Henderson crabs. (不是我自吹自擂 刚上了佛劳伦斯・亨德森)


例句:Yeah, well, I don't want to brag, but I've always had a bit of flair for the dramatic. (翻译:是啊, 我不想吹牛, 一直有一个位 的戏剧性。)


bragi一般作为名词使用,如在Bragi(布拉吉 北欧神话中诗歌与音乐之神)等常见短语中出现较多。

Bragi布拉吉 北欧神话中诗歌与音乐之神


1. Not to brag or anything, but I just gave Florence Henderson crabs. (翻译:不是我自吹自擂 刚上了佛劳伦斯・亨德森)

2. Yeah, well, I don't want to brag, but I've always had a bit of flair for the dramatic. (翻译:是啊, 我不想吹牛, 一直有一个位 的戏剧性。)

3. I don't like to brag, but I do a pretty convincing Omar from the HBO program The Wire. (翻译:我不爱吹牛 做得真像令人信服的 HBO节目中的一个人物)

4. Not to brag, but I make the best pesto in town. (翻译:不想吹牛, 但镇上最好的面食。这简直是神圣的!)

5. If I could brag for a second, I have a 15-year-old son from my marriage. (翻译:现在我来跟大家吹吹牛 我婚后有个15岁的儿子 )

6. So many times I feared you'd brag about it. (翻译:多少次我害怕 - 你会向你的同事吹嘘这事)

7. I hate to brag, but the word "dazzling" was used. (翻译:我不想炫耀 I hate to brag, 但有人说我非常耀眼 but the word dezzaling was used.)

8. I think she's got one on her lower back she wants to brag about. (翻译:她好像想要炫耀 她背后靠近腰部那的那个刺青)

9. Not to brag, but technically, I took out more of em than he did. (翻译:ぃ琌и眖м砃弧и稦奔寄ゑ眔)

10. Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to a higher title, not just an adjunct to competition. (翻译:一个较高的称号不仅仅是自夸,也不仅仅是一块垫脚石,更不是参与竞争的附属物。)

11. Look, if you're here to brag about what you did to Victoria, I'm not interested. (翻译:听着 如果你是来向我吹嘘 你对维多利亚的报复 我不想听)

12. Not to brag, but we are more scintillating company than most inmates and guards. (翻译:不是吹牛 们比多数犯人和看守 要更机智活泼)

13. Not to brag, but at the end of every month, I have something like 5-15 dollars in disposable income. (翻译:一点儿都不夸张的讲, 但是在每个月的月底, 我就会获得大概5-15美元的可支配收入。)

14. Well, I dont like to brag but i am now the emperor of Springfield! (翻译:我不想自吹自擂,不过... 我现在是斯普林菲尔德的新君主)

15. You got nothing better to brag about, silly? (翻译:我说 土包子 那有什么好炫耀的? 真是的)



- Bragi's tongue:指的是诗人的舌头,象征着诗歌的力量和表现力。

- Bragi's mead:指的是智慧之神在神话中制作的美酒,喝下这种酒后,人们可以获得巨大的灵感和创造力。


- Norse mythology:北欧神话。

- Mythical figure:神话人物。

- Poetic inspiration:诗歌灵感。

- Guardian deity:守护神。



1. Bragi is one of the most important gods in Norse mythology.


2. According to the myth, Bragi's tongue was made of precious metals and could create beautiful poetry.


3. Bragi's mead was considered to be the source of all poetic inspiration in Norse mythology.


4. Bragi was often depicted as a wise and skilled musician in Norse art.


5. As the guardian deity of poets and musicians, Bragi was believed to offer protection and inspiration to those who were dedicated to their craft.


6. Legends say that Bragi once played his harp so beautifully that it caused the trees and flowers to bloom.


7. In modern Scandinavian culture, Bragi is still celebrated as a symbol of creativity and artistic expression.


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