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complicate是什么意思 complicate的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:48
  • 161

complicate是什么意思 complicate的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The new tax law will complicate the process of filing taxes for small businesses. (新税法将使小企业申报税款的过程变得更加复杂。)

2. The situation has been complicated by the arrival of more refugees. (更多难民的到来使得情况变得复杂。)

3. Don't complicate matters by trying to involve more people. (不要试图拉更多的人进来,这只会让问题更加复杂。)




例句:The lighting equipments for ran way in airdrome are important for flight security in night and complicate weather conditions. (助航灯光设备是保障夜间和复杂气象条件下飞行的重要设备。)


例句:It will complicate things. (- 这会让律师方面的事情变得复杂 - 我们保密不就好了)


例句:These concealed carry permits sure complicate a bank robbery, don't they? (那些偷偷带着家伙的人... 显然也是劫匪吧?)


例句:Why are the rule-makers constantly trying to complicate the safety car periods? (翻译:为什么规则制定者总是要把安全车的阶段搞得那么复杂呢?)


1. These concealed carry permits sure complicate a bank robbery, don't they? (翻译:那些偷偷带着家伙的人... 显然也是劫匪吧?)

2. Why are the rule-makers constantly trying to complicate the safety car periods? (翻译:为什么规则制定者总是要把安全车的阶段搞得那么复杂呢?)

3. Only able to turn complicate to easiness, turn it to a huge closet, pick the right one from among. (翻译:只能化繁为简,把它当作是一只巨大的衣橱,从中挑选一件最中意的。)

4. Genital fistulas that complicate diverticular disease of the sigmoid colon may no longer be considered esoteric, or even rare phenomena. (翻译:器官瘘的复杂憩室病的乙状结肠可能不再被视为深奥,甚至罕见的现象。)

5. Remember guys, it's calories in calories out; don't complicate such an easy to understand concept. (翻译:大家记住,这仅仅是卡路里的摄取和消耗的;不要将一个容易理解的概念复杂化。)

6. But if Mr. Jackson had a deep-pocketed partner like Colony, it could complicate such a transaction. (翻译:但是如果杰克逊身旁有了像柯罗尼这样的巨富伙伴,那么这个事情又会变得非常复杂。)

7. All you lawyers do is complicate situations that aren't complicated. (翻译:问题就出在这里 你们律师总喜欢把事情复杂化)

8. To complicate matters even more, a dam gave way, flooding streets in Sao Jose dos Campos near the city of Sao Paulo. (翻译:使情况更加糟糕的是,一座大坝决堤,洪水涌到圣保罗市附近的圣若泽杜斯坎普斯。)

9. To complicate matters further, several million Colombians live in Venezuela. (翻译:让问题变得更加复杂的是,有几百万的哥伦比亚人居住在委内瑞拉。)

10. They might be afraid it might complicate their relationships more, so people tend to underreport it. (翻译:他们或许担心,抱怨两性关系可能会使爱人间的关系变得更加复杂化,因此,她们通常倾向于藏于心间,秘而不宣。)

11. But not wanting to complicate his life with Amanda, she never told him. (翻译:但是她不想他和Amanda的生活, 她从来没有告诉他.)

12. Tailings lenticle with complicate distributing state in tailings fill dam has great influence on the stability of the dam. (翻译:尾矿堆积坝中尾砂透镜体具有复杂的分布状态,对坝体的稳定状况有极大影响。)

13. If you've got to work with the person again and on a continuing basis, overly "straight" communication can complicate life immensely. (翻译:如果你必须再次和那人共事并且要继续共事下去,那么过分“坦率”的对话会使生活大大复杂化。)

14. What is itfor looks complicate? (翻译:那么复杂! 什么玩意儿? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}What is itfor Iooks compIicate?)

15. Marriage can really complicate things. (翻译:婚姻可以是非常复杂的事情。Marriage can really complicate things.)



词组搭配:complicate matters(使事情更复杂),complicate issues(加剧问题)

短语:complicated situation(复杂的情况),complicated relationship(复杂的关系)



1. The new regulations will only complicate matters further.


2. The situation was already complicated, but your actions have made it worse.


3. His lack of communication only served to complicate the relationship between the two parties.


4. The addition of new requirements has complicated the application process.


5. The political situation in the country is becoming increasingly complicated.


6. The presence of so many different stakeholders will complicate the decision- process.


7. The language barrier has complicated our ability to communicate effectively.


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