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ocelot是什么意思 ocelot的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-23 18:51:20
  • 256

ocelot是什么意思 ocelot的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The ocelot is a nocturnal animal and is rarely seen during the day.(豹猫是夜行性动物,在白天很少被见到。)

2. In some areas, ocelots have been hunted for their fur, and their populations have declined.(在一些地区,豹猫因毛皮而遭到猎杀,它们的种群数量已经下降。)




例句:The first alpha version of Oneiric Ocelot is due on June 2, according to the software's release schedule, with the final release due in October. (Oneiric Ocelot的第一个alpha版在6月2日发布,根据软件的发布计划,最终版将在10月份发布。)


例句:Sohe has to be the DCI right up until Ocelot's final call which could have taken place prior to the handshake. (这么说来他必须在山猫最后电话之前还是中央情报局长,而这一事件又很可能发生在握手事件之前。)


例句:Ocelot: An ocelot never lets his prey escape. (山猫从来不会让猎物溜掉的。)


例句:Aardvark, baboon, caribou, dolphin, eohippus, fox, gorilla, hyena, ibex, jackal, kangaroo, lion, marmoset, Newfoundland, ocelot, panda, rat, sloth, tiger, unicorn, varmint, whale, yak, zebra. (翻译:土豚, 狒狒, 驯鹿. 海豚, 始祖马, 狐狸, 大猩猩, 土狼, 野山羊, 豺狼, 袋鼠, 狮子, 狨猴.)


ocelot一般作为名词使用,如在Oneiric Ocelot([网络] 梦幻的豹猫;有梦的虎猫;梦的豹猫)等常见短语中出现较多。

Oneiric Ocelot[网络] 梦幻的豹猫;有梦的虎猫;梦的豹猫


1. Ocelot: An ocelot never lets his prey escape. (翻译:山猫从来不会让猎物溜掉的。)

2. Aardvark, baboon, caribou, dolphin, eohippus, fox, gorilla, hyena, ibex, jackal, kangaroo, lion, marmoset, Newfoundland, ocelot, panda, rat, sloth, tiger, unicorn, varmint, whale, yak, zebra. (翻译:土豚, 狒狒, 驯鹿. 海豚, 始祖马, 狐狸, 大猩猩, 土狼, 野山羊, 豺狼, 袋鼠, 狮子, 狨猴.)

3. Ocelot: You're going to nuke your fellow Russians! ? (翻译:难道你要用攻击你的同胞? )

4. Ocelot: Perhaps? This man was our comrade! (翻译:也许?这人可是我们的同志! )



1. 词汇含义:Ocelot是一种中等大小的野生猫科动物,产于中美洲和南美洲。在缩写中,Ocelot还可以表示其他词汇,例如Object-Centric Enhanced Learning for Autonomous Driving(面向对象的自动驾驶增强学习)。

2. 词汇发音:Ocelot的发音是/ˈɒsəlɒt/或/ˈoʊsəlɒt/,注意第一个音节的读音为"o"而不是"a"。

3. 词汇形态:Ocelot是一个名词,在单数形式下为ocelot,在复数形式下为ocelots。

4. 词汇用法:Ocelot常用于描述野生动物,尤其是猫科动物。在缩写中,Ocelot常用于科技领域,特别是自动驾驶技术。

5. 词汇例句:

- The ocelot is a solitary and nocturnal predator that hunts small mammals, birds, and reptiles in the forests of Central and South America. (ocelot是一种孤独和夜行的掠食者,在中美洲和南美洲的森林中捕食小型哺乳动物、鸟类和爬行动物。)

- Ocelots were once hunted for their fur, which is highly prized, but now they are protected in most countries. (ocelot曾经因其高价值的皮毛而被狩猎,但现在它们在大多数国家受到保护。)

- The OCELOT project aims to develop a computer vision system that can detect and track objects in real time for autonomous driving. (OCELOT项目旨在开发一种计算机视觉系统,能够实时检测和跟踪物体,用于自动驾驶。)

- The OCELOT method uses reinforcement learning to train autonomous vehicles to navigate complex environments. (OCELOT方法使用强化学习训练自动驾驶车辆在复杂的城市环境中导航。)

- The OCELOT framework allows developers to easily integrate different machine learning algorithms into their autonomous driving systems. (OCELOT框架使开发人员能够轻松地将不同的机器学习算法集成到他们的自动驾驶系统中。)

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