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momentary是什么意思 momentary的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:00
  • 153

momentary是什么意思 momentary的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The momentary lapse of concentration caused him to make a mistake. (短暂的注意力分散导致他犯了个错误。)

2. She felt a momentary burst of anger when he told her the news. (当他告诉她这个消息时,她感到了一阵短暂的愤怒。)

3. The joy she felt was only momentary as she soon realized the reality of the situation. (她感到的快乐只是短暂的,因为她很快意识到了情况的现实。)




例句:You're just another tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe. (momentary speck 而无关紧要的尘埃而已 within an indifferent universe.)


例句:Momentary specks within an indifferent universe. (那只是浩瀚宇宙中的微小尘埃 Momentary specks within an indifferent universe.)


例句:But this momentary nirvana was quickly shattered by the sharp notes of a bell when I tried to cross the street and turn into Zha Road. (这一时的涅磐幻境,当我想横越过马路转人闸路去的时候,忽而被一阵铃声惊破了。)


例句:unleashed a blizzard of symbolic chants from above, resulting in a momentary panic. (翻译:者假扮成服务员和厨师 在高处齐声喊出口号 引起了短暂的恐慌)


momentary一般作为形容词使用,如在momentary acidity(暂时酸度, 瞬间酸度, 暂时酸度,瞬间酸度)、momentary action(瞬间作用)、momentary aspect(瞬息体,一次体)等常见短语中出现较多。

momentary acidity暂时酸度, 瞬间酸度, 暂时酸度,瞬间酸度
momentary action瞬间作用
momentary aspect瞬息体,一次体
momentary cagingun. 瞬时锁定
momentary charge瞬间充电
momentary closure瞬时闭合
momentary connection[计] 瞬时接通
momentary connections瞬时接通
momentary contact[计] 瞬间接触


1. But this momentary nirvana was quickly shattered by the sharp notes of a bell when I tried to cross the street and turn into Zha Road. (翻译:这一时的涅磐幻境,当我想横越过马路转人闸路去的时候,忽而被一阵铃声惊破了。)

2. unleashed a blizzard of symbolic chants from above, resulting in a momentary panic. (翻译:者假扮成服务员和厨师 在高处齐声喊出口号 引起了短暂的恐慌)

3. Victory attained by violence is tantamount to defeat for it is momentary. (翻译:以暴力取胜 Victory attained by violence 意味着失败 因为这只是短暂的胜利 is tantamount to defeat for it is momentary.)

4. Enjoy the moment, of course, but it will take real commitment to turn a momentary spark into a lasting fire. (翻译:享受当下,是一定的,不过你的承诺才是能把那些值得怀念的火花变成真正的火焰的东西。)

5. Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost. (翻译:刻意地让所有人记住你只是一种暂时的自我宣传行为,但这并不会为你带来任何好处。)

6. It was a momentary chance for the team in navy blue, as England continued to pepper Tim Howard's goal. (翻译:这是身着海军蓝球衣的美国队瞬间即逝的机会,接着英格兰队就继续向蒂姆·霍华德的球门发起密集的攻击。)

7. And reading took an unequal relationship and gave us a momentary equality. (翻译:读书消除了我们 不平等的关系, 给了我们短暂的平等。)

8. the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; (翻译:借着微弱稀疏的灯光可见阳台和雕刻精美的拱门。)

9. Such nationalistic adventures were of only momentary value to Velasco. (翻译:对贝拉斯科来说,这种民族主义冒险只有短暂的价值。)

10. Jove's lightning, the precursors O' th' dreadful thunder-claps, more momentary and sight-outrunning were not; (翻译:连为雷霆当前导的电火 也比不上我瞬息万变的速度)

11. You just go in and you sit down and there's a thing that comes down on your head, and a momentary sting and then it's done, and you can go back about your day. (翻译:你只要到医院,坐下来, 有个设备降到你的头上, 短暂的一下刺痛,就完事了, 你可以回去继续忙你的了。)

12. Recording elan vital, Calligraphy and realistic Painting are doing the same with all efforts to accomplish life expressions of vivid lines and aeonian annals of momentary beings. (翻译:书法和写实的绘画都是在努力采用“生命的线条”来反映生命,从而把瞬息的存在以永久的形式保存下来。)

13. But achieving a dream is a momentary sensation, and your life is not. (翻译:但是梦想实现的那一刻只是短暂的瞬间, 而你的人生不是一瞬。)

14. A momentary aberration, Cap'n, soon to be addressed. (翻译:只是一时的失误,船长! 马上就会恢复正常!)

15. My armies threaten the Volga, the Caucasus, and, despite momentary setbacks, the Nile, and beyond. (翻译:我的就要征服伏尔加河流域 和高加索地区 如果不考虑目前暂时的挫折 还将征服尼罗河流域和其他更多的土地)

1. 词性和定义:momentary可以作形容词,意思是短暂的、瞬间的。在物理学中,momentary也可以表示短暂的瞬间。

2. 用法:momentary通常用于修饰动词或名词,表示某个行为或状态只持续了一瞬间。另外,momentary还可以作为副词使用,表示短暂地。

3. 同义词和反义词:与momentary同义的单词有brief、fleeting、transient等;反义词则为long-lasting、permanent、enduring等。

Example sentences:

1. She felt a momentary flutter of fear before she regained her composure. (她感到了一瞬间畏惧,然后恢复了镇定。)

2. The concert was amazing, but the momentary blackout in the middle of the show was a bit disconcerting. (音乐会令人惊叹,但中途短暂的停电有点令人不安。)

3. His momentary distraction caused him to miss the critical shot. (他短暂的分心导致他错过了关键的开枪时刻。)

4. The effect was only momentary, and the patient's pain returned soon after taking the medication. (效果只是短暂的,病人在服药后很快又感到疼痛。)

5. The astronaut experienced a momentary loss of gravity as the spacecraft entered orbit. (宇航员在飞船进入轨道时经历了短暂的失重。)

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