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topology是什么意思 topology的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:06
  • 153

topology是什么意思 topology的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The study of topology is concerned with the properties of space that are preserved under continuous transformations.(拓扑学研究的是空间在连续变化下保持不变的特性。)

2. The topology of the network determines its performance and efficiency.(网络的拓扑结构决定了其性能和效率。)

3. The topology of a circuit board can greatly affect the functionality of the electronic device.(电路板的拓扑结构会极大地影响电子设备的功能。)




例句:At the end of my thesis I designed the future researching target of GAF topology control algorithm. (在论文的最后给出了GAF拓扑控制算法的未来研究目标。)


例句:We use the graph's BFS to implement discovery of compus network topology automatically. (并提出了利用图的广度优先遍历实现网络拓扑自动发现。)


例句:Quiesce the topology, which involves stopping all changes and synchronizing all servers. (停止拓扑,这涉及到停止所有更改和同步所有服务器。)


例句:Research of HAPF generally focuses on topology of main circuit and control module design. (翻译:混合有源滤波器主要集中在主电路拓扑形式和控制模块的研究。)


topology一般作为名词使用,如在differential topology(微分拓扑)、discrete topology([计] 离散结构)、distributed topology(分散式布局)等常见短语中出现较多。

differential topology微分拓扑
discrete topology[计] 离散结构
distributed topology分散式布局
fine topology细拓扑
finite topology有限拓扑
flexible topology[计] 灵活布局
fuzzy topology模糊拓扑;不分明拓扑
general topology普通拓扑学
geometric topology[数] 几何拓扑学


1. Quiesce the topology, which involves stopping all changes and synchronizing all servers. (翻译:停止拓扑,这涉及到停止所有更改和同步所有服务器。)

2. Research of HAPF generally focuses on topology of main circuit and control module design. (翻译:混合有源滤波器主要集中在主电路拓扑形式和控制模块的研究。)

3. That topology is then static. (翻译:因此,其拓扑是静态的。)

4. In a LAN using a bus topology, a segment is a continuous electrical circuit that is often connected to other such segments with repeaters. (翻译:在使用汇流排拓朴的LAN上,区段是为一连续的电子电路,它常常以中继器连接到其它此等的区段。)

5. "A proof that algebraic topology can never have a non-self-contradictory set of abelian groups." (翻译:论代数拓扑永远不会有 非自我矛盾的交换群)

6. Topology Optimization Considering Undesigning Aggregates for High-speed CNC Pillar (翻译:非设计集合的高速立式数控加工中心立柱的拓扑优化)

7. Double click the node from the Servce-to-Service topology view, TEP will open the interaction detail of the node. (翻译:双击servce - to - Service拓扑视图中的节点,TEP将打开该节点的交互细节。)

8. A Distributed Algorithm of Topology Construction and Network Routing of Bluetooth Scatternet (翻译:一种蓝牙分散网拓扑结构创建和网络路由分布式算法)

9. In a network environment , the PKT maintains all information about DFS topology , including its mappings to the underlying physical shares . (翻译:在网络环境中,PKT维护有关DFS拓扑的所有信息,包括其到基础物理共享的映射。)

10. Enablement deployment topology. (翻译:启动部署拓扑结构。)

11. to understand the poincare conjecture and perelman ' s proof in greater depth , you have to know something about topology. (翻译:如果要更深入理解庞卡赫猜想与帕瑞尔曼的证明,你必须懂一点拓扑学。)

12. Quiesce the replication topology before configuring peer-to-peer transactional replication using this option. (翻译:在使用此选项配置对等事务复制之前,先停止该复制拓扑。)

13. Regardless of the number of ESBs in the topology, each interaction involves two ESBs that are directly linked. (翻译:不管拓扑中ESB的数目有多少,每次交互都涉及两个直接连接的ESB。)

14. However, the ZVS operation is difficult to achieve under light load condition for the AHB topology. (翻译:然而,对于非对称半桥拓朴而言,在轻载条件下,开关元件难以实现零电压切换操作。)

15. So that was the first sort of thrust, from the mid-1700s, into a subject which is now called algebraic topology. (翻译:这是自十八世纪中叶以来 首次 算是进入了一个 如今被称作 代数拓扑的学科 )




1. 定义


2. 范畴


3. 应用


4. 缩写词


5. 相关术语



1. The topology of the universe is a topic of great interest to cosmologists. (宇宙的拓扑结构是宇宙学家极感兴趣的话题。)

2. She is studying topology in her graduate program in mathematics. (她在读研究生数学课程,正在学习拓扑学。)

3. The topology of the Internet can greatly affect the network's performance. (Internet的拓扑结构可以极大地影响网络性能。)

4. Can you create a topology diagram of our company's network? (你能否画出公司网络的拓扑图?)

5. The concept of continuity is fundamental to topology. (连续性这个概念对于拓扑学至关重要。)

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