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bna是什么意思 bna的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:19
  • 171

bna是什么意思 bna的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:That is what is leading the Obama administration to contemplate reserving up to $100bn of that tranche for the "aggregator bank" solution. (这就是导致考虑保留第二批资金中多至1000亿美元,用于“集合银行”解决方案的原因。)


例句:Mr Lee estimated that the total size of the distressed market in Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan, was as high as $100bn. (Lee估计,不包括日本在内,亚太地区问题债务市场的总规模高达1000亿美元。)


例句:Only $5bn would have to be paid into the bank during the next five years. (只有50亿美元必须在未来5年交付给亚行。)


1. Only $5bn would have to be paid into the bank during the next five years. (翻译:只有50亿美元必须在未来5年交付给亚行。)

2. Bn unerring faculty for detecting hypocrisy is one of her most useful attributes. (翻译:能没有差错地看出伪善的能力是她身上最有效的特性之一。)

3. These costs totalled $14. 4bn, or 62 per cent of revenue, a year earlier. (翻译:此前一年,这些支出总额为144亿美元,占其收入的62%。)

4. I'm Reese. Sergeant Tech-Com. DN38416. (翻译:我叫瑞斯 科技中士 编号BN38416)

5. Atpresent, there are some problems in synthesizing c-BN films: 1. Nucleation and growth mechanism is not very clear. (翻译:目前c-BN的合成主要存在以下几个问题:1.成核和生长机理尚不清楚。)

6. As the money is in the form of a credit line, the budgetary impact has been calculated at just $5bn. (翻译:由于相关资金采取信贷额度形式,因此其对预算的影响仅估算为50亿美元。)

7. SAPP left BN after 308 that also caused the down fall of the ex-PM Adullah Badawi. (翻译:308之后,又脱离国阵也导致了前首相敦巴达维的。)

8. "We probably could have raised $10bn or thereabouts from a rights issue, but I don't think we could have raised $20bn, " Mr Skinner said. (翻译:“我们很可能可以通过配发新股募集100亿美元左右,不认为我们可以募集到200亿美元,”斯金纳说。)

9. Analysts estimate that Boeing has invested about $1bn in developing the Connexion service since the beginning of the decade. (翻译:分析师估计,自本世纪开始以来,波音已投入约10亿美元开发Connexion服务项目。)

10. CQS, the $11bn London-based hedge fund, has a bullish outlook on China and global growth. (翻译:管理着110亿美元资产的伦敦对冲基金CQS,对中国及全球的经济增长前景持乐观看法。)

11. Your BN volunteered you for SAM suppression. (翻译:于是你的投弹手志愿为你报名 飞行萨母引诱任务)

12. Next week, African leaders will consider plans to ask rich countries for $67bn a year from 2020. (翻译:本周,非洲各国将考虑从2020年起向富裕国家每年要求670亿美元的计划。)

13. BHP and Rio estimate that the joint venture will save at least $10bn from production and development synergies. (翻译:必和必拓和力拓估计,这项合资计划将从生产和开发协同效应中至少节省100亿美元。)

14. But a growing number of investors questioned the price paid and balked at the size of the $21bn rights issue to finance the takeover. (翻译:但越来越多的投资者质疑收购价,并对210亿美元配股发行的规模犹豫不决。)

15. He has budgeted an additional $1bn a year for rail over the next five years. (翻译:他计划未来5年里,对铁路交通每年增加10亿美元的预算。)

1. 作为缩写词

- BNA指的是Bureau of National Affairs,是美国一家提供、法律、商业及其他新闻的出版社。它的新闻被广泛用于、法律及商业领域。

- BNA也可以指Business Network of America,是一个面向中小企业的商业联合体,旨在提供商业信息和资源。

- BNA还可指Baltimore-Washington International Airport,位于美国马里兰州的。


- The latest BNA report shows that the employment rate in the US has increased.

- The BNA meeting will be held next week to discuss the new business plan.

- I will arrive at BNA airport at 10 am tomorrow.

2. 作为单词

- bna其实不是一个常用的单词,但它在一些较为专业的场合可以表示鸟类中的鹑鹑科,包括了许多种羽翼短小的鸟类。

- 另外,在一些语言学习领域,bna也可以用来表示“Boston Naming Test”,这是一种临床测试,旨在检测大脑中的命名系统。


- The bna family includes birds such as quails and partridges.

- The patient performed well on the BNA test, indicating that their naming ability is intact.

3. 其他用法

- 在文学作品或者网络用语中,“bna”也可以作为缩写代表“be nice always”,即“始终保持友好”之含义。

- 另外,bna也可以被认为是一种平面设计风格,以平面、几何和抽象为主,现在已经成为了一种流行的设计趋势。


- In this online community, we encourage everyone to bna and treat each other with respect.

- The new logo uses bold lines and bright colors, reflecting a modern bna style.

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