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scientifically是什么意思 scientifically的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:58
  • 180

scientifically是什么意思 scientifically的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Scientists have confirmed the theory scientifically.


2. This problem requires a scientifically sound solution.





例句:This area happens to be on the border of Peru and Brazil, totally unexplored, almost totally unknown scientifically. (这些区域是在 秘鲁和巴西的边界 完全没有开发过 科学上也几乎完全未知 )


例句:The scent is scientifically proven to promote relaxation, and the repetition and mindlessness of ironing will soothe you. (科学证实香味可以帮助放松,熨烫床单时无意识的重复动作也能缓和心绪。)


例句:I'd wager there's some deformity that'd be scientifically significant. (我打赌尽管有点儿畸形 但还是具有一定科研价值的)


1. I'd wager there's some deformity that'd be scientifically significant. (翻译:我打赌尽管有点儿畸形 但还是具有一定科研价值的)

2. You know, scientifically speaking, Marian, there's no such thing as "beyond natural color." (翻译:你知道从科学方面来讲 是没有超越自然色彩这种东西的)

3. According to Sewell, evolution is scientifically undeniable, but its contribution to human well-being is unclear. (翻译:按照休厄尔的点,进化论在科学上是不可否认的,但其对人类福祉的贡献却不甚清楚。)

4. Spontaneous human combustion is rare and scientifically unexplainable. (翻译:Spontaneous human combustion is rare and scientifically unexplainable.)

5. I don't know -- I prefer to test their beliefs, scientifically. (翻译:我不知道 我更想通过科学的方法检验他们的信仰)

6. Their achievements, intellectually and scientifically, are extraordinary, and they are so relevant for these times that we are in when we are riding out storms. (翻译:他们的这些能力,在智慧上和科学上 都很非凡, 而且这与 我们逃离风暴时 所在的时机息息相关。)

7. In Fort Chipewyan, the 800 people there, are finding toxins in the food chain, this has been scientifically proven. (翻译:奇普怀恩堡有800位居民 食物链中含有毒性物质 已经科学证实 )

8. I predict scientifically 74 percent of you will go for bananas. (翻译:我从科学角度预计 你们当中有74%的人会选择香蕉。)

9. If the... soul exists, scientifically speaking, it exists in the brain. (翻译:如果... 灵魂存在的话 从科学的角度说,它应该存在于大脑中)

10. I believe that 99.9% of everything can be explained scientifically. (翻译:我相信世间99.9%的事 I believe that 99.9% of everything 都可以用科学来解释 can be explained scientifically.)

11. But scientifically, they're amazing because they're sentinels. (翻译:但是在科学层面上,它们令人惊叹是因为它们充当哨兵的角色。)

12. EBR-I was an experiment just to prove that the concept made sense, scientifically. (翻译:EBR -我是一个实验,将 证明这个概念是可行的。)

13. Now the only problem with that definition is that it's completely wrong -- both scientifically and otherwise. (翻译:那个定义的唯一问题就是, 定义本身是完全错误的—— 不论从科学上,还是其他方面讲。)

14. Unlike many proverbs, the one about elephant memory is scientifically accurate. (翻译:与众多谚语不同的是 这一个关于大象记忆力的谚语, 从科学角度看是精准的 )

15. Efforts are being made to research it scientifically. (翻译:正在努力对它进行科学研究。)



2.用法:'scientifically'经常与动词配合使用,例如'scientifically proven'表示事物已被科学证明, 'scientifically accurate'表示某物的描述或测量是准确无误的。



1. The vaccine was scientifically proven to prevent the disease.


2. The data we collected was scientifically accurate.


3. The study was conducted scientifically, with a control group and rigorous methodology.


4. Scientists must always act scientifically and avoid assumptions without evidence.


5. The product was scientifically engineered to meet specific consumer needs.


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