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sole是什么意思 sole的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:50
  • 229

sole是什么意思 sole的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She is the sole heir of her late father's fortune. (她是她已故父亲财产的唯一继承人。)

2. The company has the sole responsibility for ensuring the safety of its employees. (公司有保障员工安全的唯一责任。)

3. The sole of my s is worn out. (我的鞋底已经磨损了。)




例句:We need to employ someone to glue and to screw the sole of the feet. (需要招人来 把义肢的脚底粘合并组装起来 )


例句:One Sole, capable post such nonsensical questions. (你能plantearme 这些荒谬的问题。)


例句:The sole elements extend from the connecting portion, and the sole elements are separated by a plurality of sipes that extend upward into the sole structure. (鞋底部件从连接部分延伸,并且鞋底部件由向上延伸到鞋底结构中的多个凹槽隔开。)


例句:She has sole responsibility for the project. (翻译:那个项目由她一人负责。)


sole一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在dropped sole([医]凸状足底)、Dover sole(多佛比目鱼)、emitting sole([电子] 发射底极)等常见短语中出现较多。

dropped sole[医]凸状足底
Dover sole多佛比目鱼
emitting sole[电子] 发射底极
English sole=lemon sole
European sole[网络] 欧洲鞋底
fault sole逆断层底面,基底逆掩面, 断层底面
feme sole[法] 未婚妇女
femes sole未婚女子\n单身女子\n寡妇
fillet of sole[网络] 辣豆瓣鱼片
fillets of sole[网络] 辣豆瓣鱼片\n(fillet of sole 的复数)


1. The sole elements extend from the connecting portion, and the sole elements are separated by a plurality of sipes that extend upward into the sole structure. (翻译:鞋底部件从连接部分延伸,并且鞋底部件由向上延伸到鞋底结构中的多个凹槽隔开。)

2. She has sole responsibility for the project. (翻译:那个项目由她一人负责。)

3. Mississippi man ruled sole heir to Blus legend (翻译:一名密西西比人被法院裁定为布鲁斯音乐传奇人物的唯一继承人)

4. So are you asking me to petition the Council to grant Candor sole judiciary power? (翻译:所以你是在让我向理事会 So are you asking me to petition the Council 给予诚实派以司法权? to grant Candor sole judiciary power?)

5. I'm the sole victim of Mother's tyranny. (翻译:我是母亲专横暴虐的惟一受害者。)

6. I came in with the sole purpose of inviting you sailing. (翻译:昨天我去餐厅只有一个目的就是邀请你出来航海)

7. The chicken roulade and roasted fillet of sole were dull to this tongue; (翻译:鸡肉卷和烤鳎鱼鱼片又是那么绵软可口。)

8. Leektar appeared to be its sole survivor. (翻译:利克塔似乎是唯一的幸存者。)

9. Or any other individual the sole right (翻译:决不准予杰克 科沃基恩或其他任何个人 {\3cH202020}or any other individual the sole right)

10. You will now take yourself offline and place all functions under my sole control. (翻译:你现在下线 You will now take yourself offline 由我单独掌控所有运作 and place all functions under my sole control.)

11. Fundamentalists see religion and culture as their sole property, a property. (翻译:原教旨把与文化 视为他们自己的一种“财产”。)

12. His sole purpose is keeping people alive! (翻译:他唯一的目的就是让人活着 His sole purpose is keeping people alive!)

13. We are decided to entrust you with the sole agency for cars. (翻译:我们决定委托你作为我们汽车的独家。)

14. My sole reason for coming here was to see you. (翻译:我到这儿唯一的原因就是来看你。)

15. It is written proof that God is no longer the sole creator of man. (翻译:这本手札证明了 上帝不再是人类唯一的造主了)



1. 词释:sole 可以作为形容词和名词使用。作为形容词时,sole 表示“唯一的”,“独占的”,“单独的”等含义;作为名词时,sole 表示“鞋底”、“鲽鱼”等意思。


- He is the sole survivor of the plane crash. (他是飞机失事的唯一幸存者。)

- The company has the sole right to distribute the product. (该公司拥有该产品的唯一分销权。)

- The sole purpose of this meeting is to discuss the new project. (这次会议的唯一目的是讨论新项目。)

- The sole of my s is worn out. (我的鞋底磨损了。)

- I ordered the sole fish for dinner. (我点了鲽鱼作为晚餐。)

2. 同义词替换:sole 可以与 alone、only、unique、exclusive 等词替换。


- They were the sole survivors of the accident. (他们是事故的唯一幸存者。)

= They were the only survivors of the accident.

- The company has the sole right to distribute the product. (该公司拥有该产品的唯一分销权。)

= The company has the exclusive right to distribute the product.

3. 常见短语:sole 还可以组成各种常见短语,如 sole proprietorship(独资企业)、sole custody(独生子女抚养权)、sole purpose(唯一目的)等。


- He runs a sole proprietorship. (他经营一家独资企业。)

- The court awarded the mother sole custody of the child. (法院判定母亲获得独生子女的抚养权。)

- The sole purpose of this project is to increase sales. (这个项目的唯一目的是增加销售量。)

4. 词汇派生:sole 还可以派生出一些相关词汇,如 solely(仅仅)、solely-owned(完全拥有的)、solemn(庄严的)、solicitor(律师)等。


- He is solely responsible for the project. (他对这个项目负全部责任。)

- The company is solely-owned by the CEO. (该公司完全归 CEO 所有。)

- The ceremony was very solemn. (仪式非常庄严。)

- The solicitor advised the client on the legal matter. (律师向客户提供法律咨询。)

5. 缩写词:sole 还可以是一些缩写词的组成部分,如 sole proprietor(独资企业主)、Sole Trader(个体经营者)等。


- The sole proprietor is responsible for all the decisions of the business. (独资企业主对企业的所有决定负责。)

- Sole Traders are required to register their business with the government. (个体经营者必须向注册他们的企业。)

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