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pfd是什么意思 pfd的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:26
  • 172

pfd是什么意思 pfd的中文翻译、读音、例句

中文翻译:PFD是英文“personal flotation device”的缩写,中文翻译为“个人救生设备”。

读音:[pɜːsnl fləʊˈteɪʃn dɪˈvaɪs]

例句:It's important to wear a PFD when you're boating to ensure your safety.(划船时佩戴个人救生设备很重要,以确保安全。)




例句:Through redesigning the structure of the original PFD circuit and based on the traditional D trigger PFD, two new PFDs, transmission gate D trigger PFD and flip-latch based PFD were proposed. (通过对原有PFD电路结构进行重新设计,在传统D触发器PFD的基础上提出了两种新型PFD:传输门D触发器型PFD和基于锁存器的PFD。)


例句:An inflatable PFD has less bulk and interference than a foam unit, but is ready to provide flotation during an unexpected entry into the water. (可膨胀的PFD有较少的体积和没有了干扰泡沫单位,但在想不到的进入水后实时提供漂浮。)


例句:The top one is the standby flight display -- it looks just like the regular PFD. (上面一个是备用飞行显示器——看上去和常规的PFD一样。)


例句:The top-of-the- line vest for whitewater rafting makes an excellent PFD for river rescue. (翻译:乘筏航行水银的线在顶的背心对于在河上拯救是极好的PFD。)


pfd一般作为名词使用,如在PFD(abbr. 程序流程图(Process Flow Diagram);主飞行显示(Primary Flight Display);个人漂浮设备(Personal Flotation Device))、pfd.(abbr. preferred)等常见短语中出现较多。

PFDabbr. 程序流程图(Process Flow Diagram);主飞行显示(Primary Flight Display);个人漂浮设备(Personal Flotation Device)
pfd.abbr. preferred


1. The top one is the standby flight display -- it looks just like the regular PFD. (翻译:上面一个是备用飞行显示器——看上去和常规的PFD一样。)

2. The top-of-the- line vest for whitewater rafting makes an excellent PFD for river rescue. (翻译:乘筏航行水银的线在顶的背心对于在河上拯救是极好的PFD。)

3. In the event that the PFD fails, the pilot can still get critical flight information from these backup instruments. (翻译:当PFD失灵时,飞行员仍可在这些备用设备上读取关键的飞行信息。)

4. Or at least can create PFD such a way that before conversion to PDF user will not see RTF file. (翻译:或者至少可以创建PFD的这样一种方式,在转换为PDF的用户将无法看到RTF文件。)

5. The main aim of this work is to research the fractional-N PLL in the CMMB application and the realization of the high performance PFD and CP of the PLL. (翻译:本文主要研究CMMB系统应用的小数分频PLL以及系统中高性能的鉴频鉴相器和电荷泵的实现。)


意思:PFD通常指人身安全救生衣(Personal Flotation Device),是一种能够使人在水中浮起来的装置,通常由泡沫、塑料或气囊等材料制成。PFD是水上活动、航海、钓鱼、皮划艇、划艇等活动中必备的装备。


词组搭配:PFD的搭配词组包括:life jacket(救生衣)、life vest(救生背心)、buoyancy aid(漂浮救助器材)等。

相关短语:PFD相关的短语包括:wear your PFD(戴上你的救生衣)、check your PFD(检查你的救生衣)等。

发音拼写:PFD的发音为/pɪ ɛf ˈdi:/,缩写中每个字母分别念出来即可。

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