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the beyond是什么意思 the beyond的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:53
  • 251

the beyond是什么意思 the beyond的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. His imagination could not quite reach the beyond of what lay ahead.


2. She felt a sense of peace and tranquility as she stared out into the beyond.


the beyond通常被翻译为"来世"的意思,其次还有"来世"的意思,发音音标为[thebeyond],the beyond是一个英语名词,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到82个与the beyond相关的例句。

The beyond的翻译


例句:Just the two of us Beyond lies (# 只有我们俩 远离那谎言 # # Just the two of us Beyond lies #)


the beyond一般作为名词使用,如在beyond(在..的另一边 )、extend beyond(延伸到…之外)、fall beyond(属于…之外;在…之外)等常见短语中出现较多。

extend beyond延伸到…之外
fall beyond属于…之外;在…之外
far beyond[网络] 是远远超过的意思;融解的速度远超过;大大超越
get beyond(使)超过…的范围;(使)越过…的阶段;为…所达不到,为…力所不及
go beyond超出
goes beyondna. 超出\n[网络] 超越
going beyondna. 超出\n[网络] 超越;阅读后复习活动;越过
gone beyondna. 越过\n[网络] 善逝


1. The story of the Great Beyond. (翻译:一个关于彼岸的故事 The story of the Great Beyond.)

2. # We la familia for life beyond today and tomorrow # (翻译:# We la familia for life beyond today and tomorrow #)

3. This is beyond medieval torture! (翻译:这个办法比中世纪酷刑好多了 This is beyond medieval torture!)

4. This is so far beyond publishing. (翻译:哦,这远远不是关于公布 Oh, this is so far beyond publishing.)

5. And the betting goes far beyond the walls of Blackwater. (翻译:参赌范围远不止于黑水内部 And the betting goes far beyond the walls of Blackwater.)

6. Oh, we are way beyond that. (翻译:噢 我们的成果远远的超越了这个 Oh, we are way beyond that.)

7. Did you go to the Great Beyond? (翻译:你有没有去彼岸? Did you go to the Great Beyond?)

8. Yes, of death and of pleasures beyond the grave. (翻译:对 死亡和阴间的快乐 Yes, of death and of pleasures beyond the grave.)

9. ♪ That goes beyond my days ♪ (翻译:♪ That goes beyond my days ♪)

10. Man, this has grown way beyond AngelList, man. (翻译:老兄 这已经超出天使名单的范围了 Man, this has grown way beyond AngelList.)

11. He must not get beyond the Triangle of Rocks. (翻译:He must not get beyond the Triangle of Rocks.)

12. Somewhere beyond the ocean there is a land (翻译:Somewhere beyond the ocean there is a land)

13. It would, but I fear it may be beyond our purse, John. (翻译:可以 不过恐怕我们买不起 约翰 It would, but I fear it may be beyond our purse, John.)

14. It will soon be beyond my concern. (翻译:这很快就不用心了 It will soon be beyond my concern.)

15. Will you ever have a life beyond these woods? (翻译:你会在树林以外有你的生活吗? Will you ever have a life beyond these woods?)

1. 词的意思: "The Beyond" 指的是某种未知或无法被理解或探索的领域或领域,通常指精神、超自然或其他世界。

2. 词性:名词短语。

3. 常用场景: "The Beyond" 这个短语经常被用在恐怖电影、小说和游戏中,通常指某种诡异的领域,例如超自然世界、灵异现象、神秘的地方或占据人类理解范畴之外的未知领域。

4. 词组搭配:无

5. 相关短语:

- Beyond one's comprehension:超越某人的理解范畴

- Beyond compare:无与伦比

- Beyond belief:难以置信

- Beyond doubt:毫无疑问

6. 发音拼写: /ðə bɪˈjɒnd/

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