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polar bear是什么意思 polar bear的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-10 02:05:52
  • 396

polar bear是什么意思 polar bear的中文翻译、读音、例句

polar bear 是指北极熊,是一种生活在北极地区的大型食肉动物。


读音:[ˈpoʊlər beər]


1. Polar bears are highly adapted to the extreme cold of the Arctic.(北极熊高度适应极端寒冷的北极环境。)

2. The polar bear is the largest land predator on Earth.(北极熊是地球上最大的陆地食肉动物。)

polar bear在中文中有"白熊、北极熊数位电视天线"的意思,其中文解释还有"冬泳者"的意思,在线读音是[polarbear],polar bear是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到83个与polar bear相关的句子。

Polar bear的翻译


例句:He does not even feel guilty for procreating with Mrs. Polar Bear. (他也没有因为与北极熊夫人生儿育女而有愧。)


例句:Despite its fluffy fur and teddy-bear look the polar bear is actually one of the most ruthless, predatory carnivores on the planet. (尽管他们有蓬松的皮毛 和泰迪熊的可爱外表 北极熊实际上是地球上 最无情的捕猎型肉食动物之一)


例句:And this polar bear stands over the husky, no claws extended, no fangs taking a look. (然后这个北极熊 站在哈士奇旁边。没有伸爪,没有露出獠牙。)


例句:The face of a polar bear pelt looms before the uniforms of China's last emperor, Puyi. (翻译:北极熊熊皮的背后隐约可见中国末代皇帝溥仪的皇服。)


polar bear一般作为名词使用,如在polar bear dip([网络] 盛事北极熊冬泳;北极熊泳)、polar bear meet(冬季室外田径运动会)、for bear([网络] 牡丹绣球仿真花新娘花球)等常见短语中出现较多。

polar bear dip[网络] 盛事北极熊冬泳;北极熊泳
polar bear meet冬季室外田径运动会
for bear[网络] 牡丹绣球仿真花新娘花球
the bear[电影]子熊的故事
to bear[网络] 承受;忍受;承担
a bear巴西航空公司协会;巴西公司协会
drop bear[网络] 掉熊
Etruscan bear[网络] 伊特鲁里亚熊


1. And this polar bear stands over the husky, no claws extended, no fangs taking a look. (翻译:然后这个北极熊 站在哈士奇旁边。没有伸爪,没有露出獠牙。)

2. The face of a polar bear pelt looms before the uniforms of China's last emperor, Puyi. (翻译:北极熊熊皮的背后隐约可见中国末代皇帝溥仪的皇服。)

3. And the fact that the polar bear and husky or magpie and a bear or you and I and our dogs can crossover and have that experience sets play aside as something separate. (翻译:而事实是北极熊和哈士奇或喜鹊和一只熊 或你和我和我的狗可以交流拥有和其他 事物一样的玩耍的感觉。)

4. The polar bear's world is melting away under the constant summer sun. (翻译:在不落的夏季太阳照射下 北极熊的世界正在消解)

5. Nowadays, a polar bear in search of sea ice often has further to go. (翻译:现如今 北极熊要走很长的路 才能搜寻到食物)

6. The Arctic is one of the hardest places on Earth to survive but to a polar bear, it's paradise. (翻译:北极是地球上最难生存的地方之一 但对北极熊来说 这是它们的天堂)

7. Uh, bear with me a moment. (翻译:bear with me a moment.)

8. The polar bear approaches to attack and Seela decides for a desperate act. (翻译:一只雄性北极熊 慢慢接近 准备攻击她 泽拉决定铤而走险)

9. Another one, "Spectral polar bear on 63rd and 5th." (翻译:另一单,第63街和第五大道交界 有北极熊光影)

10. The leases come with painstaking stipulations to mitigate any possible environmental harm to species like the polar bear. (翻译:这些租约附带了细致的条款,以减轻对北极熊等物种的任何可能的环境伤害。)

11. Female polar bear Aika dozes in Berlin Zoo. (翻译:柏林动物园里的北极母熊正在打盹。)

12. If you live near the Arctic Circle, hug the closest polar bear. (翻译:如果你生活在北极圈附近,请拥抱离你最近的北极熊。)

13. The polar bear mother has made it to the edge of the sea-ice, but the smallest cub is nowhere to be seen. (翻译:北极熊妈妈到了海冰的边缘 但是已经看不到最小的幼熊了)

14. Our Polar Bear friend is named Illa, an Inuit wordfor "friend", inspired by our daughter Ainsley's lovey-bear. (翻译:我们的北极熊朋友叫做Illa——因纽特语的意思是“朋友”,这个是受我女儿Ainsley的可爱熊启发。)

15. Before or after we saved him from the polar bear cave? (翻译:你是指我们从北极熊洞穴 救他出来之前还是之后?)


polar bear作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、polar、bears等。



词组搭配:polar bear cub(北极熊幼崽)、polar bear habitat(北极熊栖息地)


发音拼写:['pəʊlə bɛə]


1. Polar bears are found in the Arctic regions of Canada, Norway, Greenland, Russia, and the United States.(北极熊分布在加拿大、挪威、格陵兰岛、俄罗斯和美国的北极地区。)

2. The polar bear's white fur helps it blend in with the snowy environment of the Arctic.(北极熊的白色毛皮帮助它与北极的雪景融为一体。)

3. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and have been known to swim for hundreds of miles.(北极熊是优秀的游泳者,有时甚至能够游上数百英里。)

4. The polar bear is a solitary animal, except for brief mating periods and when a mother is raising her cubs.(北极熊是一种独居动物,除了短暂的期和母亲养育幼崽时。)

5. Climate change is affecting the polar bear's habitat, as the Arctic sea ice is melting and reducing their hunting grounds.(气候变化正在影响北极熊的栖息地,因为北极海冰正在融化,缩小它们的狩猎范围。)

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