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featuring是什么意思 featuring的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-10 10:11:08
  • 385

featuring是什么意思 featuring的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The movie featuring Tom Cruise was a big hit at the box office.(以汤姆·克鲁斯为特色的电影在票房上大获成功。)

2. The new smartphone features a high-definition display and a powerful processor.(这款新智能手机配有高清显示屏和强劲的处理器。)

3. This magazine article features interviews with several famous musicians.(这篇杂志文章附有几位著名音乐家的采访。)

4. The exhibition is featuring some of the most famous paintings of the Renaissance.(这次展览展示了文艺复兴时期最著名的一些画作。)




例句:The search result is a tailormade itinerary, featuring providers of accommodation, restaurants and activities for each town. (搜索结果是定制化的旅游线路,推荐每一个目的地的住宿供应商、餐馆和活动信息。)


1. What organic chemist claimed that a dream featuring an ouroboros inspired his discovery of the structure of benzene? (翻译:是哪位有机化学家因梦到了衔尾蛇,从而启发了他发现苯的结构呢? )

2. Probably a romantic comedy featuring the talents of Hugh Grant or Sandra Bullock. (翻译:也许一部休・格兰特或桑德拉・布洛克 天才演绎的浪漫轻喜剧)

3. Not only is this a famous film featuring Audrey Tautou, but it is also a charming book to read. (翻译:这不仅仅是奥黛丽·塔图主演的一部非常有名的电影,它还是一部很有魅力的书。)

4. Iraq is the modern day Sumer, so there is a reason for featuring the Annunaki on their dollars, but what about the Swiss? (翻译:是现在的苏美尔,所以在其钞票上描绘安努那奇是有原因的。但瑞士呢?)

5. Featuring Dana Dobbs... senior correspondent, Kip Kendall... (翻译:本期节目由戴娜·波波斯... 资深记者基普·肯戴尔...)

6. You're having a garage sale featuring menswear and sporting equipment. (翻译:Carlos 你看到我的传单了? 你怎么连我的衣服和运动器材都卖?)

7. Marching Wolverine Band... featuring Jive recording artist... (翻译:布朗大学... 狼獾乐队... 以爵士舞录制为特色的艺术家...)

8. The Jarvik campaign was pulled in favor of one featuring an average Baby Boomer, back in September. (翻译:这次宣传是继九月份时关于一名普通生育高峰期出生的小孩的广告后推出的。)

9. I've planned a bold and innovative campaign... featuring internationally known celebrity girlfriends. (翻译:我策划了一项大胆而有创意的广告活动 由国际名人的女友参与)

10. in up to 11 dimensions, featuring wonders beyond our wildest imagination. (翻译:在高至十一种维度里,它们制造着我们再疯狂的想象也不可及 )

11. The biggest advantage and feature in "The Legend of Watermargin" lies in the plot and structure and the featuring of the characters. (翻译:《水浒传》最大的特点和优点,一方面是情节和结构着眼、服务于人物形象的塑造; )

12. And we'll be featuring it in our new ad campaign for Wave Crest surf gear (翻译:我们要在浪峰冲浪服装的 最新广告活动中重点推介)

13. Featuring a modular Virtual Studio, Pattern Editor, Sequence Editor and Multitrack Hard Disk Recorder. (翻译:放映一个模数的虚拟演播室,模式编辑,序列编辑,多轨硬盘录音机。)

14. The skillful benshi narration featuring a mixture of Edo dialect and Kansai dialect is highly entertaining. (翻译:虽然是无声影片却通过影院解说员巧妙地运用了江户和关西方言,这一技巧得到时人盛赞。)

15. featuring cheap rent and fancy names... that promise the good life, but never deliver. (翻译:具有租金便宜和花哨的名字... 许诺美好的生活, 但从来没有实现。)






词组搭配:常见的'featuring'的搭配包括“featuring...”、“featuring with...”、“featuring in...”、“featuring at...”,还包括一些动词短语,如“be featuring”, “start featuring”和“stop featuring”等。

相关短语:相关短语包括“featured artist”(合作艺术家)、“featured player”(发挥优秀的球员)和“featured film”(特)等。

发音拼写:'featuring'的发音为 /ˈfiː.tʃər.ɪŋ/,重音在第一音节。

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