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willbrandt是什么意思 英文名willbrandt[威尔布兰特]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-25 13:58:19
  • 101

willbrandt是什么意思 英文名willbrandt[威尔布兰特]的翻译、发音、来源



例句:Willbrandt 先生是一位非常成功的企业家。

Translation: Mr. Willbrandt is a very successful entrepreneur.




例句:Aaron and Brandt are dead thanks to the Seeker looking for it. (亚伦和勃兰特 因为那个探寻者想找她而死了)


1. Do you think that just because you and Colonel Brandt are more enlightened than most officers that I hate you any less? (翻译:你的宽容? 不要认为仅仅因为你和勃朗特上校)

2. Brandt decided not to testify in any other cases because, he said, "I found my time on the stand highly frustrating. " (翻译:Brandt决定不再为任何其他案件出庭作证,因为“我发现站在证人席上的时候,人特别的疲惫。”)

3. Willy Brandt made history by visiting East Germany in 1970. (翻译:威利·勃兰特1970年对东德的访问创造了历史。)

4. This is a plea for Christian to pardon Johann and Brandt. (翻译:这是给克里斯琴的书 请他赦免约翰和布兰特)

5. Brandt, 49, has been a hunter since age 14, and said roughly 20 years ago, when winter sea ice became too thin to support dogsleds, seal hunting ceased to be a sustainable way of life here. (翻译:49岁的布兰德从14岁就开始打猎,他说,大约20年前,当冬天海上的冰变得太薄,不再能够承受狗拉雪橇以后,猎海豹不再是这里一种持续的生活方式。)

6. Founders: Blair Brandt and Belton baker. (翻译:创始人:·布兰特和贝尔顿·贝克。)

7. 'Ooh, I've never had that before! ' she exclaims as Brandt uses filler on her jawline. (翻译:“哦,我以前从来没有这样过!”在布兰德在她下巴轮廓上用填充物时她惊呼道。)

8. Brandt is a fan of contemporary art. (翻译:布兰德是当代艺术的狂热爱好者。)

9. Tell you the truth, Brandt, I don't remember most of it. (翻译:溜进军营 还有打保龄 告诉你吧 布兰特 我就是混过来的)

10. Hedwig Brandt from Crailsheim, Schwaben. (翻译:海德薇希 勃朗特 来自施瓦本的克赖斯海姆)

11. Early in the Novorossiysk attack, Corporal Steiner saved Colonel Brandt's life. (翻译:在新西伯利亚进攻战中 史坦纳下士救过勃朗特上校)

12. - Can you please state your name for the camera? - Ellen Brandt. (翻译:你能对着镜头说出你的名字吗 艾伦·布兰特 Can you please state your name for the camera?)

13. Well, I could use a little strudel, Brandt, but we have been here‒ (翻译:噢,我真的想吃甜心,勃兰特 但是我们到这里...)

14. 'Ooh, I've never had that before!' she exclaims as Brandt uses filler on her jawline. (翻译:“哦,我以前从来没有这样过!” 在布兰德在她下巴轮廓上用填充物时她惊呼道。)

15. In fact, pompidou had proposed it in his interview with reston, and Brandt had surprised us by seconding it. (翻译:实际上,这个建议是蓬皮杜接见赖斯顿时提出来的,而勃兰特表示附议使我们颇感意外。)

'Willbrandt' 是一个姓氏,属于德语。它没有特定的词义,是一个固有的名字。它的词性为名词。

常见的词组搭配包括 'Willbrandt 法' (Willbrandt's Law),是关于液压密封设计的一个原理。另外也可以将 'Willbrandt' 用作人名和公司名称。

发音拼写为 [vilbrant]。


1. Willbrandt 法是液压密封设计中的一个重要原理。

Willbrandt's Law is an important principle in hydraulic seal design.

2. 最初,他们以为 Willbrandt 是个神秘人物。

Initially, they thought Willbrandt was a mysterious figure.

3. Willbrandt 公司已经为汽车行业提供密封解决方案多年了。

Willbrandt has been providing sealing solutions for the automotive industry for many years.

4. Mary Willbrandt 是这家公司的。

Mary Willbrandt is the chairperson of this company.

5. 他的名字是 Willbrandt ,而不是 Wildbrandt。

His name is Willbrandt, not Wildbrandt.

6. Willbrandt 先生最近讲述了他在国外的工作经历。

Mr. Willbrandt recently shared his work experience abroad.

7. 让我们欢迎 Willbrandt 家族前来参加这个盛会。

Let's welcome the Willbrandt family to this grand event.

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