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pingo是什么意思 pingo的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-06 05:28:57
  • 218

pingo是什么意思 pingo的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. There are many pingos in the Arctic region.


2. The formation of pingos is closely related to permafrost.





例句:With Pingo, our up-to-date rates are always available on the web site. (在使用Pingo时,您永远都可以在我们的网站上找到最新费率。)


例句:Note: If you wish to report a problem with a Pingo Access number, click here. (注意:如果您想要报告有关Pingo接入号码的问题,请单击此处。)


例句:Also, please make sure that the billing address you put into the Pingo sign-up form matches the billing address of the credit card you used. (此外,请确保您在Pingo注册表格中填入的帐单地址与您所使用的信用卡帐单地址一致。)


例句:You'll also earn a commission each time your customers recharge their cards for the next 6 months after they click through your site. (翻译:每当您的顾客通过您的网站加入Pingo后在6个月内对其卡进行充值时,您还会赚取费。)


pingo一般作为名词使用,如在pingo ice(地冰丘冰)、pingo remnant([网络] 冰举丘残穴)等常见短语中出现较多。

pingo ice地冰丘冰
pingo remnant[网络] 冰举丘残穴


1. Also, please make sure that the billing address you put into the Pingo sign-up form matches the billing address of the credit card you used. (翻译:此外,请确保您在Pingo注册表格中填入的帐单地址与您所使用的信用卡帐单地址一致。)

2. You'll also earn a commission each time your customers recharge their cards for the next 6 months after they click through your site. (翻译:每当您的顾客通过您的网站加入Pingo后在6个月内对其卡进行充值时,您还会赚取费。)

3. To see the full list of countries Pingo reaches and their calling card rates click here. (翻译:若想查看Pingo所连接的国家及其电话卡费率的完整列表,请单击此处。)

4. Also, please make sure that the billing address of the credit card matches the address you entered when you opened your Pingo account. (翻译:此外,还请确保信用卡的帐单地址与您注册Pingo帐户时输入的地址完全一致。)

5. According to tympanites pingo crack, we can identify the type of tympanites and scale and depth of clay lens. (翻译:根据鼓丘龟裂纹可以反演翻浆类型,并判识粘土透镜的位置。)



1. 词源及释义方面:'pingo'是一个起源于因纽特语的词汇,指的是一种在寒冷地区形成的穹丘状高地,由覆盖冰层下的水在地下融化、上升和冻结形成。该词汇也常用于指代带有圆顶的建筑物或高塔,如中国的平顶山煤矿矸石山、Shanghaipiao和深圳pingo都市广场等。

2. 地理和自然环境方面:'pingo'是一种冰缘丘,主要分布在北极、亚北极地区和一些寒冷的高山地带。它们形成的时间由几十年到数千年不等,与气候变化、地质构造、地形起伏等因素有关。

3. 国际方面:'pingo'也是一个缩写词,代表着“保障土著民族权益组织”(Protecting Indigenous Rights in the Arctic Organization)。该组织成立于1998年,旨在维护北极地区土著民族的权利和利益,包括土地使用权、文化传承和环境保护。

4. 文化和娱乐方面:'pingo'还是一个流行的网络游戏(Penguin Island Go)。该游戏由中国的一家游戏公司开发,玩家可以在游戏中体验南极生态环境、认识各种不同的企鹅,并参加各种有趣的活动。


1. The pingo in Tuktoyaktuk, Canada, is one of the most famous and largest in the world. 加拿大图克托亚图克的pingo是世界上最著名和最大的之一。

2. The settlement of Malygina on the Yamal Peninsula in Russia is surrounded by a group of pingos. 俄罗斯亚马尔半岛的马利吉纳定居点周围环绕着一群pingo。

3. Pingo Doce is a popular supermarket chain in Portugal. Pingo Doce是著名的葡萄牙超市连锁店。

4. The Pingo Trail is a popular hiking route in the Mackenzie Delta of Northwest Territories, Canada. Pingo Trail是加拿大西北地区麦肯齐三角洲著名的徒步旅行路线。

5. The PINGO Game is a fun and educational mobile game that teaches children about the natural environment of penguins. PINGO Game是一款有趣而富有教育性的,教孩子们了解企鹅的自然环境。

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