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id是什么意思 id的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-22 05:14:35
  • 422

id是什么意思 id的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 我们需要你的身份证来验证身份。

We need your ID to verify your identity.

2. 在程序中,这个变量被用作唯一的标识符。

In the program, this variable is used as a unique identifier.

3. 这个ID是用户登录时用来识别自己的。

This ID is used by users to identify themselves when logging in.




例句:Don't get too close before ID is confirmed or the defense cannon will fire. (在确认id之前不要太接近 会被防御炮台误击)


例句:- We get to running his ID... (- 我们要求看他的身份证... - 耐德!)


例句:You can call the cops, you can look at my ID.. (你可以叫, 你可以看看我的ID ..)


例句:Additional properties such as case ID, material ID and product ID were also added. (翻译:其他属性,比如caseID、materialID和productID,也被添加进来。)


id一般作为名词、动词使用,如在the id([网络] 本我;身份;生活)、file id([计][NT]文件标识符)、goal id(目标iD)等常见短语中出现较多。

the id[网络] 本我;身份;生活
file id[计][NT]文件标识符
goal id目标iD
host id主机位址;主机编号;主机 iD
id command标识符命令
id eruption自体反应皮疹
id est[拉](=that is (to say)略作i.e.)即, 那就是
id number[计][WiN]产品序列号
id reaction[网络] 自体过敏反应;自身反应;过敏性反应
id reactions【医学】自身反应


1. You can call the cops, you can look at my ID.. (翻译:你可以叫, 你可以看看我的ID ..)

2. Additional properties such as case ID, material ID and product ID were also added. (翻译:其他属性,比如caseID、materialID和productID,也被添加进来。)

3. The Id is also refereed to the pleasure principle, which also represents self-gratification. (翻译:该ID还审阅的快乐原则,这也代表了自我满足。)

4. Fuck are you looking at? Go and see to Diesel. (翻译:这是怎么回事 所以Parzysz女 ID 以柴油。)

5. This id Gabrielle Steve, this is you (翻译:这是Gabrielle Steve的,这是你的)

6. - Army Sergeant Charlie Napier. (翻译:- Do we have an ID? - Army Sergeant Charlie Napier.)

7. Tell Nate I know this corporate ID prefix. (翻译:等等 告诉Nate 我认得出这家公司ID的前缀)

8. Lising 2: Generation of a session specific caching key based on the session id. (翻译:清单2:根据会话id生成特定于会话的缓存键。)

9. RCC solves this issue with local-scoped ids. (翻译:RCC 通过局部作用域的 id 解决了这个问题。)

10. A hard-coded ID has been used in this case, but you could use an ID sourced from your database or UUID. (翻译:本例中使用了一个硬编码的ID,但是您也可以使用来自数据库的ID或UUID。)

11. User ID: The user ID used in the Create Controller Database step for example fastnet (翻译:UserID:示例fastnet的“创建Controller数据库”步骤中使用的用户ID。)

12. But of this we can fix it. (翻译:但是,这里的id terajd我不 可以改善。)

13. Code 2, Incident 3679, ID 1125 . (翻译:赶往现场,不鸣灯鸣笛,3679事件,代号1125)

14. Your ID said Antigone Bezzerides. (翻译:你证件上名字是Antigone Bezzerides Your ID said Antigone Bezzerides.)

15. The w3 users are uniquely identified by an HKEY id. (翻译:w3用户通过HKEY ID进行唯一的识别。)



1. 词义:'id'是指个人心理学中的"本我"(id),指人类的本性和本能冲动。

2. 词性:'id'是名词,属于心理学术语。

3. 词组搭配:无。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:/ɪd/


1. She couldn't control her id and impulsively bought a new car.(她无法控制个人的冲动,冲动地买了一辆新车。)

2. The id is considered the most primitive and instinctual part of the psyche.(本我被认为是心灵最原始和本能的部分。)

3. Freud believed that the id operates on the pleasure principle.(弗洛伊德认为本我基于快乐原则运作。)

4. The id seeks immediate gratification for its needs and desires.(本我寻求满足其需求和渴望的即时满足。)

5. The ego must mediate between the demands of the id and the demands of the external world.(自我必须在本我的需求和外部世界的需求之间进行调解。)

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