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mindshare是什么意思 mindshare的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:28
  • 188

mindshare是什么意思 mindshare的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 品牌在市场上要赢得心智份额。

Translation: Brands need to win Mindshare in the market.

2. 我们的目标是增加我们在这个市场上的思维占有率。

Translation: Our goal is to increase our Mindshare in this market.




例句:Automation and grid computing consume lots of mindshare in the IT marketplace. (自动化和网格计算是IT市场中消耗资源的两个重要大户。)


例句:Through collaboration with Mindshare, one of the WPP'S subsidiary, we provide more professional local media service to our clients. (通过与同属WPP旗下的传立媒介建立媒介协作体,为本土客户提供更具本土特色的专业媒介服务。)


例句:Despite the lack of organization, Occupy Wall Street is garnering mindshare. (尽管缺乏组织,“占领华尔街”运动仍然吸引了大量关注。)


例句:First, Android is a platform that is rapidly gaining mindshare in the mobile marketplace. (翻译:首先,Android是一种在移动市场中迅速获得广泛关注的平台。)


1. Despite the lack of organization, Occupy Wall Street is garnering mindshare. (翻译:尽管缺乏组织,“占领华尔街”运动仍然吸引了大量关注。)

2. First, Android is a platform that is rapidly gaining mindshare in the mobile marketplace. (翻译:首先,Android是一种在移动市场中迅速获得广泛关注的平台。)

3. Now, there are significantly more demands on my mindshare and thus my ability to keep track of everything lessens. (翻译:现在,我需要关心的事情要多的多,因此跟踪所有事情发展的能力也减小了。)

4. They understand its limitations but it has mindshare because it's the one number we've all bought into over the years. (翻译:大家知道这种测试的局限性所在,但还是要去关注它,因为它是我们多年以来一直仰仗的一项指标。)

5. The survey also revealed that mindshare on BI technologies are still in the 'settling in' phase. (翻译:该调研还揭示了关于BI技术的思维共识尚处于“适应”阶段。)

1. 定义:mindshare是指消费者对于某个品牌、产品或者服务的认知度和好感度,是指人们对于品牌的印象、信任和忠诚度,而不是实际的市场份额或者销售额。

2. 重要性:mindshare是商业成功的重要因素之一,因为消费者的认知度和好感度决定了其购买和推荐的决策,对于品牌的长期发展和市场占有率有着至关重要的作用。

3. 影响因素:mindshare的形成受到多种因素的影响,包括品牌的知名度、认知度、口碑、形象、价值观、服务质量、市场推广等等。

4. 衡量方法:mindshare的衡量可以通过市场调研、品牌调查、社交媒体分析、口碑监控等方式进行。


1. The brand has a strong mindshare among the millennial generation.


2. The company's mindshare has been decreasing due to negative publicity.


3. The goal of our marketing campaign is to increase our mindshare in the local market.


4. The company has invested heavily in building a positive brand image to increase mindshare.


5. The social media monitoring report shows that our mindshare has increased by 20% in the past quarter.


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