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overpaid是什么意思 overpaid的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-12 15:05:47
  • 214

overpaid是什么意思 overpaid的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. I think I was overpaid for the work I did.


2. The company's CEO was accused of being overpaid.


3. The union is angry that the workers are not being overpaid.





例句:A combination of 33 appearances and no goals, coupled with our own personal aversion to overpaid Premiership footballers, sees Kieron take his place on our right side of midfield. (出场33次 一球未进 加之我们本来就反感他 在英超中还工资高的离谱)


例句:Here is the money you overpaid. (这是您多付的钱。)


例句:Don't you think GiRish overpaid for a girl my son bought with his pocket money? (就为了我儿子用零花钱买来的女人 你不觉得葛礼士出手太大方了些?)


例句:Look, I just grossly overpaid for some information about this room, so I know it's accurate. (翻译:我可是花了大价钱才打探出来这条消息 肯定错不了)


overpaid一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在overpaid amount([网络] 多缴数额)、tax overpaid([经] 多(溢)缴税款)等常见短语中出现较多。

overpaid amount[网络] 多缴数额
tax overpaid[经] 多(溢)缴税款


1. Don't you think GiRish overpaid for a girl my son bought with his pocket money? (翻译:就为了我儿子用零花钱买来的女人 你不觉得葛礼士出手太大方了些?)

2. Look, I just grossly overpaid for some information about this room, so I know it's accurate. (翻译:我可是花了大价钱才打探出来这条消息 肯定错不了)

3. Capitalia has performed reasonably since the acquisition and generated big cost savings, but, looking back, UniCredit overpaid. (翻译:自从这次收购之后,资本银行业绩尚可,节省了大量成本,但回头看来,联合信贷所付报酬过高了。)

4. And that James Holt job was just so absurdly overpaid that of course she jumped at it. (翻译:而那个詹姆斯·浩特主管位子 绝对是超过了她的期望 理所当然 她高兴得不行)

5. Last week, 25 former Microsoft employees were informed that they were overpaid as a part of their severance payments from the company. (翻译:上周,我们通知25名前员工,公司在支付他们的遣散费的时候多付了一部分。)

6. To Jonathan I was always just an overpaid bookkeeper. (翻译:对乔纳森而言,我永远是个 薪水过高的记帐员)

7. Oh, she thinks you're overpaid and . (翻译:她认为公司给你的薪水太高了 还认为我们是同性恋)

8. Taxpayer: I overpaid the personal income tax last month. (翻译:纳税人:我上月的税款多缴了。)

9. Now let me give you another receipt and please check it. Here is the money you overpaid. (翻译:现在我给你一张收据,请核对一下。这是你多付的钱。)

10. Ripped off? That's out of the question in our city. Here is the invoice and money you overpaid for your deposit. (翻译:被欺骗?在我们城市里是不会有这样的问题的。这里是你的和你支付的多余的定金。)

11. Yankee Stadium is still a haven for the old and overpaid, but the team is steadily getting younger and livelier . (翻译:虽然,洋基球场仍是高龄与过高年薪球员的天堂,但是,这支球队正坚定地蜕化,变得愈来愈年轻、愈来愈有活力。)

12. This year the bank bought, and arguably overpaid for, Berliner Bank, a smart bank in the capital, and Noris Bank, a down-market retail bank. (翻译:今年德意志银行收购了柏林银行,首都一家短小精悍的银行,和Noris银行,一家面向低收入人群的零售银行。)

13. And that James Holt job was so absurdly overpaid that, of course, she jumped at it. (翻译:而那个詹姆斯·浩特主管位子绝对是超过了她的期望,理所当然,她高兴得不行)

14. There are many undeserving rich—overpaid chief executives, for instance. (翻译:比如,有很多不值得富有却薪酬过高的首席执行官。)







5. 反义词:'underpaid'是'overpaid'的反义词,意思是某人被支付的薪酬过低,没有得到他们应有的价值。


1. His salary is way overpaid for the amount of work he does. (他的薪水远远超过他所做的工作量。)

2. The CEO was accused of being overpaid and underperforming. (首席执行官被指控薪水过高,业绩不佳。)

3. The company's employees were frustrated because they felt they were being overpaid. (公司的员工感到沮丧,因为他们认为自己被支付了过多的薪酬。)

4. The union demanded that their members not be overpaid. (工会要求其成员不被过度支付。)

5. The industry was criticized for overpaid executives and undervalued workers. (这个行业因高管薪酬过高和工人被低估而受到批评。)

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