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arca是什么意思 arca的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:24
  • 188

arca是什么意思 arca的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Esta arca es muy pesada, necesitamos ayuda para moverla.(这个箱子很重,我们需要帮助来搬移它。)

2. Mi abuela guarda sus joyas en un arca antigua de madera.(我的祖母把她的珠宝存放在一只古老的木箱中。)




例句:That compares with an 8 percent drop in the ARCA Gold Bugs index, which includes shares in some of the world's largest gold miners. (相比之下,包含世界一些最大金矿商股票的ARCAGoldBugs指数却下跌8%。)


例句:It sent out a message saying it would no longer allow quotes from Arca to be automatically routed from the NYSE. (纳斯达克发出一则消息说,不再允许Arca的报价自动从纽约证券交易所发送过来。纳斯达克隶属于NasdaqOMXGroupInc.。)


例句:Objective To investigate Arca Subcrenata Lischke microlite artificial bone and its effects on bone defects, bone regeneration, and repair in vitro. (目的用毛蚶壳微晶人工骨引导新骨生成修复骨缺损。)


例句:Arca was founded by John Lee after leaving Grimshaw in 1998. (翻译:方舟是由约翰·李离开格里姆肖在1998年。)


arca一般作为名词使用,如在genus Arca([网络] 魁蛤属)等常见短语中出现较多。

genus Arca[网络] 魁蛤属


1. Objective To investigate Arca Subcrenata Lischke microlite artificial bone and its effects on bone defects, bone regeneration, and repair in vitro. (翻译:目的用毛蚶壳微晶人工骨引导新骨生成修复骨缺损。)

2. Arca was founded by John Lee after leaving Grimshaw in 1998. (翻译:方舟是由约翰·李离开格里姆肖在1998年。)

3. The ARCA airline index . XAL surged 3. 7 percent, its largest daily percentage gain in more than a month. (翻译:ARCA航空股指数攀高3.7%,为逾一个月最大单日百分比涨幅。)

4. Airline shares were hard hit, with the Arca Airline Index . XAL shedding 5. 39 percent after a recent run-up. (翻译:航空股遭重创,Arca航空股指数在近期上涨后今日急挫5.)

5. It sent out a message saying it would no longer allow quotes from Arca to be automatically routed from the NYSE. (翻译:纳斯达克发出一则消息说,不再允许Arca的报价自动从纽约证券交易所发送过来。纳斯达克隶属于Nasdaq OM X Group Inc .。)

6. When other exchanges stopped routing orders to Arca, the normal flow of ETF buyers and sellers was disrupted. (翻译:但其他证交所停止向Arca输送交易指令时,ETF买家和卖家的正常来源渠道就被打断了。)

7. Finally, Julio Arca will be the first to desert the shipwreck that is Sunderland. Aston Villa have thrown him a life jacket. (翻译:最后,将被桑德兰卖出,他也同时是第一个被抛售的球员,阿斯顿维拉将迎接他的到来。)

8. The El Arca, a British-built riverboat, first sailed the Amazon in 1882. (翻译:El Arca号,由英国制造,于1882年首航亚马逊。今天,这条船将带我们离开 伊基托思。)

9. NYSE officials say they found no problems with Arca's ETF platform on May 6. (翻译:纽约证交所的管理人士说,他们5月6日没发现Arca的ETF交易平台有什么问题。)





发音拼写:/ˈɑːrkə/ (英式音标)


1. The arca of the church was beautifully decorated with gold plating.(教堂的拱形拱顶用金饰装得十分美丽)

2. The arca was filled with precious artifacts from the ancient civilization.(柜子里面装满了古文明的珍贵文物)

3. The arca was used to store valuable documents by the royal family.(柜子被皇室用来存放珍贵的文件)

4. The arca was constructed using the latest technology and was extremely durable.(这个弓形拱顶是用最新的技术制造的,非常坚固耐用)

5. The arca in the old library was found to be infested with termites.(旧图书馆的柜子被发现受到白蚁的)

6. The arca was filled with old books and mcripts that had survived for generations.(柜子里面存放着几代人都传承下来的古老书籍和手稿)

7. The arca of the cathedral was a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.(大教堂的拱形拱顶是哥特式建筑的杰作)

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