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thinning是什么意思 thinning的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:31
  • 158

thinning是什么意思 thinning的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The forester is thinning the forest to improve its health.


2. Thinning out the plants will allow them to grow better.





例句:Study on properties of Chinese fir thinning wood charcoals and its adsorption capacities for VOC polluting substances (杉木间伐材炭化物特性及其对挥发性有机染物吸附性能的研究)


例句:The two stand in the fast-thinning throng of victims, but they speak as if they were alone. (他俩站在急速稀少下去的牺牲者群中,但是他俩旁若无人地说话。)


例句:It was breaking off, it was thinning, looking just extremely dry and brittle. (它开始断裂, 变细, 看起来十分干枯脆弱。)


例句:"The market is far less receptive. There has been a real thinning out of the backlog. " (翻译:“市场的热情降低了许多。有不少本来排着队的企业退出了。”)


thinning一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在dilution thinning(油被燃料稀释)、ductile thinning(延性展薄)、flower thinning(疏花)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilution thinning油被燃料稀释
ductile thinning延性展薄
flower thinning疏花
forest thinning森林抚育间伐
free thinning自由疏伐
fruit thinning疏果
heavy thinning强度疏伐
improvement thinning抚育性疏伐
light thinning弱度疏伐


1. It was breaking off, it was thinning, looking just extremely dry and brittle. (翻译:它开始断裂, 变细, 看起来十分干枯脆弱。)

2. "The market is far less receptive. There has been a real thinning out of the backlog. " (翻译:“市场的热情降低了许多。有不少本来排着队的企业退出了。”)

3. Effects of Flower Thinning on the Mesocarp Cell Division and Expansion of'Okubo' Peach Fruit (翻译:疏花对大久保桃中果皮细胞与膨大的影响)

4. Then Max can help me with the chart while you go worry about your obviously thinning hair. (翻译:好吧 那Max可以来帮我排座次 Okay. Then Max can help me with the chart 你就去担心你明显日渐变少的头发吧 while you go worry about your obviously thinning hair.)

5. The local thinning is called waisting or necking. (翻译:这种局部变薄现象叫做腰缩或颈缩。)

6. She noted, too, that the mice's naturally thinning coats grew back thicker. (翻译:Kagawa博士同时指出老鼠自然变薄的毛层又长厚起来了。)

7. Experimental results indicate that the improved OPTA thinning algorithm is better in fingerprint image thinning. (翻译:实验结果表明,使用改进的OPTA算法,指纹图像细化效果有明显的提高。)

8. When scientists got permission to look at the submarine crew's records, they discovered that the ice has been thinning fast. (翻译:当科学家们得到许可 来看潜艇的记录数据 他们发现冰层变薄的速度很快)

9. Instead of putting all the fires out, we need to put some of them back to work thinning forests and reducing dead fuels. (翻译:我们不必将所有火灾都扑灭, 而要善加利用, 降低森林密度,清除枯枝败叶。)

10. CT or MRI can be use to demonstrate vascular anomaly with thinning of the calvarium . (翻译:CT和MRI可以用来显示血管畸形和颅骨的变薄。)

11. There is like this thinning of the herd, you know (翻译:有这样变薄 牛群,你知道 这就是为什么我们去 战争,饥荒,瘟疫)

12. Therefore, SFP lignin and its modified products can be used as a thinning and foaming agent for drilling fluids, as wells a fl. . . (翻译:因此,SFP木质素及其改性产品可作为钻井液稀释剂和起泡剂,也可作为处理废钻井液的絮凝剂。)

13. When apply at high temperature, additional thinning may be necessary to ensure film-forming properties. The film must be even and uniform. (翻译:在高温下施工必须额外稀释,以确保成膜性能。施涂的漆膜必须均匀。)

14. Demand for fuel is thinning forests in the Albertine Rift region. (翻译:对燃料的需求导致艾伯丁裂谷地区的森林日渐稀薄。)

15. Consult your health care professional if you are taking any prescription drugs, blood thinning medication, aspirin, or niacin. (翻译:咨询您的医疗保健专家如果您采取任一处方药、血液变薄的疗程、阿斯匹灵,或烟酸。)





1. 词义


2. 词源


3. 发音


4. 用法


a. 农业种植中的瘦果、瘦穗、瘦芽。

b. 森林和林业中的疏伐、薄伐、薪材采伐。

c. 矿业中的矿物分选、提纯。

d. 包装、涂料等行业中的稀释、添加稀释剂。

5. 示例


a. The apple tree needs thinning to promote better growth and fruiting. (这棵苹果树需要修剪,以促进更好的生长和结果。)

b. Thinning is an important forestry practice that promotes the growth of remaining trees. (疏伐是一项重要的林业实践,能促进剩余树木的生长。)

c. The ore must undergo repeated thinning to increase its purity. (这种矿石必须经过多次提纯,以增加其纯度。)

d. The paint needs thinning with water before it can be applied. (涂料需要加水稀释才能上墙。)

e. The thinning of the herd will help ensure that the remaining animals are healthy and well-fed. (减少牛群数量可以保证剩余的动物健康、有足够的食物。)

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