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rider是什么意思 rider的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-19 07:08:06
  • 180

rider是什么意思 rider的中文翻译、读音、例句

rider [ˈraɪdər]



1. The rider on the horse looked confident and skillful. (马上的骑手看起来自信而熟练。)

2. The roller coaster ride was thrilling, but not for the faint-hearted riders. (过山车的旅程是惊险刺激的,但不适合胆小的乘客。)

3. The insurance policy includes a rider that covers accidental damage to electronics. (保险单中包括一项条款,涵盖对电子设备的意外损坏。)




例句:You're the best archer best rider, and best fighter (公子,以前你是第一箭手 第一拳手、第一骑手)


例句:(Laughter) Here's a picture of the kids -- that's Sage, and Annalisa and Rider. (这是这些小家伙的照片 分别叫Sage、Annalisa和Rider )


例句:But there are solutions to the free-rider problem. (但是有很多方法可以解决“搭便车”的现象 )


例句:Yet, when I approached, the rider vanished, leaving no trace. (翻译:更糟的是,当我尝试接近他的时候,骑士消失了 留下毫无头绪的我)


rider一般作为名词使用,如在ditch rider(灌区管理员)、fence rider(牧场篱笆检修工人)、floor rider(un. 肋板加强材)等常见短语中出现较多。

ditch rider灌区管理员
fence rider牧场篱笆检修工人
floor riderun. 肋板加强材
frame riderun. 肋骨翼板
free rider免费享用公共货物者; 搭便车者
gang rider矿车跟车工
ghost rider幽灵乘客(为骗取赔偿,伪称乘坐了发生事故车辆的乘客)
horseback rider[网络] 骑师;骑马者;马术
joy ridern. 驾车兜风的人


1. But there are solutions to the free-rider problem. (翻译:但是有很多方法可以解决“搭便车”的现象 )

2. Yet, when I approached, the rider vanished, leaving no trace. (翻译:更糟的是,当我尝试接近他的时候,骑士消失了 留下毫无头绪的我)

3. Andy was on Low-Rider turf when he died. (翻译:Andy死在了low -rider的地盘上)

4. Annalisa Smith-Pallotta: That would be Sage Smith-Pallotta: a real social Rider Smith-Pallotta: innovation. (翻译:Annalisa Smith-Pallotta: 那将是—— Sage Smith-Pallotta: 真正的 Rider Smith-Pallotta: 社会创新。)

5. For example, KITT of Knight Rider fame. (翻译:《霹雳游侠》里的KITT。)

6. Dad said you used to be a rodeo rider. (翻译:爸爸说你是一个马术骑手 Dad said you used to be a rodeo rider.)

7. She is a nerveless rider. (翻译:她是一位勇敢的骑手。)

8. BJ: But it had to ride. It had to have a rider. (翻译:贝索 琼斯:但是这马得能骑,它得有个骑士 )

9. Huff was killed on Low-Rider turf. (翻译:Huff在low -rider的地盘上被杀)

10. But he knew you won, Far Rider, in the faraway sand. (翻译:但是他知道你赢了, 长途骑士, 在远方的沙漠中)

11. She's an experienced rider. (翻译:她是位有经验的骑手。)

12. As in death... The Horseman, the pale rider in the flesh. (翻译:the pale rider in the flesh.)

13. Oh, there it is. The rider. April Huntley's signature. (翻译:在这儿呢 April Huntley的签名 这是你确认的签名)

14. And I brought you back your Turbo Rider comic book. (翻译:而且我还把你的极爆骑士漫画带回来了 And I brought you back your Turbo Rider comic book.)

15. He says that the conscious mind is this tiny rider on this giant elephant, the unconscious. (翻译:他说意识就像这个小小的骑手骑在大象上 大象则代表潜意识)



1. 词义:riders是一个复数名词,表示骑马或骑自行车的人,也可以指乘坐摩托车、汽车或公共交通工具的人。单数形式rider可以表示一个个体。同时,rider还可以表示一份补充或额外的条款或附加条件。

2. 词性:n.(名词)

3. 词组搭配:

- horse rider:骑马者

- bike rider:骑自行车者

- motorcycle rider:摩托车骑手

- passenger rider:乘客

- rider agreement:协议条款

4. 短语:

- rider:自由骑士

- rough rider:粗犷的骑手

- sky rider:空中骑手

- trail rider:小径骑手

5. 发音拼写:[ˈraɪdər]

6. 5个中英例句:

- He is a skilled horse rider and takes part in equestrian competitions. (他是一名技艺高超的骑马者,参加马术比赛。)

- The bike rider fell off his bicycle and got injured. (骑自行车的人摔下了自行车,受了伤。)

- The motorcycle rider put on his helmet and started the engine. (摩托车手戴上头盔,启动了发动机。)

- The passenger rider complained about the uncomfortable ride on the bus. (乘客抱怨在公共汽车上的不舒适旅行。)

- The rider agreement clearly stated the terms and conditions of the contract. (协议条款明确规定了合同的条款和条件。)

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