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ordinate是什么意思 ordinate的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:59
  • 290

ordinate是什么意思 ordinate的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. In the Cartesian coordinate system, the ordinate is the vertical axis.


2. The ordinate gives the height of a point above the x-axis.


3. The graph shows the relationship between the ordinate and the abscissa.





例句:Manage the company Administration and co-ordinate with other departments according to company SOPs and guidelines. (根据公司SOP文件以及方针管理行政部门以及与公司其它部门通力协作;)


例句:As we co-ordinate action, we must bring in the private sector and agri-business. (在我们协调行动之际,我们必须吸收私营部门和农业企业参与。)


例句:the Americans have appointed a former NATO commander, General Joseph Ralston, to help co-ordinate such a task. (事实上,美国已经指定前北约指挥官约瑟夫•罗尔斯顿将军协调此事。)


例句:The task of language output for co-ordinate bilinguals is to express the exited meaning with a new language form. (翻译:配位型双语者的语言输出任务是为已有的意义及其结构寻求另一种语言的表达。)


ordinate一般作为名词、动词使用,如在end ordinate(终端纵坐标)、horizontal ordinate(横坐标)、increase of ordinate(坐标增量)等常见短语中出现较多。

end ordinate终端纵坐标
horizontal ordinate横坐标
increase of ordinate坐标增量
initial ordinate原始纵坐标
maximum ordinate最大纵坐标
mean ordinate平均纵坐标
mid ordinaten. 中距
middle ordinate中距
ordinate axis纵轴


1. the Americans have appointed a former NATO commander, General Joseph Ralston, to help co-ordinate such a task. (翻译:事实上,美国已经指定前北约指挥官约瑟夫•罗尔斯顿将军协调此事。)

2. The task of language output for co-ordinate bilinguals is to express the exited meaning with a new language form. (翻译:配位型双语者的语言输出任务是为已有的意义及其结构寻求另一种语言的表达。)

3. To co-ordinate all beverage, wine and tobacco menus of Zendai Hotel outlets, including in room dining and banquet service. (翻译:负责整理证大酒店各餐厅,客房服务和宴会的所有饮料酒水和单。)

4. For example, after the Co-ordinate verb, an adjective can be linked directly, Catenative verb and the case of noun can be omitted, etc. (翻译:例如,并列副动词后可以直接连接形容词、联系动词省略、名词的格省略等等。)

5. I'm happy to have had the opportunity to co-ordinate and take part in this project (翻译:我很高兴有机会 以协调人的身份参与这计划)

6. There has been a growing awareness of the need for countries to get together to co-ordinate their policies. (翻译:人们越来越意识到,各国有必要联合起来,协调各自的政策。)

7. Mr Batz and his colleagues are devising software that can gather information from vehicles' sensors and use it to co-ordinate group behaviour in an emergency. (翻译:Batz先生和他的同事正在设计可以从车辆传感器搜集讯息以协调在紧急情况下车辆间整体行动的软件。)

8. Meerkats rely heavily on vocal communication to co-ordinate activities and keep track of any changes in their environment. (翻译:猫鼬很大程度上依赖于声音沟通,来协调活动和跟踪他们生存环境的变化。)

9. The optimum knots ordinate formula in the least square sense is derived by computing coefficient matrix and curve vertexes under the specified subsection knots abscissas conditions. (翻译:在给定分段节点横坐标的条件下,通过确定系数矩阵和反求曲线顶点,基于最小二乘法推导出最优节点的纵坐标公式。)

10. Take the time development as the ordinate axis, mainly divides into the Mamluk time, the Ottoman Empire time and France invades. (翻译:以时间发展为纵轴,主要分为马木鲁克时期、奥斯曼帝国时期和法国入侵三个阶段;)

11. The OECD, a rich-country think-tank, which measures these “structural rigidities”, could co-ordinate an effort to reduce them. (翻译:经合组织,即发达国家的智囊团,负责评估这些“体制的灵活性”,它应该团结一致努力使之减少。)

12. Facial cosmetics face, hair, costumes, Baldric effective combination of local, have more co-ordinate the overall grasp of modern people for their own needs. (翻译:脸部妆面、发型、服饰、佩饰有效的结合,局部、整体的统筹掌握更加把握了现代人们对于自身的需求。)

13. Co-ordinate with various admin suppliers, sucher to collect, check and process payment, keep records of all payments. (翻译:协调管理各类后勤供应商,做好例如收集、核对、跟进付款流程、保管付款凭证等事宜。)

14. The BDP mayor of the city of Van accused the province's state-appointed governor of rebuffing his requests to co-ordinate rescue efforts. (翻译:凡省某市身为和平党成员的市长更是斥责国家任命的省长对其协同救灾行动的请求断然拒绝。)



1. 词性和定义:'ordinate'是一个名词,指数学中的纵坐标或y轴的值。

2. 派生词和词汇搭配:'ordinate'可以和其他词汇组成词组,如'abscissa and ordinate'表示数学中的横坐标和纵坐标。

3. 用法和语境:'ordinate'通常出现在数学、物理、工程等领域的讨论中,用以描述作图、绘制平面坐标系等。

4. 构词法和发音:'ordinate'是一个由前缀'ord-'和后缀'-ate'构成的单词,读音为['ɔːdɪnət]。


1. The abscissa and ordinate of a point on a graph can be used to calculate its coordinates in space.(在图表上,一个点的横坐标和纵坐标可用来计算其在空间中的坐标。)

2. The equation plots as a straight line on an x-y coordinate system with the slope equal to the ratio of the ordinates.(这个方程在以x和y为坐标轴的平面直角坐标系中呈一条直线,其斜率等于纵坐标之比。)

3. The ordinate of a vertex is a measure of the highest or lowest point of a parabola, depending on the direction it opens.(一个顶点的纵坐标是一个抛物线的最高或最低点,这取决于它的开口方向。)

4. The ordinate values of a function can be positive, negative or zero, depending on the values of the independent variable.(一个函数的纵坐标值可以是正、负或零,这取决于自变量的取值。)

5. In polar coordinates, an angle and a distance from the origin are used instead of an abscissa and an ordinate.(在极坐标系中,使用一个角度和距离来表示一个点的位置,而不是使用横坐标和纵坐标。)

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