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yellow earth是什么意思 yellow earth的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:38
  • 152

yellow earth是什么意思 yellow earth的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:yé lóng dì


1. 《黄土地》是一部经典的中国电影。

Translation: "Yellow Earth" is a classic Chinese film.

2. 陕西省是中国黄土地带的代表。

Translation: Shaanxi Province is a representative of China's Loess Plateau.

yellow earth通常被翻译为"黄土"的意思,其中文解释还有"赭石"的意思,单词读音音标为[yellowearth],yellow earth是一个英语名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到76个与yellow earth相关的句子。

Yellow earth的翻译


例句:? The Earth began to cool ? (* 地球开始降温 * * The Earth began to cool *)


例句:Yellow, yellow to the core. (Yellow, yellow to the core.)


yellow earth一般作为名词使用,如在podzolized yellow earth(灰化黄壤)、yellow brown earth(黄棕壤)、earth(①地球②泥土 )等常见短语中出现较多。

podzolized yellow earth灰化黄壤
yellow brown earth黄棕壤
Earth to[网络] 地球到
in earth[网络] 在土壤中;在地上;在泥土里
in the earth[网络] 在泥土里;在地下;在地里
of the earth俗气的;粗野的
on earth在世上, 究竟
on the earth在地球上


1. Yellow Kid to Dog Patch Red. (翻译:Yellow Kid 呼叫Dog Patch Red.)

2. ♪ Upon the earth beneath my feet ♪ (翻译:# Upon the earth beneath my feet #)

3. # Be just the ones to save the Earth and Planet Drool (翻译:* Be just the ones to save the Earth and Planet Drool)

4. Yellow eyes, the spotlights of the city nights (翻译:Yellow eyes,the spotlights of the city nights)

5. - Forget about it, Yellow. (翻译:- Forget about it, Yellow.)

6. Wait! ♪ ♪ The Earth began to cool ♪ (翻译:* 地球开始降温 * * The Earth began to cool *)

7. Wait! ♪ ♪ The Earth began to cool (翻译:* 地球开始降温 * * The Earth began to cool *)

8. Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights (翻译:Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights)

9. Besides, I believe in you, Yellow. (翻译:此外 我相信你 黄 Besides, I believe in you, Yellow.)

10. The hair as yellow as corn (翻译:# 黄如玉米的金发 # # The hair as yellow as corn #)

11. They spread and formed the Earth. (翻译:They spread and formed the Earth.)

12. And Yellow was all... (SCREECHING) (翻译:黄是这样 And Yellow was all... 我们是这样 好恐怖!)

13. See you at the beach, Yellow. (翻译:海滩见 黄 See you at the beach, Yellow.)

14. Listen, battlefield earth. (翻译:听着 Listen, battlefield earth.)

15. Now we wear same-colored yellow uniforms (翻译:Now we wear same -colored yellow uniforms)

Yellow earth是英语中的一个词组,意为“黄土”,指的土壤或泥土,通常含有陶瓷和陶器的原材料。



词组搭配:yellow earth formation(黄土地质),yellow earth brick(黄土砖)


发音拼写:/ˈjɛloʊ ˈɜrθ/


1. The region is famous for its yellow earth, a material that has been used for centuries in pottery and other crafts. (这个地区以黄土闻名,这种材料已经使用了几个世纪,用于陶艺和其他手工艺品。)

2. The painters were inspired by the yellow earth of the surrounding hills. (画家们受到周围山丘上的黄土的启发。)

3. The yellow earth in this area is rich in minerals that are used in traditional Chinese medicine. (这个地区的黄土对富含传统中药中用的矿物质。)

4. The yellow earth terrain is challenging for construction, but it is beautiful to see. (黄土地形对建筑具有挑战性,但它是美丽的风景。)

5. The team of scientists was studying the formation of yellow earth in different regions of the country. (科学家团队正在研究全国不同地区的黄土形成。)

6. The yellow earth brick wall was easy to climb, but it was also very fragile. (黄土砖墙容易攀登,但也非常脆弱。)

7. Agriculture in this region is dependent on the quality of the yellow earth soil. (这个地区的农业是依赖于黄土土壤的质量的。)

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