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prevented是什么意思 prevented的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:29
  • 241

prevented是什么意思 prevented的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Vaccinations have prevented many diseases from spreading.(疫苗接种防止了许多疾病的传播。)

2. Police succeeded in preventing the protesters from entering the building.(警方成功地阻止了者进入建筑物。)

3. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can prevent many health problems.(定期运动和健康的饮食可以预防许多健康问题。)




例句:With its long, unshapely bulk it prevented the Sikh driver from slipping by it. (它用它那修长、不匀称的身躯阻挡这位锡克司机从它的身边溜掉。)


例句:Diseases can be prevented or reversed by increasing the alkalinity of the terrain. (通过增加内环境的碱性,疾病可以被防止或者逆转。)


例句:We knew that many more patients could not come, prevented by the fighting. (我们知道有更多的病人 因为战争而来不了 )


例句:Even if the nuclear bomb explodes, a war must be prevented. (翻译:就算这次真是在首尔引爆 我也一定要阻止战争发生)


prevented一般作为动词使用,如在prevented mistakes(un. 避免错误)等常见短语中出现较多。

prevented mistakesun. 避免错误


1. We knew that many more patients could not come, prevented by the fighting. (翻译:我们知道有更多的病人 因为战争而来不了 )

2. Even if the nuclear bomb explodes, a war must be prevented. (翻译:就算这次真是在首尔引爆 我也一定要阻止战争发生)

3. Andtheyaskedme, "Is there anything that we had that could have prevented 9/11?" (翻译:他们问我,如果这件事是可以预防的九月11是一个意外?)

4. A nasty incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police. (翻译:的及时到来阻止了一次严重事故。)

5. She arrived, agog, to discover what had prevented him being there. (翻译:她一到,便急着要弄明白他为什么没有去那儿。)

6. The meat packing industry for years prevented country-of-origin labeling. (翻译:食品里含有反式脂肪酸 多年以来,肉类供应商一直反对 原产地标签制度)

7. Chain degradation reaction can be prevented effectively while adding antiager. (翻译:加入防老剂能有效的阻止断链降解反应。)

8. We could've prevented this. (翻译:马兵长他们出事以就报告的话 就不会搞成这样)

9. They found the people and they prevented more infections. (翻译:他们找到很多病人 并防止了更多人得病。)

10. The vessel's force field prevented the blast (翻译:通过强迫Burton跳下塔 容器的力场阻止了)

11. Animal immunization must be implemented prior to an outbreak if an epizootic is to be prevented. (翻译:要防止发生家畜流行病,必须在暴发之前进行动物免疫。)

12. We have been prevented entry into mission control or an audience with... (翻译:送入了太空 这也将为我们敲响警钟 我们被禁止进入任务控制中心 也不得在场...)

13. You will have prevented your future, you will have prevented mine. (翻译:就说明你们的那个未来没有发生 同样我的那个未来也没有发生)

14. The ventilator inventornos vair conditioning prevented him from venturing revenge. (翻译:通风机发觉家的奇遇阻挡了他冒险复仇。快速。)

15. Mr. Cardiff instigated a superinjunction, which, of course, means not only are we prevented from discussing the book here, we are prevented from even discussing the supposed events alluded to in that book. (翻译:Cardiff先生对本书申请了禁令 这意味着不止我们不得在这里 谈论这本书)



词性:动词的过去式(past tense of the verb)


常用场景:'prevented' 这个词在日常生活和工作中很常见,经常用于描述阻止或预防某种事情或事件的发生或发展。例如,预防犯罪、预防疾病、预防火灾等等。


- prevent from doing something 阻止某人做某事

- prevent someone from something 防止某人接触某物

- prevent the spread of something 阻止某物的传播

- prevent damage 预防损害


- take preventative measures 采取预防措施

- prevention is better than cure 预防胜于治疗

发音拼写:/prɪˈvɛntɪd/ (pri-VENT-id)

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