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cousteau是什么意思 cousteau的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:23
  • 222

cousteau是什么意思 cousteau的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Cousteau是一位极具影响力的探险家和科学家。

2. 与其他探险家不同,Cousteau更关注海洋保护和环境问题。

3. Cousteau的作品和贡献对于海洋科学和环境保护有着重要的影响。




例句:Environmentalist Philippe Cousteau is grandson of ocean pioneer Jacques Cousteau. (那可是巨大的身躯 充满了疯狂和冰冷的海水 那里就是咆哮西风带的老巢)


例句:Jacques Cousteau wishes he were alive. (Jacques Cousteau希望他还活着)


例句:On this expedition, environmentalist Philippe Cousteau investigates the delicate balance of marine life here and tries to protect one of man's most feared predators. (地中海十分重要 几千年来历史证据 都在这里 地中海是是其过去的影子)


例句:As the great ocean hero Jacques Cousteau once said, "We must start using the ocean as farmers instead of hunters. (翻译:伟大的海洋英雄 Jacques Cousteau 曾经说过, “ 我们现在对待海洋必须像个 农夫一样,而不是猎人。)


cousteau一般作为名词使用,如在Cousteau(人名 英 法 西 库斯托)、jacques cousteau([网络] 库斯托;雅克·库斯托;海洋探险家库斯托)、jacques yves cousteau([网络] 雅克伊夫库斯托;贾克伊夫库司多;斯德)等常见短语中出现较多。

Cousteau人名 英 法 西 库斯托
jacques cousteau[网络] 库斯托;雅克·库斯托;海洋探险家库斯托
jacques yves cousteau[网络] 雅克伊夫库斯托;贾克伊夫库司多;斯德


1. On this expedition, environmentalist Philippe Cousteau investigates the delicate balance of marine life here and tries to protect one of man's most feared predators. (翻译:地中海十分重要 几千年来历史证据 都在这里 地中海是是其过去的影子)

2. As the great ocean hero Jacques Cousteau once said, "We must start using the ocean as farmers instead of hunters. (翻译:伟大的海洋英雄 Jacques Cousteau 曾经说过, “ 我们现在对待海洋必须像个 农夫一样,而不是猎人。)

3. Nominally a captain in the French navy, Cousteau spent most of his working life pioneering a new form of celebrity, that of the TV explorer. (翻译:作为法国海军的名义上尉,康斯塔用他大部分职业生涯造就了别样的名人,即电视探险家。)

4. Environmentalist Philippe Cousteau Jar wants to investigate whether these waters, some of the warmest on earth, could help our oceans cope with the threat of global warming. (翻译:他们是来考察这个小海洋 看可否找到有关未来的线素 环境学家菲利普·科斯图)

5. These men are divers the ship is Calypso, an underwater research vessel, Commander Cousteau. (翻译:让克斯特担当长 这是海洋探查艇卡利福索的乘组员)

6. A couple of Cousteau wannabes found the wreck about 30 years ago. (翻译:约三十年前 一帮疯狂的海洋学家找到了残骸 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}A couple of Cousteau wannabes found the wreck about 30 years ago.)

7. One of them is what Jacques Cousteau called "rapture of the deep." (翻译:其中之一就是雅克·库斯托所说的“深海晕眩” )

8. Cousteau usually filmed large animals, usually in the open sea, whereas Painleve generally filmed smaller animals, and he liked to film in shallow water. (翻译:库斯托通常是在开阔的海面上拍摄大型动物,而佩恩利夫往往拍摄较小的动物,他喜欢在浅水里拍摄。)

9. Well, Painleve and Cousteau did both film underwater, and they were both innovators, so you are right in that sense. (翻译:班勒卫和库斯托都拍过水下电影,他们都是创新者,所以在这层意义上来说,你是对的。)

10. When Cousteau came here, they put a cage with a camel inside. (翻译:当库斯托来到这里时,他们把一只浮箱放进笼子里)

11. Environmentalist Philippe Cousteau is the grandson of ocean pioneer Jacques Cousteau. (翻译:海洋的变化现在快了很多 我以前从没见过这样的冰决)

12. Fifty years ago, when I began exploring the ocean, no one -- not Jacques Perrin, not Jacques Cousteau or Rachel Carson -- imagined that we could do anything to harm the ocean by what we put into it or by what we took out of it. (翻译:50年前,当我开始探索海洋的时候, 没有人,包括Jacques Perrin, Jacques Cousteau 或 Rachel Carson会想到 我们向大海排放的东西 或是对海洋的索取就可以伤害到海洋 )

13. At four months old she went on her first oceanic expedition with her family, father Phillipe Cousteau, mother Jan, and grandfather Jacques Cousteau. (翻译:四个月大的时候她就开始了与父亲Phillipe、母亲Jan和祖父Jacques的第一次海上远航。)

14. From going to the moon and Jacques Cousteau was exploring the oceans and, you know, I just loved that stuff. (翻译:登陆月球 贾克库斯托探索海洋 我就是喜欢这类东西)

15. Fifty years ago, when I began exploring the ocean, no one -- not Jacques Perrin, not Jacques Cousteau or Rachel Carson -- imagined that we could do anything to harm the ocean by what we put into it or by what we took out of it. (翻译:50年前,当我开始探索海洋的时候, 没有人,包括Jacques Perrin, Jacques Cousteau 或 Rachel Carson会想到 我们向大海排放的东西 或是对海洋的索取就可以伤害到海洋)

1. 词源:'Cousteau'是指著名的法国海洋探险家Jacques-Yves Cousteau(雅克·伊夫·库斯托),他是20世纪最著名的海洋科学家之一。


- Jacques-Yves Cousteau was a pioneer in underwater exploration.(雅克·伊夫·库斯托是水下探险的先驱。)

- The Cousteau Society is dedicated to preserving the marine environment.(库斯托协会致力于保护海洋环境。)

2. 地名:'Cousteau'也可指代位于法国南部的库斯托湾(Cousteau Bay),这里的海域被誉为世界海洋文化遗产。


- We went scuba diving in Cousteau Bay and saw some amazing marine life.(我们去库斯托湾潜水,看到了一些惊人的海洋生物。)

- Cousteau Bay is known for its crystal-clear waters and colorful coral reefs.(库斯托湾以其清澈的水和色彩斑斓的珊瑚礁而闻名。)

3. 缩写词:'COUSTEAU'也可作为缩写词使用,代表“Cousteau Underwater Ocean Science and Technology Advancement Unit”,即库斯托水下海洋科学与技术进步部门。


- The COUSTEAU unit is researching ways to use underwater robots for scientific exploration.(COUSTEAU部门正在研究使用水下机器人进行科学探索的方法。)

- Scientists and engineers at COUSTEAU are working to develop new technologies for ocean conservation.(COUSTEAU的科学家和工程师正在致力于开发保护海洋的新技术。)

4. 形容词:'cousteau'也可以用作形容词,表示与库斯托及其所代表的海洋探险和保护有关的特征。


- The documentary provided a fascinating cousteau perspective on the world's oceans.(这部纪录片提供了一个迷人的库斯托视角,展示了世界海洋的面貌。)

- The environmentalist argued for more cousteau-style exploration and conservation of the deep sea.(这位环保主义者主张采取更多库斯托式的探索和保护深海。)

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