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executives是什么意思 executives的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-26 10:10:42
  • 161

executives是什么意思 executives的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The company's top executives were meeting to discuss the new business strategy.(公司高层经理正在开会商讨新的商业战略。)

2. The executives had a conference call with their counterparts in Europe.(高管们与欧洲的同行进行了电话会议。)

3. The executives were impressed by the young entrepreneur's innovative ideas.(高管们对年轻的企业家的创新思路印象深刻。)




例句:There's supposed to be some record executives to check us out tonight. (这里的应该是一些记录 高管检查我们今晚。)


例句:Most executives expect a cull. (大多数高管盼望来场优胜劣汰。)


例句:In a generation, chief executives have turned from indolence to hyperactivity. (一代人的时间里,首席执行官已从好逸恶劳转向了极度活跃。)


例句:Many busy executives have begun to practise yoga and meditation. (翻译:许多工作繁忙的主管已开始练习瑜伽和冥想。)


executives一般作为名词使用,如在functions of executives(un. 经营者职能\n[网络] 高阶主管职能)、major executives([经] 高级主管人员, 上层管理人员, 主要执行者)、plural executives(兼任执行人)等常见短语中出现较多。

functions of executivesun. 经营者职能\n[网络] 高阶主管职能
major executives[经] 高级主管人员, 上层管理人员, 主要执行者
plural executives兼任执行人
senior executives[体]高级管理人员
top executives最高行政官
financial executives institute[经] 高级财务管理人协会


1. In a generation, chief executives have turned from indolence to hyperactivity. (翻译:一代人的时间里,首席执行官已从好逸恶劳转向了极度活跃。)

2. Many busy executives have begun to practise yoga and meditation. (翻译:许多工作繁忙的主管已开始练习瑜伽和冥想。)

3. Once it goes public, sure, the executives will go to jail, but... (翻译:一旦事件公诸于众 公司管理人员肯定是要蹲 不过...)

4. Executives at Goldman Sachs are said to be unamused. (翻译:据说这令高盛的高层颇为不悦。)

5. Other LIA executives seem to have fled. (翻译:其他的LIA高管似乎都已逃走。)

6. And all bear a remarkable similarly to governors, directors and executives of the Corporation, and their friends. (翻译:而且都长的异常类似 And all bear a remarkable similarly 贵公司理事 董事和经理 to governors, directors and executives 还有他们的朋友们 of the Corporation, and their friends.)

7. It's not a field for first-time executives, Dunlap says. (翻译:邓洛普表示,第一次当高管的人不适合担任临时高管。)

8. How much were MBA-trained executives really to blame? (翻译:那些受过MBA训练的高管们究竟该对此负多大责任呢?)

9. There are different programs for graduate students, for executives at different companies. (翻译:研究生和公司的主管们将会 被提供不同的课程。)

10. Silicon Valley executives are being shamed into adding women to their boards. (翻译:硅谷的高管们正羞愧地让女性加入他们的董事会。)

11. Executives were violently agitated. (翻译:高管们非常激动。)

12. Yet some executives will still walk away with large paychecks. (翻译:不过一些高管仍将带着丰厚的报酬离开。)

13. He disregarded the advice of his executives. (翻译:他对主管们的建议置之不理。)

14. Galleon traders also met with company executives. (翻译:帆船也会与接触公司高管。)

15. Scudamore was repeatedly told by the executives that this was' nonsensical '. (翻译:斯库达·莫尔很快被这几家球队的执行官告知这是“荒谬的”。)



1. 词的意思:Executives指执行官,管理层,高级管理人员。

2. 词性:Executives 是一个名词,它的复数形式是 executives,意为“高管”。

3. 常用场景:Executives 通常用于商业、企业、机构等组织中,指的是公司的高级管理层,如总裁、副总裁、执行官等。

4. 词组搭配:

- Top executives:最高级的高管,如 CEO、CFO、COO 等。

- Senior executives:高级管理人员。

- Corporate executives:公司高管。

- Executive board:执行委员会。

- Executive compensation:高管薪酬。

5. 相关短语:

- Executive decision:执行决策。

- Executive power:行政权力。

- Executive leadership:高层领导力。

- Executive order:行政命令。

6. 发音拼写:[ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪvz],重音在第一个音节“exe”。

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