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darted是什么意思 darted的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:19
  • 207

darted是什么意思 darted的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The rabbit darted across the field and disappeared into the bushes.(兔子猛地窜过田野,消失在灌木丛里)

2. The fish darted away as soon as I put my hand in the water.(我一伸手进水里,鱼就飞奔着逃走了)

3. The children were playing tag and darted around the playground.(孩子们在玩捉迷藏,四处奔跑)




例句:He darted Vicky an impatient look. (他不耐烦地瞥了维基一眼。)


例句:He darted behind a cask, within the barn, and stooped down. (他冲到谷仓里的一只木桶后面,弯下腰来。)


例句:Inside the great keep Robin darted into a little room on the right of the doorway, where the only man on guard lounged carelessly. (在大城堡内,罗宾冲进城门右边的一间小房子,这里只有一位看守者不关心地卧着。)


例句:He darted an impatient look at Vicky. (翻译:他不耐烦地朝维基瞥了一眼。)


1. Inside the great keep Robin darted into a little room on the right of the doorway, where the only man on guard lounged carelessly. (翻译:在大城堡内,罗宾冲进城门右边的一间小房子,这里只有一位看守者不关心地卧着。)

2. He darted an impatient look at Vicky. (翻译:他不耐烦地朝维基瞥了一眼。)

3. The hens darted away on all sides, raising a cloud of dust. (翻译:母鸡四处飞奔,扬起一团尘土。)

4. "Darling Denisov, " squealed Natasha, and, beside herself with delight she darted up to him, hugging and kissing him. (翻译:娜塔莎得意忘形,发出刺耳的尖声,一下子跑到杰尼索夫跟前,抱住他吻了吻。)

5. Lori kissed me on the cheek and darted across the street. Just like that, she was gone. (翻译:洛丽吻了我的脸颊,飞奔穿过街道。就那样,她走了。)

6. She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell. (翻译:她狡猾地斜瞟了布莱威尔一眼。)

7. Les darted into the booth, gently moved Rock aside and sat down at the turntable. He was ready. (翻译:莱斯箭一般地冲进演播室轻轻地把罗克移到一边坐在了录音转播台前他准备好了!)

8. The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor. (翻译:准男爵把这个画框塞还给警官,飞快跑进壁橱,开始在地板上乱翻乱扒。)

9. Ingrid darted across the deserted street. (翻译:英格里德飞奔过空无一人的街道。)

10. And kingfishers swooped and darted about, their s racing over the brown trout. (翻译:鱼鹰向水面猛扑下来 它们的身影 遮住了褐色的鲑鱼)

11. Carl thrust his hand into his pockets, lowered his head, and darted up the street against the north wind. (翻译:卡尔把手往衣袋里一插,低着头,迎着北风向街那头跑去。)

12. "Hildy, " she reminded him, before she darted half-clothed from the tent. (翻译:“希尔蒂,”她提醒他,然后半裸着冲出了帐篷。)

13. As I watched, her eyes darted quickly to the right, across the road, and back again. (翻译:我还看着她的时候,她的视线快速移向右侧,看向马路对面,又再次转回来。)

14. Darted out into traffic after a cute little Siamese cat that lived just across the way. (翻译:它冲进车流中为了追住在马路对侧的 Darted out into traffic after a cute little Siamese cat)

15. They had followed him with difficulty, for his mind darted from subject to subject with a connection they did not always catch. (翻译:他们听他的话很费解,他的思路从一个题目跳到另一个题目,他们把握不住其中的联系。)

1. 词性:动词。意为“快速移动”。

2. 用法:通常用于形容物体或人的快速移动,也可以用于形容眼神或思维的迅速转移。

3. 同义词:dash, sprint, rush, bolt, shoot。

4. 派生词:darting (动词现在分词),dartingly (副词)。

5. 常见搭配:dart a look/glance/eye,dart past/around。


1. The fish darted away as soon as it saw me. (这条鱼一看到我就快速游走了)

2. She darted through the crowds and caught the last train home. (她穿过人群,赶上了末班车回家)

3. The bird darted towards the sky in a graceful arc. (那只鸟优美地划过一道弧线,飞向天空)

4. His thoughts darted back to the days when he was still a student. (他的思绪转瞬回到了他还是学生的日子)

5. The boxer darted around the ring, looking for an opening to attack. (拳击手在拳击场上快速转圈,寻找攻击的机会)

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