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dissect是什么意思 dissect的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:26:43
  • 146

dissect是什么意思 dissect的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The anatomy professor dissected a frog to teach his students about the different organs in its body.(解剖学教授解剖了一只青蛙,向学生们讲解其身体内各个器官的不同)

2. The detective carefully dissected the clues to solve the crime.(侦探仔细剖析线索,破解了这起犯罪案件)

3. The writer dissected the complex characters in his novel to explain their motivations and actions.(作家剖析了其小说中复杂的人物形象,解释了他们的动机和行为)




例句:The team sees the collections and then comes back and has fashion meetings, and in the meetings, you dissect the collections and decide what trends to feature. (像只鸟 先让组员看过展示的时装 然后再召集大家开时尚讨论会议)


例句:Blood can dissect down to the coronaries and shut them off. (血液向下剥离,可封闭冠状动脉。)


例句:In seeking the opportunity, we must dissect and forecast the historic necessity of architecture"s persperous and decline in the future." (剖析与建筑未来兴衰的历史必然,以寻机遇。)


例句:People will want to do research on him , perhaps even dissect him . (翻译:学者为了进行研究 会将它解剖 或是送去被人做展示用)


1. In seeking the opportunity, we must dissect and forecast the historic necessity of architecture"s persperous and decline in the future." (翻译:剖析与建筑未来兴衰的历史必然,以寻机遇。)

2. People will want to do research on him , perhaps even dissect him . (翻译:学者为了进行研究 会将它解剖 或是送去被人做展示用)

3. Our written exchanges became a platform to dissect the consequences of that night, and they were everything from gut-wrenching to healing beyond words. (翻译:我们的书面交流,成了一个平台, 去剖析,那个晚上对我们的影响, 这些交流,有时令人感到极度痛苦, 有时,却也带来超越语言的治愈。)

4. - Milton - ln trying to prove that, he'll allow Hausner to dissect and expose that machine and its legacy, and we will have it all on record. (翻译:Milton? 为了证明那个 他会让霍斯纳去剖析揭露 那台机器和它遗留下来的东西 我们要做的只是记录)

5. People want to dissect his work and question his motives. (翻译:人们想剖析他的作品,质疑他的动机。)

6. A bath tub can serve as a private sanctuary in which some couples dissect their day, share their dreams, or seduce one another. (翻译:一个浴缸可以成为夫妻间体味生活,分享梦想,或者诱惑对方的圣地。)

7. But what this lets you do is gives you that all-important traction, and counter-traction, so that you can dissect, so that you can sew, so that you can do all the things that you need to do, all the surgical tasks. (翻译:但让你做的 是给你所有必要的牵引, 反向牵引, 这样你能够解剖、能够缝合, 你可以做所有你需要做的事, 所有的手术工作。)

8. I wanted to dissect it and look into its unseen layers. (翻译:我想要解剖它, 看看里面不为所知的切面,)

9. Objective: To study the effects of vanadyl sulfate on hyperlipidemia of diabetic rats and discuss dissect the possible mechanisms. (翻译:目的:探讨硫酸氧钒对糖尿病大鼠高脂血症的治疗作用,并初步探讨其作用机理。)

10. No,but i know the people you work for, and they are gonna dissect me (翻译:不 但是我认识你卖命的对象 他们会把我大卸八块 然后将我放在显微镜下观察)

11. Olson and his team use one to dissect a segment of code, looking for patterns and logic in what appears to be a jumble of symbols. (翻译:Olson和他的团队使用白板仔细研究密码的每一个细节,研究看似杂乱中的模式和逻辑。)

12. Later, the Grand Duke of Tuscany had him dissect a shark. (翻译:后来,托斯卡纳大公 让他解剖了一条鲨鱼。)

13. The skull base is identified, then the instrument is used to dissect the remaining ethmoid in a retrograde fashion. (翻译:识别颅骨,再用器械后退式切除余下的筛窦。)

14. Dissect out the L.A.D., nick the artery, put in a shunt, and put the graft in distal to the blockage. (翻译:切除左前降支割开动脉 接上旁路 将人造血管接到堵塞的末梢)

15. But what this lets you do is gives you that all-important traction, and counter-traction, so that you can dissect, so that you can sew, so that you can do all the things that you need to do, all the surgical tasks. (翻译:但让你做的 是给你所有必要的牵引, 反向牵引, 这样你能够解剖、能够缝合, 你可以做所有你需要做的事, 所有的手术工作。)



1. 词汇解析:dissect是一个动词,意思是“解剖,剖析”,常用于形容对复杂问题、文本或事物进行仔细的分析和研究。

2. 语法用法:dissect可以直接作为及物动词,也可以用于形容词后作为定语。例如:a dissected frog(一只被解剖的青蛙)。

3. 派生词汇:dissection是dissect的名词形式,意为“解剖,剖析”,dissectible是形容词形式,意为“可解剖的,可分析的”。

4. 语言搭配:dissect通常与学术、科技、医学等相关的领域中使用。在日常交流中,可以使用更加通俗易懂的同义词,如yze或examine等。

1. The scientists dissected the data to understand the pattern of the disease.(科学家们对数据进行了分析,以了解疾病的模式。)

2. The teacher asked the students to dissect the poem and identify its themes and symbols.(老师要求学生剖析这首诗,找出其中的主题和象征。)

3. The doctor dissected the cadaver to accurately diagnose the cause of death.(医生解剖尸体,准确诊断死因。)

4. The journalist dissected the politician's speech and found several inconsistencies.(记者分析了家的演讲,发现了几处不一致之处。)

5. The critic dissected the novel and criticized its character development.(评论家剖析了这部小说,批评了它的人物塑造。)

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