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pyramids是什么意思 pyramids的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:26:56
  • 213

pyramids是什么意思 pyramids的中文翻译、读音、例句

pyramids 的中文翻译为“金字塔”。读音为[pɪrəmɪdz]。


1. The pyramids of Egypt are some of the most famous landmarks in the world.(埃及的金字塔是世界上最著名的地标之一。)

2. The construction of the pyramids required enormous amounts of labor and resources.(修建金字塔需要大量的劳力和资源。)

3. The ancient Egyptians believed that their pharaohs would be reborn after death and ascend to the heavens from the top of the pyramids.(古埃及人相信,他们的法老在死后会重生,并从金字塔的顶部升上天堂。)




例句:Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, everywhere. (金字塔、艾菲尔铁塔 自由女神像,到处都是)


例句:Of course, the pyramids are the only ancient monuments, that continue to bafle scientists and archaeologists. (当然 金字塔绝不会是困惑科学家 和考古学家的唯一古迹)


例句:And it's even believed to have been used in building the Egyptian pyramids. (我们甚至认为它被运用到 埃及金字塔的建造中 )


例句:As long as the pyramids still stand, some people will continue to pursue the matter. (翻译:只要金字塔仍然屹立,人们大约还会继续追寻下去。)


pyramids一般作为名词使用,如在the Pyramids([网络] 金字塔;埃及金字塔;大金字塔)、Egyptian pyramids([网络] 埃及金字塔;埃及的金字塔)、food pyramids([生态] 食物金字塔)等常见短语中出现较多。

the Pyramids[网络] 金字塔;埃及金字塔;大金字塔
Egyptian pyramids[网络] 埃及金字塔;埃及的金字塔
food pyramids[生态] 食物金字塔
great pyramids巍峨的金字塔
hollow pyramids[化] 空心棱锥(晶体)
human pyramids叠罗汉
Mayan pyramids[网络] 马雅金字塔
Mesoamerican pyramids[网络] 中美洲金字塔
posterior pyramids[医] 后锥体(延髓薄束)


1. And it's even believed to have been used in building the Egyptian pyramids. (翻译:我们甚至认为它被运用到 埃及金字塔的建造中 )

2. As long as the pyramids still stand, some people will continue to pursue the matter. (翻译:只要金字塔仍然屹立,人们大约还会继续追寻下去。)

3. Egyptologists believe that the pyramids were built to bury the dead pharaoh. (翻译:埃及考古学家认为它就是 用来埋葬死去的法老)

4. ♪ We built the Wall ♪ We built the pyramids ♪ (翻译:* 我们建长城 我们建金字塔 * * We built the Wall We built the pyramids *)

5. On Mars, we have structures that look like pyramids. (翻译:在火星上,我们有结构 这看起来像金字塔。)

6. So Egyptians are building pyramids and woollies are still living on islands. (翻译:所以埃及人在建造金字塔时 猛犸象还在岛上生活着 )

7. "This made more of an impression on me than the pyramids of Giza, " he said. (翻译:“这给我留下的印象远比吉萨的金字塔要深。”他说。)

8. The pharaohs built their pyramids. (翻译:法老们忙着建金字塔。)

9. The Great Pyramids of Giza sits on the western edge of the city. (翻译:吉萨大金字塔坐落在城市的西部边缘。)

10. If we want to learn about the past, it's time we inverted the pyramids. (翻译:如果我们想了解过去, 就是倒转金字塔的时候到了。)

11. 'Cause if it's like the pyramids, then there has to be a tomb somewhere. (翻译:因为如果这象金字塔的话 那肯定有个地方作为墓室之类的)

12. Adam glorified the pyramids of Egypt, but he discovers that they are built on the misery of slaves. (翻译:亚当为埃及的金字塔而荣耀,但是他发现金字塔是建立在奴隶的不幸之上的。)

13. Aunt jemima said usda has to look at the pyramids! (翻译:洁麦玛姑妈说 得在金字塔上找答案!)

14. One can't witness the building of the pyramids or the sack of Rome... (翻译:也永远不可能目睹金字塔的建造 或者古罗马的陷落)

15. It is not the pyramids that stand the test of time; it is human ingenuity. (翻译:经受住时间考验的不是金字塔; 而是人类的聪明才智。)






1. the Pyramids of Giza:吉萨金字塔

2. the Pyramid Age:金字塔时代

3. pyramid scheme:传销

4. pyramid-shaped:金字塔形的

5. pyramid of success:成功金字塔




1. The Pyramids of Giza are one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.(吉萨金字塔是古代世界七大奇迹之一。)

2. The Pyramid Age in ancient Egypt lasted from 2600 BC to 2100 BC.(古埃及的金字塔时代从公元前2600年持续到公元前2100年。)

3. The company was accused of operating a pyramid scheme.(该公司被指控运营传销活动。)

4. The building is pyramid-shaped with a square base.(这座建筑物呈金字塔形,底部是正方形。)

5. John Wooden's Pyramid of Success is a model for achieving success in sports and in life.(约翰·伍登的成功金字塔是实现体育和生活成功的模型。)

6. In Mexico, there is a famous ancient pyramid called Teotihuacan.(在墨西哥,有一个著名的古代金字塔叫做特奥蒂瓦坎。)

7. The pyramid was used as a tomb for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.(金字塔被用作古埃及法老的陵墓。)

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