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matches是什么意思 matches的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-02-04 16:14:36
  • 242

matches是什么意思 matches的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He struck a match and lit the fire.


2. Our football team won all their matches last season.


3. She has been training hard for the upcoming matches.





例句:can be biodegradable, and their degradation matches to osteogenic activity. (可发生生物降解,其降解作用与成骨能力匹配。)


例句:You know, the brown matches your eyes. (You know, the brown matches your eyes. 棕色与你眼睛相配)


例句:That's what they think, he matches the description they have. (他们也这么想 特雷格跟他们所掌握的资料正好相符)


matches一般作为名词使用,如在eliminate matches(【体育】淘汰赛;预赛)、exhibition matches(na. “exhibition game”的变体\n[网络] 表演赛)、friendly matches([网络] 国际友谊赛)等常见短语中出现较多。

eliminate matches【体育】淘汰赛;预赛
exhibition matchesna. “exhibition game”的变体\n[网络] 表演赛
friendly matches[网络] 国际友谊赛
grudge matchesn. 旗鼓相当的比赛( grudge match的名词复数 )
kitchen matchesna. 用于点煤气炉的粗头火柴\n[网络] 一种火柴\n(kitchen match 的复数)
ladder matches[网络] 比赛
love matches一方得零局的一场;(自由)恋爱结婚
matches against与…相竞争
matches and dispatchesn. 出生、订婚、结婚和死亡栏


1. That's what they think, he matches the description they have. (翻译:他们也这么想 特雷格跟他们所掌握的资料正好相符)

2. He wants matches with a tightrope walking intensity. (翻译:那种犹如马戏团舞台 走钢丝般的疯狂刺激的厮杀)

3. Then, before trusting the input data, verify that the checksum matches. (翻译:然后,在输入数据前,先验证检验和是否匹配。)

4. just maybe Something told me to pinch the matches when (翻译:也许还有另一个杀手 但仅仅也许 经验告诉我看见火柴盒就要捡)

5. DNA from hair in the room matches the victim's. (翻译:在旅馆房间内采集到毛发DNA 与被害者的一样)

6. Hopefully it matches, um... [ tablet beeps ] ...This. (翻译:但愿有对得上... Hopefully it matches, um... 这个 this.)

7. RACF matches strictly on the resource name. (翻译:RACF根据资源名进行严格的匹配。)

8. Your crazy matches my crazy. (翻译:疯狂配疯狂 牛了个逼了 Your crazy matches my crazy.)

9. See if it matches the cuts in Adam Langer's bones. (翻译:看是否和Adam Langer的尸骨切口吻合)

10. Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental. (翻译:没有,指纹、DNA和牙科记录 跟资料库的都对不上)

11. Pete, the wiring on the vest matches the wiring on the switch. (翻译:Pete 背心上的接线和按钮上的接线一样)

12. Matches boy or boys; the regex Goo? Gle matches Gogle or Google. (翻译:匹配boy或boys; regex Goo ? gle匹配Gogle或Google。)

13. The blood found on the glove recovered at Rockingham matches the defendant. (翻译:发现的血迹与被告匹配 at Rockingham matches the defendant. 在邦迪凶案现场 The blood drops)

14. It was printed on matches, playing cards, textbooks, posters. (翻译:这些口号被印在火柴盒上, 纸牌上, 教科书上,海报上。)

15. Because these genes are inherited, the best matches are often siblings. (翻译:因为这些基因是遗传的, 最好的配型一般是兄弟姐妹。)



1. 词性:matches可以是名词,动词,或者缩写词。

2. 名词含义:matches可以指火柴,比赛,两件相配的物品等等。


- I need to buy some matches for the camping trip.

- We watched the football match on TV last night.

- These ss are a perfect match for your dress.

3. 动词含义:matches可以指比赛,相配,点燃等等。


- The two teams will match up in the championship game next week.

- The colors in this painting match well with the furniture in the room.

- Can you match the and put them in the drawer?

4. 缩写词:matches可以是以下缩写词的简写:Mathematics, Multiple Automated Communication Handler for Emergency Services等等。


- I'm majoring in matches and I find it very challenging.

- The M.A.C.H.E.S system is an important tool for emergency services.

5. 常见短语:

- make a match: 找到合适的对象/物品等

- no match for: 比不上,不是对手

- light a match: 点燃一根火柴

- a good match: 一对好搭档,配对合适的人或物


- She finally found a match on the online dating site.

- The boxer was no match for the professional.

- He lit a match to see in the dark room.

- The two actors were a good match in that movie.

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