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dunno是什么意思 dunno的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:37
  • 269

dunno是什么意思 dunno的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. A: Do you know where the meeting room is?

B: Dunno, maybe ask someone at the reception.



2. A: What should we have for lunch today?

B: Dunno, maybe we can go try that new restaurant.






例句:Dunno, but seems like he desperately needs me since he's willing to offer such cash. (不知道 但看来他非常需要我 因为他愿意支付我那么多现金)


例句:They put in an ATM machine... basically does the work of, I dunno, dozen people or more per branch. (考虑它。他们放 在一台ATM 机器里 ... 基本上做工作,我dunno, 打人或更多每分支。)


例句:He made it feel like, I dunno... like you and me were the last people left on this planet. (他感觉像 我不知道... 像你和我一样在这星球上最后离开的人)


例句:Dunno why , my recent life become changing . . . May be it is the time fo me to learning independent . (翻译:不知道为什么,最近的生活总是怪怪的…也许我真的太依赖了吧,是时候开始学习独立思考了!)


dunno一般作为动词使用,如在dunno.(vt. 我不知道\nvi. 我不知道)等常见短语中出现较多。

dunno.vt. 我不知道\nvi. 我不知道


1. He made it feel like, I dunno... like you and me were the last people left on this planet. (翻译:他感觉像 我不知道... 像你和我一样在这星球上最后离开的人)

2. Dunno why , my recent life become changing . . . May be it is the time fo me to learning independent . (翻译:不知道为什么,最近的生活总是怪怪的…也许我真的太依赖了吧,是时候开始学习独立思考了!)

3. "How on earth did she get it?"—"I dunno." (翻译:“她究竟是如何弄到它的?”—“我不知道。” )

4. I dunno if you're aware or anything, but, you are talking to a garbage can. (翻译:我不知道你有没有意识到什么,但是... 你在和垃圾桶讲话)

5. I started my career there, and I terriblily miss that place. I dunno why I got such strong sense of belonging there. (翻译:那是我开始工作的地方,我想那儿,想坏了,我不懂为什么我会有那么强烈的归属感。)

6. Dunno. Yeah, she tried to cover it up and everything. (翻译:she tried to cover it up and everything.)

7. And I dunno about you, brother, but every time I walk past that concrete wall out there, my fillings hurt. (翻译:我不知道你怎么想,兄弟 但每次我经过那面水泥墙 我的牙齿填充物就会痛)

8. Just... socially, I dunno, really. (翻译:就是... ... 社交场合,我真不记得了。)

9. If you think about the last time, I dunno, you had a wobbly tooth. (翻译:如果你想想最后一次,我不知道, 你有一颗松动的牙。)

10. - What are you looking for, then? (翻译:- What are you looking for, then? - Oh, I dunno.)

11. I dunno about you but I just ain't used to it yet and that's something people need to understand. (翻译:我不知道你们怎么样啊。不过这种生活﹐我还未能习惯的。)

12. Everyone says racism is bad, you say, "I dunno, I'm skeptical about that." (翻译:人人都说种族主义不好, 你说,“我不知道,我对此表示怀疑。” )

13. I dunno. Maybe. (翻译:不知道。可能吧。)

14. - Tom, please, let's say she fell, i dunno, a fracture... (翻译:- 汤姆 拜托 就说我摔倒了 骨折...)

15. I dunno, they just came right at me. (翻译:不知道 它们就疯狂的冲过来 I dunno, they just came right at me.)

1. 定义:dunno是don't know的缩写,表示“不知道”的意思。

2. 用法:dunno通常用于口语交流或者非正式场合中,不被视为正式用语。

3. 含义:dunno表示不确定或者没有答案,尤其用于回答问题时。

4. 声调:dunno的发音为/dʌnəʊ/,读作“邓诺”。

5. 常见场合:dunno通常在日常口语交流、社交媒体、聊天工具等非正式场合中出现。


1. A: Do you know where the nearest gas station is?

B: Dunno, maybe you should ask someone else.

2. A: What time does the concert start?

B: Dunno, I haven't checked the schedule yet.

3. A: Have you seen my phone anywhere?

B: Dunno, I haven't seen it.

4. A: What's the answer to this math problem?

B: Dunno, let me check my notes.

5. A: Do you think it's going to rain today?

B: Dunno, the weather forecast doesn't say anything about it.

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