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grits是什么意思 grits的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:27
  • 183

grits是什么意思 grits的中文翻译、读音、例句

英文单词 "grits" 的意思是玉米粥,通常是指用沸水和玉米面制成的粗糙食品,常见于美国南部地区的早餐食品。




1. I had grits for breakfast this morning.


2. Grits are a staple food in the southern United States.





例句:He grits his teeth. (他咬牙切齿。)


例句:Yes, we go to Syracuse, but if you'd like, we can jump in the kitchen, whip you up some grits and gravy, ma'am (是的,我们是锡拉丘兹大学的 但如果你们喜欢 我们也能下厨房,很快弄点面和肉来)


例句:but it's mostly just grits 'cause I ate all the shrimpon my way over. (不过差不多只剩下玉米片了 我一路过来把虾都吃了)


例句:Inside the hut everything also hangs from the ceiling- grits, sugar- so that the mice don't eat them. (翻译:里面的小屋一切还挂 从天花板,糖 让老鼠不吃它们。)


grits一般作为名词、动词使用,如在foreland grits(前陆粗砂岩)、Grampound grits(格兰庞德粗砂岩)、grits cutter(碾米机)等常见短语中出现较多。

foreland grits前陆粗砂岩
Grampound grits格兰庞德粗砂岩
grits cutter碾米机
Gryphite grits贝壳粗砂岩
Hangman grits杭曼粗砂岩
hominy grits(白玉米制的)玉米粗粉
milo grits[网络] 碎高粱米;粗高粱粉
Rhinog grits[岩] 莱诺格粗砂岩
Staddon grits[岩] 斯塔唐粗砂岩
strewing grits[网络] 细麸皮粉;细糠


1. but it's mostly just grits 'cause I ate all the shrimpon my way over. (翻译:不过差不多只剩下玉米片了 我一路过来把虾都吃了)

2. Inside the hut everything also hangs from the ceiling- grits, sugar- so that the mice don't eat them. (翻译:里面的小屋一切还挂 从天花板,糖 让老鼠不吃它们。)

3. Butter, oil, buckwheat, grits rice, meal ... (翻译:黄油, 橄榄油, 荞麦, 玉米粉 ... ...大米, 膳食...)

4. It indicates the strong retention of brazing alloy to diamond grits and the longer service life of the wheel. (翻译:这表明钎料合金对磨粒的高强度把持和砂轮的高耐用度。)

5. Lincoln moves forward and grits his teeth, "It was dad. . . " Michael says that it's not possible. (翻译:Lincoln咬紧牙关,向前倾身,“是父亲…”Michael说那是不可能的。)

6. Potato Starch, Corn Starch, Potato Flakes, Potato Flakes Milled, Potato Granules, Potato Dices , Potato Grits, Snacks, Pellets, Vegetables. (翻译:采购产品马铃薯淀粉,玉黍蜀淀粉,马铃薯薄片,马铃薯薄片米尔,马铃薯小粒,马铃薯骰子,马铃薯砂砾,点心,圆球,蔬菜。)

7. However, this one is Su Dongpo named " Dongpo jade grits soup" food, is actually his little son Su had improved out of whim. (翻译:不过,这一款被苏东坡命名为“东坡玉羹”的佳肴,其实是他的小儿子苏过突发奇想改良出来的。)

8. Watch it, now it's progressive then you'll collect grits from the floor, (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1}你瞧,抓紧些,你就会捡到宝贝)

9. C-Note grits his teeth and alerts Michael to the fact that Tweener is sitting nearby, hearing every word. (翻译:C-Note咬紧牙关提醒Michael,Tweener就坐在旁边,每句话他都听到了。)

10. An uncompromising, often bleak novel, Grits is certainly a difficult book, but the dedication of any reader will be rewarded. (翻译:作为一部主旨明确、色彩阴郁的小说,《砂砾》必定很难读懂,但是只要你细心品读,一定会获益无穷。)

11. Pack another bowl, will you? (翻译:我很需要一大块 Hey, Grits. Pack another bowl, will you?)

12. Well, I hate to say it, but we have oatmeal and grits, a little bit of coffee. (翻译:们有燕麦和粗玉米粉 还有点咖啡 当你挨饿的时候食物总是特别美味)

13. On Forsyth Street we made many meals out of grits and gravy. (翻译:在Forsyth街上我们用面粉和肉汁做饭.)

14. I want grits with my eggs instead of hash browns. (翻译:我想要粗玉米粉加鸡蛋而不是土豆煎饼。)

15. The winner takes the spoils, but the loser is not crushed: he grits his teeth and vows to try harder next time. (翻译:胜利者拿走了战利品,但是失败者也不会崩溃,他们会磨磨牙然后发誓下次要更加努力。)



1. 定义:Grits通常指美国南方的一种食物,是由碾碎的玉米膏制成的。在美国南方,它通常在早餐时配以培根、鸡蛋和烤面包食用。

2. 来源:Grits的起源可以追溯到美国南部,特别是佐治亚州和南北卡罗来纳州,是一种深受当地人喜爱的传统食品。

3. 缩写词:除了作为南方早餐的食物,G.R.I.T.S.还可以是Girl Raised In The South的缩写,指的是生长在美国南部的女孩。

4. 文化象征:Grits不仅是美国南方菜肴的代表,还在美国文化中具有重要的象征意义,代表了南方的文化和传统。


1. 他们的早餐通常包括煮熟的鸡蛋、培根和grits。

2. 他们的特色菜单包括炸鸡、饼干和grits。

3. 她是一个真正的GRITS,从小就在佐治亚州长大。

4. 在美国南部,grits是一种非常受欢迎的早餐食品。

5. 这家餐厅以其出色的grits和著名的南方烤肉而闻名。

English examples:

1. Their breakfast usually includes cooked eggs, bacon, and grits.

2. Their specialty menu includes fried chicken, biscuits, and grits.

3. She is a true GRITS, having grown up in Georgia.

4. In the American South, grits are a very popular breakfast food.

5. This restaurant is known for its excellent grits and famous Southern barbecue.

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