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tanning是什么意思 tanning的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-05 04:45:45
  • 183

tanning是什么意思 tanning的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She spent all day tanning on the beach.


2. I don't like tanning, I prefer to stay in the shade.


3. Tanning can be dangerous if you don't use enough sunscreen.





例句:Recovery of Hydrogen Sulfide in High Concentration in Aerofloat Production with Tanning Extract Process (栲胶法回收黑药生产中释放的高浓度硫化氢试验)


例句:For instance, Bill Amberg has this series of bags that are made in the only tanner in the world that USES an oak bark pit tanning process. (比方说比尔?安柏格推出的这一系列包包是由全世界唯一一家采用橡树皮槽橡皮工艺的皮革厂出品的。)


例句:But no matter what materials are leather, tanning agents and tannage difference, people tanning effect there is a basic evaluation. (但不管什么材料为皮革,鞣剂和鞣革的区别,人晒黑的效果有一个基本的评价。)


例句:A daybed that may be used for tanning is revealed by electrically unfolding one side of the trailer. (翻译:阿daybed可用于鞣是揭示的电动展开一方的拖车。)


tanning一般作为名词、动词使用,如在glutaraldehyde tanning(戊二醛鞣)、insufficient tanning([化] 鞣制不足)、iron tanning(铁鞣)等常见短语中出现较多。

glutaraldehyde tanning戊二醛鞣
insufficient tanning[化] 鞣制不足
iron tanning铁鞣
oil tanning[化] 油鞣; 油鞣法
phosphate tanning[化] 偏磷酸盐鞣
resin tanning树脂鞣
smoke tanning烟鞣
solvent tanning溶剂鞣制
sun tanning[网络] 日光浴;晒肤;美黑


1. But no matter what materials are leather, tanning agents and tannage difference, people tanning effect there is a basic evaluation. (翻译:但不管什么材料为皮革,鞣剂和鞣革的区别,人晒黑的效果有一个基本的评价。)

2. A daybed that may be used for tanning is revealed by electrically unfolding one side of the trailer. (翻译:阿daybed可用于鞣是揭示的电动展开一方的拖车。)

3. A crystalline substance, C15H14O6, derived from catechu and used in tanning and dyeing. (翻译:儿茶酸一种晶体物质,c15h14o6,来源于儿茶,用于制革和染色。)

4. This type of drum is one of the reasonable drum today using in the soaking, liming, and tanning process. (翻译:该转鼓是当今世界上用于毛皮浸水、浸灰、鞣制加工工序的最理想设备。)

5. He was a male model, he was a nightclub promoter, he ran a tanning salon. (翻译:他是男模 He was a male model, 是发起人 他还开了一家日晒沙龙 he was a nightclub promoter, he ran a tanning salon.)

6. Ethnic minorities' spinning and weaving, tanning and felting techniques boast a long history. (翻译:少数民族的纺织、鞣皮、擀毡等工艺,有着悠久的历史。)

7. I still remember the image of T. J. tanning on the beach. (翻译:我还记得的形象T. J. 晒黑的海滩上。)

8. The tanning bed must have melted your brain if you think... (翻译:他还躺在那里 你真的要谈这个吗 日光浴床肯定把你脑子烧坏了 如果你花一秒钟想一想)

9. I mean, look at your palms. They're bright orange from self-tanning lotion. (翻译:我是说,看看你的手,就像用 自助皮革洗涤剂染黄的一样)

10. Honey, do you want to skip a day from your tanning and go to the zoo with Harry and me? (翻译:亲爱的 你想少晒一天 跟我和Harry去动物园吗?)

11. extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu used for dying and tanning and preserving fishnets and sails; formerly used medicinally. (翻译:用儿茶树的心材提取,用于印染、制革、渔网和帆蓬保养,以前用于医药。)

12. The Tanning Rack is used to turn Rawhide into Leather. (翻译:制革架是用来将生皮制成皮革。)

13. Also used for boiler water treatment, fade-resistant ceramic products, rayon of extinction, the fabric and mordants such as tanning. (翻译:还用于锅炉水的处理、陶瓷制品防褪色、人造丝的消光剂,织物媒染剂和鞣革等。)

14. I like flowers. I like, you know, tanning. (翻译:我也喜欢晒黑,也许这有一点点不一样...)

15. The last time I looked, the law punished poaching with a tanning or a spell in the stocks. (翻译:据我所知 法律惩戒方法是 暴晒或者枷锁示众)




1. 词性:tanning可以作为名词或动词使用。

2. 定义:tanning主要指晒黑肌肤或制作皮革等过程中的鞣化。

3. 用途:

- 作为名词,tanning通常指人们为了美观或保护皮肤而进行的晒黑行为。

- 作为动词,tanning则指将动物皮毛或兽皮等材料加工成皮革的制作过程,其中包括用鞣料处理、晾干、裁剪、缝合等工序。

4. 衍生词汇:tanned (已鞣制的、被晒黑的)、tanner (制革师)、tannery (制革厂)。

5. 相关表达:

- tanning bed 美黑床(专门用于晒黑的设备)

- tanning lotion 晒黑液(涂抹在皮肤上的化妆品)

- fake tanning 假晒黑(化妆品或染发剂模拟晒黑的效果)

- tan line 晒黑线(穿着服装遮盖不晒黑的皮肤部位留下的明显痕迹)

- leather tanning 皮革制造(动物皮毛加工成皮革的过程)


1. She likes to go tanning at the beach to get a perfect summer glow.(她喜欢在海滩上晒黑,让自己在夏日散发完美的光芒。)

2. The tanned leather has a unique smell and texture.(鞣制的皮革具有独特的气味和质地。)

3. He works at a tannery and his job is to prepare animal hides for leather production.(他在一家制革厂工作,他的工作是为制革生产准备动物皮革。)

4. I don't like fake tanning products, they look unnatural on me.(我不喜欢假晒黑产品,它们在我身上看起来不自然。)

5. After a long day's work, she likes to relax in the tanning bed to relieve stress.(一整天的工作过后,她喜欢在美黑床上放松身心,缓解压力。)

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