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emporio armani是什么意思 emporio armani的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-08 07:08:37
  • 153

emporio armani是什么意思 emporio armani的中文翻译、读音、例句




Translation: I'm wearing an Emporio Armani suit today.

emporio armani通常被翻译为"爱姆普里奥·阿玛尼"的意思,还经常被翻译为品牌名,单词读音音标为[emporioarmani],emporio armani常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到52个与emporio armani相关的句子。

Emporio armani的中文翻译


例句:♪ Armani, Armani, I keep a crease ♪ (# Armani, Armani, I keep a crease #)


例句:With a nice Armani-shirt you won't be single for long. (你的好身材穿上衬衫加上香水... 保证不会单身太久)


emporio armani一般作为名词使用,如在emporio([网络] 安普里奥;爱姆普里奥;混搭木珠大项链)、armani(意 美 巴 阿尔马尼 人名)、giorgio armani(n. 意大利服装名牌:乔治·阿玛尼)等常见短语中出现较多。

emporio[网络] 安普里奥;爱姆普里奥;混搭木珠大项链
armani意 美 巴 阿尔马尼 人名
giorgio armanin. 意大利服装名牌:乔治·阿玛尼


1. In Italy, Men Wear Armani Suits To Work, But They Wear Everlast To Relax At Home (翻译:在意大利,人们穿阿玛尼正装上班,下班就穿Everlast休闲服)

2. I can't expect you to go to Giorgio Armani store with pots of orange to collect protection fee? (翻译:难道还要你们端盆桔子... 到Giorgio Armani门口呀?)

3. Armani has said he wants to bring back the city of Milan to the glorious days of Mike D’Antoni and Bob McAdoo. (翻译:阿玛尼表示他希望能为这座城市重现麦克德安东尼和鲍勃杜当年的辉煌。)

4. Giorgio Armani created a variety of special pieces for Lady Gaga for both the evening's ceremony and for her special live stage performance. (翻译:乔治阿玛尼设计了一系列的礼服为加加夫人参加当天的典礼和各种特殊的现场表演。)

5. Good Armani, excellent fake Rolex, curry in a hurry, duck Dong... (翻译:很好的阿玛尼,完美的假劳力士 还有不错的咖喱...)

6. No, I miss my new Armani jacket, my shirts, ties... everything. (翻译:没 我想我的阿玛尼外套 我的衬衫 领带... ...所有行头)

7. Oceanfront fun in the sun begins at the Emporio Acapulco resort. (翻译:海滨的乐趣在阳光下在阿卡普尔科的酒店开始。)

8. Zhuomani instead of Armani. (翻译:Zhuomani,而不是 Armani )

9. A day after fleecing Andorra 6-0, English soccer star David Beckham launched a new underwear campaign for the Giorgio Armani fashion label. (翻译:在六比零狂胜安道尔队一天之后,英国足球明星大卫贝克汉姆为时尚品牌乔治阿玛尼新拍的内衣广告正式推出。)

10. Don't tell me you're just another yuppie puppy in an Armani suit. (翻译:别跟我说你也只是另一个 穿着亚曼尼西装的雅痞)

11. Artists like Steve come along once every decade. I'm talking Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, Coco Chanel, (翻译:像斯蒂夫这样的天才没十年才出一个 我说的是乔治·阿玛尼 詹尼·范思哲)

12. and I said, ""No, not yet,"" and now, it's Giorgio Armani. (翻译:我说 还没有 而现在 乔治 阿玛尼就送过来了)

13. It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship of Armani. (翻译:很容易鉴赏出阿玛尼的手艺。)

14. Brioni, Versace, Armani, of course. (翻译:Brioni, Versace, Armani, of course. 布里奥尼,范思哲,阿玛尼,当然)

15. - Now this is an actual Giorgio Armani, the real McCoy. (翻译:现在这是真正的乔治欧 阿玛尼 绝对的真品)

Emporio Armani是一家著名的时尚品牌,从以下五个方面对其进行说明:

1. 品牌概述:Emporio Armani是由意大利设计师Giorgio Armani创建的一个品牌。其主要定位是面向年轻且注重时尚的消费者群体,同时它也是Armani品牌家族中最年轻和最时尚的一个子品牌。

例句:Emporio Armani is the most youthful and fashionable sub-brand in the Armani family.(Emporio Armani是Armani家族中最年轻和最时尚的子品牌。)

2. 产品线:Emporio Armani的产品线包括服装、鞋类、手表、珠宝、香水等多种产品。这些产品都以简洁、时尚、高质量为主要特点。

例句:The clothing line of Emporio Armani is known for its simple and elegant design.(Emporio Armani的服装线以简洁、优雅的设计著称。)

3. 宣传口号:Emporio Armani的宣传口号是"以自我为中心"("Emporio Armani, It's all about you")。这个口号强调了品牌的核心价值观,即"个性、独立、自信"。

例句:Emporio Armani's advertising slogan "It's all about you" emphasizes the brand's core values of individuality, independence, and confidence.(Emporio Armani的广告口号“以自我为中心”强调了品牌的核心价值观——个性、独立和自信。)

4. 品牌形象:Emporio Armani的品牌形象以黑色和白色为主要色调,简约且高贵。品牌代言人包括超模蒂尔达·斯文顿、演员杰米·福克斯等明星。

例句:The brand image of Emporio Armani is characterized by simplicity and elegance with black and white as the main color scheme.(Emporio Armani的品牌形象以黑白相间、简约高贵为特点。)

5. 全球化战略:Emporio Armani的业务已经覆盖全球100多个国家和地区,品牌形象在全球范围内广泛传播。在不同国家和地区,Emporio Armani会根据当地文化和消费习惯做出相应的调整。

例句:Emporio Armani's global strategy has established a strong presence in over 100 countries and its brand image has been widely spread globally.(Emporio Armani的全球化战略已经在100多个国家和地区建立了强大的品牌存在,并且品牌形象在全球范围内广泛传播。)

总结:Emporio Armani是一家以简约、高质量、时尚为特点的品牌,其核心价值观是个性、独立、自信。在全球范围内,Emporio Armani已经成为一个具有强大品牌影响力的时尚品牌。


1. The Emporio Armani watch collection is highly sought-after by watch enthusiasts around the world.

2. The Emporio Armani clothing line is known for its clean, modern lines and high-quality fabrics.

3. Emporio Armani's latest fragrance campaign features model Kendall Jenner as the face of the brand.

4. The Emporio Armani brand has expanded into new markets, including China and South Korea, in recent years.

5. Emporio Armani's commitment to sustainability has led to the development of eco-friendly products and manufacturing processes.

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