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demophobia是什么意思 demophobia的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-13 17:36:26
  • 201

demophobia是什么意思 demophobia的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. 他患有恐民症,总是避开人群。

He suffers from demophobia and always avoids crowds.

2. 对于一些家来说,恐民症是一种常见的心理障碍。

For some politicians, demophobia is a common psychological obstacle.




例句:Zach Kaplan and Keith Schacht demo toys from the future (扎克 卡普兰和基斯 沙赫特演示未来世界的玩具)


例句:business,demo,design,global issues,invention,technology,water (business,demo,design,global issues,invention,technology,water)


例句:And that demo thing with Wink. (和Wink谈的关于Demo的事怎么样了?)


1. And that demo thing with Wink. (翻译:和Wink谈的关于Demo的事怎么样了?)

2. culture,demo,global issues,health care,invention,peace,prosthetics,science,technology,war (翻译:culture,demo,global issues,health care,invention,peace,prosthetics,science,technology,war)

3. demo,innovation,magic,physics,science,technology (翻译:demo,innovation,magic,physics,science,technology)

4. - I'm fine. Wink said you blew up 'cause Roy Darucher said no to your demo. (翻译:Wink说Roy Darusher不会为你的Demo付钱)

5. I finally got Jerry Ragovoy to listen to your demo. (翻译:我终于得到了杰里Ragovoy 倾听您的演示。)

6. I'll give you a demo. (翻译:我来给你作个示范。)

7. Wait. You're gonna demo a 128 computer on a 512? (翻译:- 慢著 你要用512内存的电脑上演示128内存的?)

8. demo,design,entertainment,gaming,technology (翻译:demo,design,entertainment,gaming,technology)

9. demo,design,entertainment,software,technology (翻译:demo,design,entertainment,software,technology)

10. culture,data,demo,global issues,poverty,prediction,presentation (翻译:culture,data,demo,global issues,poverty,prediction,presentation)

11. demo,design,engineering,entertainment,robots,technology (翻译:demo,design,engineering,entertainment,robots,technology)

12. architecture,business,demo,design,green,invention,technology (翻译:architecture,business,demo,design,green,invention,technology)

13. Hacking into google and facebook in their demo. (翻译:黑客侵入谷歌 和Facebook在他们的演示。)

14. The new out of a small demo, which includes the circuit schematic diagram and demo program, to share with you. (翻译:新出的小demo,其中包括电路原理图和demo程序,与大家分享一下。)

15. Here, in fact, is the state of all the demo that I just gave. (翻译:这里,事实上, 是我刚才所有演示的情况。)



1. He suffers from demophobia and believes that the democratic system is chaotic and harmful to the country. (他患有恐惧症,认为制度混乱并对国家有害。)

2. Demophobia has become a serious problem in some countries where people do not trust the democratic system. (恐惧症已经成为某些国家的严重问题,在这些国家,人们不信任制度。)

3. The demophobia of some politicians has led to the suppression of democratic ideals and the stifling of public debate. (一些家的恐惧症导致了对理念的压制和公众辩论的阻碍。)

4. Some people with demophobia may prefer authoritarian rule over democratic governance. (一些患有恐惧症的人可能更喜欢统治而非治理。)

5. The fear of losing control or power is a common reason for demophobia among certain groups. (对于某些群体而言,失去控制或权力的恐惧是恐惧症的常见原因。)

6. Demophobia can be harmful to society as it limits progress and stifles innovation. (恐惧症可能对社会造成伤害,因为它限制了进步和扼杀了创新。)

7. Education and exposure to democratic principles can help alleviate demophobia. (教育和接触原则可以帮助缓解恐惧症。)

8. The media can sometimes exacerbate demophobia by sensationalizing negative news about democratic governments. (媒体有时会通过大肆渲染的负面新闻来加剧恐惧症。)

9. In some countries, demophobia has created a political climate where democratic values are not respected or promoted. (在某些国家,恐惧症造成了一种氛围,不尊重或促进价值观。)

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