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stillness是什么意思 stillness的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:19:11
  • 190

stillness是什么意思 stillness的中文翻译、读音、例句


Stillness. [ˈstɪlnɪs]



1. The world around me was in stillness, and my thoughts were quiet.


2. The stillness of the room was shattered by the loud bang.


3. The stillness of the lake was only interrupted by the occasional ripple.





例句:This velocity is usually higher than the original speed of the projectile, and cannot be obtained in the test of stillness target. (此相对速度比弹丸的初速高,利用静止靶进行试验,火炮无法达到此速度。)


例句:But mostly, just appreciate that bodies are built for motion, not for stillness. (更多的时候,我们要感激 人类的身体是为运动而生,而不是寂静。)


例句:Visualize the stillness of water and let your heart... become water... (是一个平静的湖 我要集中精神... 心如止水...)


例句:You need practise. Learn to defeat movement with stillness. (翻译:你还要修练,修武德,才能体会静中之动的境界)


1. Visualize the stillness of water and let your heart... become water... (翻译:是一个平静的湖 我要集中精神... 心如止水...)

2. You need practise. Learn to defeat movement with stillness. (翻译:你还要修练,修武德,才能体会静中之动的境界)

3. It grows in the sun and sleeps in the stillness of the night; and it is not dreamless . (翻译:它在阳光下生长,在夜的寂静中安眠,而那睡眠并非天梦。)

4. I enjoy with something of sadness remembering that this melodious silence is but the prelude of that deeper stillness that waits to enfold us all. (翻译:我怀着某种悲伤的心情回忆着,悠扬的寂静不过是那种更深沉的寂静的序幕,笼罩着我们所有人。)

5. But perhaps even this sky does not exist, perhaps there is nothing at all but stillness and peace. (翻译:不 天空也不存在 一切都不存在 有的只是寂静和安宁)

6. The lake's water burned with color, scarlet and crimson, and in its stillness, held heaven's reflection. (翻译:湖水的颜色像燃烧的火焰 呈鲜红和深红色 平静的时候,与天空的倒影连成一片)

7. That I disturbed the harmony he tried to create within himself... in the nature and the stillness that meant so much to him. (翻译:我扰乱了他努力想维持的 身处自然的和谐 平静对他来说很重要)

8. Airport personnel stand in reverent stillness. (翻译:工作人员肃静地站着。)

9. Perhaps easy for monks and nuns in their stillness to see this. (翻译:也许男女修士们在他们的静默 中能较为容易地看到这一点。)

10. Everything breathes an air of stillness, the silence rent by the exuberant colour of asters, dahlias, sunflowers and roses. (翻译:周围一切都呼宁静的空气,紫苑、大丽花、向日葵和玫瑰的艳丽色彩更加增添了静谧的气氛。)

11. If we listened to Him more, looked to Him in stillness more, and chattered less to Him, we would get the sense of His presence better. (翻译:我们若更多地倾听祂,更多地在安静中仰望祂,而更少地向祂喋喋不休,我们将更多地感受到祂的同在。)

12. You can imagine also that movement within a circle could mean movement and stillness, like the cosmos, something you see in many places. (翻译:你也可以想象 在一圆圈里的运动 可以意味着运动和静止不动 就像宇宙 你可以在很多地方看到的东西 )

13. - I know, they took me up once - the stillness isn't still, believe me. (翻译:- 我知道, 他们把我带上去过 - 表面上的平静并不平静, 相信我)

14. I will require your absolute stillness for the next ten seconds. (翻译:请您在接下来的十秒中保持绝对的静止 I will require your absolute stillness for the next ten seconds.)

15. Stillness reigns, the torches blink dully, the time drags heavily. (翻译:四周一片寂静,火把黯淡地闪烁着,时间过得很慢。)




1. 时态:stillness是一个非常严格的名词,在语法上不会发生变化。无论是在过去、现在还是将来时态,它的形式都是一样的。


- The stillness of the night was only broken by the sound of an owl hooting in the distance.(夜晚的寂静只被远处猫头鹰的叫声打破了。)

- The stillness of the desert was only interrupted by the occasional gust of wind.(沙漠的寂静只被偶尔的一阵风打破。)

2. 同义词:在英语中,还有一些可以代替stillness的词汇,比如silence(沉默)、quiet(宁静)等等。这些词汇虽然与stillness有一定的相似之处,但是它们之间也有一些微妙的区别。


- The stillness of the forest was only disturbed by the occasional chirping of a bird.(森林的寂静只被偶尔一只鸟儿的鸣叫打破。)

- The silence in the empty room was almost palpable.(空旷的房间里一片沉默,几乎可以感受到。)

3. 反义词:在某些情况下,stillness的反义词也非常重要。比如说,如果我们要描述一个地方非常吵闹、喧嚣,那么使用反义词可以更好地表达这个意思。


- The city was alive with noise and activity, with no hint of stillness anywhere.(这座城市充满了嘈杂和活力,没有任何地方表现出寂静。)

- The claoom was filled with the stillness of students taking their exam.(教室里充满了学生参加考试时的寂静。)

4. 派生词:还有一些从stillness派生出来的词汇,比如still(静止的)、stilly(寂静的)等等。这些词汇都与stillness有着某种联系,但是也各自有着不同的用法和用途。


- The still waters of the lake reflected the peaceful stillness all around.(湖面如镜,反映出了周围的平静寂静。)

- The stilly night was broken only by the sound of the distant train.(宁静的夜晚只被远处火车的声音打破。)


1. The stillness of the room was only interrupted by the ticking of the clock.(房间里的寂静只被滴答滴答的时钟声打破。)

2. The stillness of the forest was almost eerie, as if time had stopped.(森林的寂静几乎有些怪异,好像时间停滞了一般。)

3. The stillness of the park was a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.(公园的寂静是一种宁静,是对都市生活的喧嚣和繁忙的一种解脱。)

4. The stillness of the early morning was a reminder of how peaceful the world could be.(清晨的寂静提醒我们,世界原本就是如此宁静。)

5. The stillness of the church was broken only by the choir singing a hymn.(教堂的寂静只被唱诗班唱一首赞美诗打破。)

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