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team building是什么意思 team building的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:19:21
  • 168

team building是什么意思 team building的中文翻译、读音、例句

team building是指通过各种活动和训练来提高团队成员之间的合作能力、沟通能力和信任度,从而增强整个团队的凝聚力和效能。




1. The company organized a team building exercise to improve communication and collaboration among team members. (公司组织了一次团队建设活动,以提高团队成员之间的沟通和合作能力。)

2. Team building activities can help to foster a sense of belonging and cooperation within a group. (团队建设活动可以帮助培养团队成员的归属感和合作精神。)

team building在英语中代表"团队建议"的意思,其次还有"团队建议"的意思,发音音标为[teambuilding],team building常被用作名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到81个与team building相关的例句。

Team building的词典翻译


例句:I pulled a team for you, Matt. (I pulled a team for you, Matt.)


team building一般作为名词使用,如在team(团队 )、in the team([网络] 在队里;英;含义在团队里)、on the team(是球队的队员)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the team[网络] 在队里;英;含义在团队里
on the team是球队的队员
in the building[网络] 在大楼里;在这建筑物里;在建筑物里
is building正在建设
double teamv. 【体】双拦;用两组牲口拉一部车\n[网络] 反击王;双人包夹;夹击
draft team一套役畜
economic team经济顾问组


1. Red entry team, ready to go. (翻译:Red entry team, ready to go.)

2. Relax, Dale. It's just a silly team-building exercise. (翻译:别紧张,戴尔,这不过是一个荒唐的团队建设培训)

3. By the time we had another team in there, the building had been raised. (翻译:到再派另一支队伍去的时候 工厂已经被)

4. South side of the building. (翻译:在大楼南边 South side of the building.)

5. How do we convince him that we're building a ballpark - with no team to play in it? (翻译:我们没有队伍会来比赛 怎样才能 让他相信我们在造一座棒球场呢?)

6. For the building or for us? (翻译:For the building or for us?)

7. You're not gonna believe that, are you? (翻译:are you? What about the rest of her team?)

8. Building started months ago. (翻译:Building started months ago.)

9. The strongest tag team is family. (翻译:The strongest tag team is family.)

10. Not allowed in the building. (翻译:不许进入大楼 Not allowed in the building.)

11. We are building a religion, a limited edition (翻译:∮ We are building a religion, a limited edition)

12. We are building a religion, we are building it bigger (翻译:∮ We are building a religion, we are building it bigger)

13. Take your team and cover the building floor by floor to the top. Move. (翻译:带上你的队伍,从上到下搜索那栋大楼,快去)

14. Now, that is a big decision for team Russell Maniac. (翻译:that is a big decision for team Russell Maniac.)

15. For team building, because you... (翻译:嗯,就是为了团队凝聚力,因为你说过...)



词组搭配:team building activity(团队建设活动)、team building workshop(团队建设研讨会)、team building exercise(团队建设训练)、team building game(团队建设游戏)

发音拼写:/tiːm ˈbɪldɪŋ/


1. A team building activity can help to improve communication and trust among team members. (通过团队建设活动可以提高团队成员之间的沟通和信任。)

2. Our company organized a team building workshop to help our employees work together more effectively. (我们公司组织了一场团队建设研讨会,帮助员工更有效地合作。)

3. Playing team building games is a fun way to improve teamwork skills. (玩团队建设游戏是提高团队合作技能的有趣方式。)

4. The team building exercise challenged our problem-solving skills and taught us how to work together under pressure. (团队建设训练考验了我们的解决问题能力,并教会我们如何在压力下合作。)

5. Successful team building requires open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to learn from each other. (成功的团队建设需要开放的沟通、相互尊重和愿意互相学习的态度。)

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