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wattpad是什么意思 wattpad的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-04 07:29:07
  • 195

wattpad是什么意思 wattpad的中文翻译、读音、例句




Translation: Wattpad is an online platform for sharing and reading stories. Example: I like to read and write stories on Wattpad.




例句:But a bunch of us are going to the dance pad contest later at Brookside Mall. (But a bunch of us are going 布鲁克塞德购物中心的跳舞机比舞 to the dance pad contest later at Brookside Mall.)


例句:And the price had gone down from 10 dollars a watt to about four or five dollars a watt, but it stabilized. (价格已经由1瓦10美金降到1瓦4或5美金, 然后就不再下降了。)


例句:And one of the great ones of all time, James Watt's steam engine of 1788 was a major, major breakthrough. (一直以来最优秀的其中一个, Jame Watt 的1788年蒸汽机是其中主要的突破。)


例句:Energy crops deliver half a watt per square meter in European climates. (翻译:在欧洲的气候下,每平方米能源作物 可以提供0.5瓦特的能源 )


1. And one of the great ones of all time, James Watt's steam engine of 1788 was a major, major breakthrough. (翻译:一直以来最优秀的其中一个, Jame Watt 的1788年蒸汽机是其中主要的突破。)

2. Energy crops deliver half a watt per square meter in European climates. (翻译:在欧洲的气候下,每平方米能源作物 可以提供0.5瓦特的能源 )

3. Pad cushion It was the idea of supporting a craft on a 'pad', or cushion, of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air. (翻译:他的设想是:用一个低压空气垫或软垫来支撑船体,软垫周围用高压空气环绕。)

4. He was using a little 10-watt amp and Silvertone guitar. (翻译:他用一个10瓦的小音箱 和一把Silverstone吉他)

5. Mission Control, we have left the pad. (翻译:指挥中心,我们离开了发射台 知道,现在交由你们操作)

6. SW-0608, cleared for Landing Pad 9. (翻译:SW -0608 获准9号着陆平台 SW -0608, cleared for Landing Pad 9.)

7. You included. 20 pads per box, 100 pages per pad. (翻译:每箱有20张处方笺 每张处方笺有100页 20 pads per box, 100 pages per pad.)

8. - Ms. Miller, I found my sketch pad! (翻译:米勒老师 我找到我的素描本了! Ms. Miller, I found my sketch pad!)

9. Geri Watt, area procurator fiscal for Ayrshire, said: "This was a particularly callous murder." (翻译:埃尔局的地区检察官格雷·瓦特说:“这起事件太惨绝人寰了”。)

10. Come on, give him that pad. (翻译:Come on, give him that pad.)

11. Maxine, Max Jr., and Maxi-Pad. (翻译:, 和马布斯 and Maxi -Pad.)

12. I spot 40 rebels heading west on Pad 2. (翻译:有40名叛军从这儿向西移动 I spot 40 rebels heading west on Pad 2.)

13. When all you had to do from the start was take a medicated pad... and smother it. (翻译:其实一开始 你只要用药棉纸 was take a medicated pad... 擦一下就好了.)

14. But now you will; we put a biography of James Watt in. (翻译:但现在你知道了;我们加入了一段James Watt的生平简历)

15. Hey, do you have a sanitary pad I could borrow? (翻译:do you have a sanitary pad I could borrow?)




- Wattpad账号:指用户在该平台上的账号,可以用于发表作品、追踪喜欢的作者等;

- Wattpad作者:指在该平台上发表作品的用户,可以通过Wattpad平台将自己的作品推广出去;

- Wattpad阅读量:指在该平台上一个作品被阅读的次数,通常用于评估一个作品的受欢迎程度。


- Wattpad小说:指在该平台上发表的小说,有时也用于形容一种新兴的文学类型,通常是由年轻的作者在该平台上发表的故事;

- Wattpad社区:指该在线阅读社区的整体,包括作者、读者、作品等;

- Wattpad原创:指一些在该平台上独家发表、未曾出版发行的作品,通常是由一些年轻的作者创作。


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